Six Gods

Chapter 348 Giant Soldier - Inheritance

Chapter 348 Giant Soldier - Inheritance

The thunder is mighty, overlooking all living beings indifferently, and destroying everything!
Turning on the thunder mode, Xiang Yuan's original blue-white electric light instantly turned into a bright golden thunder.

With a bang and a bang, the young man standing under the God of Thunder stepped forward with one step, and the qi and blood in his body turned into the terrifying thunder liquid in the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Pool.

Surrounded by an endless sea of ​​thunder, it soars into the sky, facing the falling stars, who intend to destroy the world and tear apart the infinite sky!

Looking at the horrible scene of the terrifying sea of ​​thunder rising into the sky that stretches thousands of miles, and the young man Wang sitting in the middle of the ocean under the protection of Lei Gong Xuying, Ye Han couldn't help but scolded his former opponents, often scolding His words.

"You pervert!"

The sea of ​​thunder tore apart the stars, one after another of the terrifying thunder dragons tumbling and raging waves, overturning the river and the sea, roaring to shatter the stars, drowning the universe and the universe, turning the giant wheel of destruction.

Thousands of stars were shattered by the sea of ​​thunder, and a huge distance rushed towards Yehan along the connection, his complexion changed suddenly, and he hurriedly drew a force from the clan hall and injected it into his body, stabilizing his body that was about to collapse. The sword king's face calmed down a little.

Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Ye Han's eyes were still horrified, and the backlash from the broken ultimate move almost caused the physical body of his ninth grandson to fall apart. It was really dangerous.

The endless sea of ​​thunder smashed through the chaotic stars, and the young man Wang stepped on the huge thunder waves, with immeasurable grace, he tore the dark sky into powder with a big hand, thousands of lights bloomed, and the cold and miserable killing intent was wiped out.

"Five thunders hit the top!"

Nine days of thunder and thunder exploded, and the shadow of Lei Gong standing behind the young king suddenly moved, raised his arms and slapped his belly violently, and the sound of thunder and rumble was heard for thousands of miles, as if warning the heavens and the world.

Click boom!
The moment the thunder sounded, five thunderbolts roared and roared down like the Milky Way. Everything in their path was destroyed by this power of heavenly power. The space creaked, as if it was about to collapse.

In an instant, five bolts of thunder rushed to the top of Yehan's head, the brilliance of heavenly power was endless, and the huge coercion squeezed every inch of his body, making him howl in pain!


Yehan howled miserably amidst the thunder that crushed all light, Yehan's whole body burst into pieces, his blood was evaporated into nothingness by the thunder, his eyes dimmed rapidly, and his aura weakened like a valley in the shock.

He is dying!

"There are so many kings, save the life of my ninth grandson!" Suffering in the baptism of five thunders, Ye Han shouted at the young king with the last of his strength.

His eyes were cold and ruthless, like the way of heaven, looking down at Ye Han who was struggling and screaming in the thunder light, the young man Wang said softly:
"If you want him to live, you have to die."

"No problem, I have long since perished, and now it is just a residual obsession, please quickly withdraw this method."

In order to save Ye Jinghong's life, Ye Han walked out of his body without hesitation. He was just a wisp of remnant, and it would be okay to die again.

Looking at Yehan's obsession, which was as illusory as green smoke, Xiang Yuan raised his hand, and the bigger golden hand activated directly.

The tinkle of the bell rang softly, and the power of refinement enveloped Ye Han. After the crisp and tender sound of coins falling to the ground, the last lingering thoughts of the blood sword king who was once fierce and buried countless lives with his sword disappeared completely.

Instead, in Xiang Yuan's hand, there was an exquisite and translucent pale pink ball of light exuding a slight chill, in which countless sword shadows could be faintly seen.

[Blood Sword Dao]: Blood Sword King Yehan's perception of sword Dao in his life.

(Blood Kendo contains kendo luck. After fusion, the body martial arts will be transformed into sword martial arts, and the transformation process is irreversible.)
Sword martial arts?
Playing with the blood sword in his hand, Xiang Yuan's eyes moved slightly, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Blood Sword King Ye Han's sword is indeed powerful, the kind of extreme sharpness, the power of the sword that penetrates everything and cuts the sky and void is terrifying and deadly.

It can be said that this blood sword king is the most powerful enemy Xiang Yuan has encountered so far.

The loss to him was only due to Ye Jinghong's own lack of strength, not Ye Han's lack of strength.

If he could get the lifelong understanding of the blood sword king's swordsmanship, his strength would definitely be improved by leaps and bounds.


His gaze slowly fell on the words "Fighting Luck in the Way of the Sword", and Xiang Yuan's expression showed thoughtfulness.

The way of luck is mysterious and mysterious.

It is inevitable that all things in the sky have luck, but he has never had it. The so-called martial arts and swordsmanship also have luck.

Kendo has kendo luck, and martial arts must also have luck. If I turn martial arts into sword martial arts, wouldn't I just give up my current martial arts luck?
Thinking of this, Xiang Yuan threw the blood sword in his hand into the underworld without hesitation.

When he first came into contact with martial arts, he once heard a sentence.

A person who has practiced [-] kinds of martial arts is not scary, but a person who has practiced one kind of martial arts [-] times is scary.

Martial arts all the way, only with sincerity and purity can we hold great destruction in our hands.

Indeed, if he absorbs this blood kendo, his strength will definitely undergo a qualitative leap.

But at the same time, the martial arts road that he has worked so hard all the way to this day will also be interrupted and collapsed because of this leap.

Whichever is more important, the result couldn't be more obvious.

Refining Ye Han's remnants, he scattered the Thunder God mode to Yuan, the thunder pool in his chest gradually subsided, and the sea of ​​thunder stretching thousands of miles around him gradually dissipated, turning into pieces of thunder shadows.

Walking in front of Ye Jinghong who was covered in scorched black and steaming hot, Xiang Yuan looked down at him who was breathing weakly.

"The victory and defeat have been decided, and you have tried your best."

Ye Jinghong, who looked like a charred charcoal from the outside, let out a helpless laugh with difficulty.

Indeed, he has really tried his best.

If you want to blame, you can only blame, the man in front of really too strong.

Looking up at the man in front of him with a calm expression, who would exude a strong majesty without saying a word, Ye Jinghong let out a long breath, raised his fingers with all his strength, and took out all the seventeen spring eye fragments he had found before.

"Here... this is... your spoils."

With the spring eye fragments that Ye Jinghong worked so hard to collect, and this one in his hand, Xiang Yuan successfully completed the inheritance test of this dry bone sea spring.

The [-] spring eye fragments are aggregated and turned into an octagonal crystal cloud pattern treasure box, which is full of movement. In the transparent and crystal clear treasure box, a diamond-like spring eye rises in it, rippling with beautiful but dangerous brilliance.

"Inheritance mission completed! Determine who completes the mission...

The person who completes the task is the blood sequence of the human race, and it will be passed on.

Confirm the sequencer level...

Level Confirmation: Human King

The sequence level complies with the full inheritance limit.

The inheritance begins..."

As the indifferent voice subsided, the octagonal crystal cloud pattern box suspended in mid-air suddenly turned into a very fast white light, and sank directly into the back of Xiang Yuan's hand.

Immediately afterwards, the indifferent voice that echoed in the world of inheritance rang in Xiang Yuan's ears.

"Hello, Your Majesty, the inheritance is about to begin, please prepare..."


(End of this chapter)

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