Six Gods

Chapter 334 World Consciousness

Chapter 334 World Consciousness

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall, Xiang Yuan closed his eyes and meditated, with his hands flat on his knees, and above his head was a terrifying yang fireball with a diameter of more than three hundred feet, like the eyes of a god, suspended in the void, blooming with infinite light.

In the sphere of Yanghuo, thousands of precious and rare materials are ups and downs, being gradually melted by the scorching heat and unparalleled power of Yanghuo.

Using qi, blood, and yang fire to smelt thousands of materials at the same time, not to mention the massive consumption of qi and blood, but controlling each piece of material from being over-melted is a huge mental effort.

Such a spectacular scene, I am afraid that only Xiang Yuan, who has a physical body that is rare in ancient times, has endless energy and blood, and has a strong mental power to restore the attribute, can do it.

With his eyes closed, Xiang Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged, lifted his fingers lightly from time to time, and a piece of melted material flew out of the sun fire.

After the materials flew out, he flicked his fingers, and a silver light flew out from his fingertips, turning into a round and smooth ball of light to contain the materials.

Silver light is Xiang Yuan's condensed coffin-sealing power. After the nine-fold coffin breaks through to the silver coffin realm, the coffin-sealing power itself, as a kind of supernatural power from heaven and earth, can also be used outside the body. It is a very tyrannical sealing power.

Sealing the smelted material with the power of sealing the coffin can ensure that it will not solidify again, and the power contained in it will not dissipate and pass away.

As pieces of material were melted one after another, there were more and more silver light clusters in front of Xiang Yuan, and many melted materials were quietly suspended in the silver clusters.

For a moment, the entire human king's palace was shone with silver light, so dazzling.


Following the complete melting of the last piece of material like a bronze goat horn, the young man Wang, who closed his eyes to calm his nerves, suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of light, like a dragon's shadow and a tiger's face, galloped through the entire hall.

With a wave of the long sleeve, the hurricane surged, and thousands of silver light clusters swirled up in the wind, and collided with each other, making a clear and clear sound like silver bells.


With five fingers spread out, a symbol in the palm of the palm lit up, and the coffin-sealing power wrapped in the material immediately swarmed back to Xiang Yuan's body.


Xiang Yuan clasped his palms together, and the huge spiritual power suddenly dispersed, and the invisible driving force acted on every piece of material, blending thousands of pieces of material into a colorful ball, shining with all kinds of precious lights, like Rainbow sun-like ball of light.

"The fate of the family is favored, call the gods and form!"

Instead of refining the fused ball of light into a fixed weapon shape according to the normal steps of casting soldiers, the young man Wang slowly stood up, his broken gold pupils shining brightly, and raised his arms high.

In the dark, it seemed that there was a golden waterfall hanging down from the nine heavens surging down, pouring all of it into his body.

The human race's luck was poured into the body continuously, and three round and rich clouds gradually condensed on the top of the young king's head, revealing all kinds of auspicious and precious brilliance.

Auspicious clouds appear, and prosperity is equal to the sky!
Noticing the auspicious clouds of Hong Fu condensed above his head, Xiang Yuan's mouth hooked slightly, and he began to use an ancient method of casting soldiers.

In the history of casting soldiers in Jibing City, there has never been a precedent for casting soldiers with the soul of Yin God in charge as the core.

Therefore, there is no soldier map of the same level.

But if the existing military plan is used, it will inevitably lead to the waste of the soul of the Yin God in charge, and the gain outweighs the loss.

So Xiang Yuan searched all the ancient sites and found a very ancient method of casting soldiers.

Invoking God and Summoning Shapes!
This soldier-casting technique can manifest the uncondensed soldier-casting materials into the most perfect body shape, and maximize the power of the soldier-casting materials without any waste.

But it also has a fatal flaw.

That is, the success rate is very low, and it may not succeed once in a thousand times.

Once it fails, all materials will be completely scrapped.

Therefore, although this technique of casting soldiers is extremely effective, it has only been recorded and is rarely used by people.

Now Xiang Yuan first blesses himself with the luck of his family, and obtains the state of prosperity and equality, and then uses this ancient soldier casting technique, the success rate can be said to be almost 100%.

With the operation of this ancient soldier-casting technique, the huge light ball like a rainbow sun in the midair began to shake slowly, sometimes turning into an ancient sword wrapped in thousands of graces, sometimes turning into a great tripod engraved with thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. , turned around and became a majestic and thick five-color mountain...

Watching the constantly changing embryos, Xiang Yuan stretched out his hand and swiped at his palm, and the king's blood, like golden sand flying all over the sky, turned into a streak of horses flying across the sky, pouring into the embryos.

In the normal casting step, demon blood should be added.

But the purpose of adding demon blood is to absorb the blood power in it. Xiang Yuan's life level is now far higher than that of demons. Using his own blood, the effect will be even better!

With the addition of the golden, resplendent and infinitely masculine human king's blood, the speed of the evolution of the huge embryo was accelerated several times, dazzling the eyes, and leaving behind huge and powerful prototypes of weapons in the void.

Ok?These phantoms can be used as the prototype of a soldier map...

With strange eyes, he discovered that the phantoms left by the over-evolution of the embryo also contained magic, and Xiang Yuan silently recorded these phantoms.

After an unknown period of time, the evolution speed of the five-color embryos began to change, and countless light shadows as thin as gossamer wrapped the embryos, forming a huge five-color light cocoon, which shrank and swelled, as if it was gestating something.

It's the last step...

Looking at the light cocoon with countless mystical symbols floating around, Xiang Yuan turned his head to look at the huge crystal containing the Yin God in charge of the court.

As a family of Yin Gods, they are born with a strong soul, and the Yin God in charge of the court is the strongest in their family, and their souls have reached an extreme level.

Looking at the crystal, the whole body is as crystal clear as a diamond, and there is a faint mysterious halo behind the head. Xiang Yuan looked down at him with his hands behind his back, his eyes were indifferent, like a faint ancient well, without any waves.

"Don't look, you can't kill me, have you seen the chakra behind this deity's head, it's the blessing of mother source.

Unless you can destroy the mother source, the soul of the deity will never die. "Looking at Xiang Yuan coldly, the Yin God in charge of only the soul said in a stiff tone.

"Mother source? Do you mean the great consciousness of this world?"

Hearing the unscrupulous clamor of the Yin God in charge of the court, Xiang Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

When he broke through the shackles of the Vajra Realm before and cultivated into an indestructible body of Vajra, his martial instincts had faintly felt a very subtle prying.

He tried to reversely lock its main body through this ray of spying, but felt a boundless, vast and stalwart coldness.

That kind of coldness is not a simple chill, but a kind of indifference without any emotion like a mechanical program.

At that time, Xiang Yuan didn't want to understand what was behind that prying.

Now it seems that it is very likely to be the so-called mother source in Zhangting Yinshen's mouth, which is the Gaia consciousness in the previous life.

"Hmph." Without answering Xiang Yuan's question, Zhang Ting Yin God curled his lips and stopped speaking. From that look, he seemed to have confirmed the leader of the human race in front of him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Seeing the smelly and hard stones in the latrine of Zhangting Yinshen, the young man Wang grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Man, sometimes you really can't be too confident.

The frog at the bottom of the well knows how high the sky is and how wide the earth is.

Forget it, today the king will let you see what real domineering is! "


There was an ear-piercing loud roar, the young man Wang Hei's hair rose slightly, his overlord's aura surged loudly, and the big hand of Zhaixing Nayue suddenly stretched out, piercing through the huge crystal, and strangling the soul of the Yin God in charge of the courtyard.

"Let me come in."

A terrifying suction emerged from the palm, and the Yin God in the palm was half astonished, the world turned upside down before his eyes, and he came to an inexplicable space in an instant.

"This is... your soul space?"

Looking around, Zhang Ting Yinshen was a little dazed, the king actually sucked him into his soul space.

Ridiculous, could it be that he thinks his soul is stronger than the soul of a yin god in charge of the court?Since you are uncomfortable with yourself, don't blame the deity for being rude.

Just when the Yin God in charge of the court showed murderous intent, he was about to make a big fuss in this soul space.

A terrifying aura, like the falling of stars, the catastrophe descending, all creatures and spirits crawling on the ground, shivering suddenly swept from the depths of this soul space.

His eyes suddenly became terrified, frightened by this aura, Zhang Ting Yinshen involuntarily backed away, stuttering.

" is this possible...

No!it's not true...

Mother source!I have maternal protection!I……

what! ”


(End of this chapter)

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