Six Gods

Chapter 347 Emperor Engine!Thunder mode!

Chapter 347 Emperor Engine!Thunder mode!
Bang bang bang!
A series of dense rain-like terrifying impact sounds came out of the void.

Suddenly, in a string of black cracks twisting and twisting like lightning, Xiang Yuan, who was covered in golden light, clamped his arms in front of his chest and flew upside down.

Holding the clan scepter, Ye Jinghong chased after him with calm eyes, his red hair flying high in the wind, exuding an infinite and tyrannical aura.

Swinging his numb and sore arm, which had been hit five hundred times with the clan scepter, Xiang Yuan grinned, and a stream of white air spewed out of his nose:
"Happy! Happy!"

Fighting fiercely with Ye Jinghong, who is blessed with the experience of the sages, for the first time, Xiang Yuan experienced the intense pleasure of being suppressed in fighting techniques.

The feeling that if you make a slight mistake, an opportunity for the opponent to attack will be brewed, just like a hyperbaric chamber forcing Xiang Yuan to quickly adjust and improve himself.

This is a process in which you can clearly perceive your own progress.

Compared with Xiang Yuan's growth and pride, Ye Jinghong was more shocked and astonished.

Is this guy's body made of divine gold?
No, no matter how good Shenjin is, it is not as tenacious and immortal as him.

Shocked by Xiang Yuan's indestructible King Kong's terrifying defense, Ye Jinghong subconsciously clenched the clan scepter in his hand.

Being able to resist his [-] bombardments without a hair being damaged, this is beyond the description of horror.

"Come again!" After resting his arms for a while, Xiang Yuan took a step forward, his arms evolved numerous martial arts tricks, turned into a mad mountain and giant sea, and crushed down towards Ye Jinghong.

With a flick of his wrist, the clan scepter in Ye Jinghong's hand suddenly produced countless blood writings. These writings representing the blood clan civilization swam like tadpoles in the air, and quickly formed a phantom of a cold and proud man holding swords in both hands.

Xu Ying's eyes glowed with vicissitudes of life. After looking around, he took a big step and walked into Ye Jinghong's body.

The aura changed suddenly, Ye Jinghong's arm shook as a triangular imprint appeared in his eyes, and the clan scepter in his hand quickly turned into a slender and sharp stabbing sword like the tail of a wasp!

A huge crisis broke out suddenly!

The crazy warning of martial arts instinct made Xiang Yuan stop the attack of landslides and landslides, and at the last moment he moved his body half an inch sideways!


After an extremely subtle buzzing, a sword light that seemed to connect the sky and the earth burst out suddenly.

The sword light of the thin silk thread contains the terrifying penetrating power to pierce the surface, as if it can penetrate everything, leaving a long-lasting sword light in the mid-air.

"Instinct? It's no wonder that Xiao Jinghong lost. He turned out to be a martial artist." The voice of Ye Jinghong's mouth became much clearer and colder, and Ye Jinghong's appearance and breath did not change, but his eyes changed drastically.

If the previous Ye Jinghong was a modest and polite nobleman, his words and deeds were somewhat gentle.

The person in front of him is an indifferent rogue with a lone sword, and every slight movement of his eyes spreads a chilling evil spirit.

Looking at the cold sword light that was less than a finger away from his eyeballs, the corner of the young Wang's mouth slightly raised, and he slowly straightened his body, staring at the "strange man" opposite him with broken gold eyes.

"You are……"

"I am the ninth ancestor of Xiao Jinghong, Yehan. Leave what Xiao Jinghong wants, I don't have much time, and I don't have time to talk."

His words and demeanor were extremely indifferent, his whole body exuded the aura of Lao Tzu's number one in the world, Ye Han spoke lightly.

Grinning to reveal a mouthful of white teeth, the young man Wang pinched his finger bones lightly, making a crisp sound.

"Sure enough, people who have never experienced social beatings are so frivolous."

As his face turned cold, Yehan swung the stabbing sword in Ye Han's hand like a condensed beam of light, and the extremely thin and spreading sword light whizzed out, as if to cut the world in half and take away all the brilliance of the world!
It was extremely bright, and the sword light that separated the sky and the earth fell, and Yehan's face was calm, maintaining his usual indifference.

The ending was already doomed from the moment he swung his sword.

As the blood sword king who once led the blood clan to fight for 400 years and buried hundreds of millions of lives under the sword.

In Ye Han's era, he almost overwhelmed everyone of his generation, making him an invincible king.

In that era, no matter how powerful the enemy was, when he saw the stabbing sword in the hands of the Blood Sword King, he would tremble and back away, falling into panic.

"I'm sorry Xiao Jinghong, I didn't want to kill him originally."

Muttering to himself, apologizing to the ninth grandson in his body, the blood sword king Yehan's Cannian kept in the clan hall was just about to return, when a golden sun shining on the world suddenly rose, shining powerfully and domineeringly all over the world!

dong dong!dong dong!dong dong!

Accompanied by the horrific heartbeat sound like a drum beating by gods and demons, the heavens and the earth trembled, and all things prostrated themselves. A majestic and domineering voice quickly amplified in Yehan's field of vision. The vast domineering coercion crushed all things and suppressed the sky. Intended to illuminate the heavens and the world.

A bloody arrow suddenly spewed out, Ye Han's eyes were startled, his wrist trembled, and he swung his sword again and again, with a frequency of thousands of swords per second, blocking fists falling like nuclear bombs.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this!"

The calm and indifference on his face was completely replaced by shock and astonishment. Ye Han swung his sword to block the terrifying punch, and felt as if he had fallen into a whirlpool. There was a mysterious and domineering force all over his body, which was collapsing his body. .

In the golden light, the young man Wang exudes thousands of degrees of heat all over his body. His muscles are intertwined like a dragon and python, full of invincible power. .

dong dong!dong dong!dong dong!

After the heartbeat roared like thunder, and the heart and lungs turned into thunder pools, Xiang Yuan's emperor engine also awakened another power.

The power of thunder can be integrated into the sound of heartbeat, and the sound of heartbeat alone is enough to suppress and kill enemies.

Driven by the sea of ​​golden Qi and blood, Xiang Yuan pursed his lips tightly, his gaze was like a torch, it seemed that fists that could knock down a continent fell one after another, causing Ye Han to spurt blood one after another, his eyes were about to burst!
"This is impossible!" Clenching his teeth, his mouth was full of blood, Yehan suddenly erupted with all his strength, and within a week, tens of thousands of extremely thin sword lights appeared in an instant, dividing the world into countless small pieces, each piece of space shifted , destroy everything around.

Chi Chi Chi!
The extremely thin sword light crazily cut Xiang Yuan's indestructible body, the two extreme forces collided and clashed continuously, the surrounding space collapsed rapidly, and countless black holes were formed, intending to obliterate everything.

With his eyes closed, he used his eyelids to block the countless cuts of the golden light. He was trapped in the core of the sword light and suffered hundreds of thousands of cuts per second. He took a deep breath from Xiang Yuan, and the originally blazing aura of awe-inspiring aura showed signs of rising again. .

"He hasn't reached the limit yet!" The blood eyes were full of horror, and Ye Han's expression became ruthless.

This person cannot stay, if he grows up, our family will not have a good life...

The moment Ye Han felt his murderous intent, Wang, a young man with extremely keen martial arts instincts, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were icy cold, revealing an unquestionable majesty.

"Crazy Star Kill!"

Agitated to kill, Ye Han twisted his wrist, and the long sword he held tightly broke suddenly. The light shone and turned into countless invisible fragments. Using these countless fragments as a sword, this blood sword king's most powerful killing move Chaotic Star Killer suddenly revived!

The sky and the earth were suddenly dark, and the only remaining light was the stars that evolved from countless fragments.

The stars twisted and fell to kill the light!
The starlight raged, and the sky and the earth became blurred in the blink of an eye. The endless stars and swords slammed down, piercing through the void, chaotic and upside down, and killing everything!
Like the last ray of dawn in the dark world, the young man Wang, who is approaching the sun, looked up at the falling chaotic star killer, with a profile that was as sharp as a knife, and the domineering arrogance that dared to challenge the world rose violently!
After the dull heartbeat stopped for a tenth of a millionth of a second, a roar erupted from the deep and deep thunder pond. It was like an ancient god revived in the heart and lungs, with boundless wings on its back, a dragon head and a human body. Shatter the heavens and the earth and the stars, carrying the supreme domineering coercion.

A pillar of light soaring into the sky rose from the ground, setting off its infinite stalwart and infinite holiness. The young man Wang Yi stood under the god, his clothes fluttering, and whispered softly:
"Emperor engine!
Thunder mode! "


(End of this chapter)

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