Six Gods

Chapter 370 I am not afraid of living, let alone dead

Chapter 370 I am not afraid of living, let alone dead
He obtained the star-casting method from the chaotic black and yellow crystals, but a huge problem that came with it lay in front of Xiang Yuan.

Like the ordinary star-casting method, the star-casting method in the chaotic black yellow crystal also needs to fix the root of the mystery and develop all the methods.

It's just that compared to other star-casting methods, which are complicated and have all kinds of strange star-casting materials, there are only two kinds of mysterious root materials needed in the star-casting method--the mother source and the roots of sentient beings!

The preciousness of these two things is absolutely top-notch, not only found in living stars, but also the entire heritage of a star.

Xiang Yuan now has half of the roots of sentient beings obtained from the Yin God in charge of the court, and Dao Ling has also retained one-tenth of the mother source.

But this little amount is for the star casting method he practiced.

Glass of water!

"The root and mother source of all living beings are only found in the stars of life, and once they are taken away, it is tantamount to destroying the stars of life..."

Tapping his temples with his fingers, the difficulty of cultivating the star-casting method is far more difficult than that of Xiang Yuan.

He still doesn't have the ability to travel the starry sky and the universe, so naturally he can't talk about looking for other stars of life to collect the roots and mother sources of all beings.

And even if he has the ability to walk in the starry sky, life stars are not so easy to find.

The life star that can give birth to the root of sentient beings and the mother source is not just a living creature that can be called a life star.

Instead, only those with a certain civilization and their own power system can be called life stars.

Only creatures that exist can only be called biological stars.

"Forget it, let's think about it in the long run. Anyway, I'm only over 100 years old, and I'm still very young..." Rubbing between his brows, Xiang Yuan temporarily put aside the problem of finding the root of sentient beings and the mother's source.

The way of practice is to guard against arrogance and impetuosity.

The Star Forging Realm is a great realm that almost transcends immortality, and it is a broad road for living beings to go from the earth to the starry sky.

For tens of thousands of years in the Yinxu Star, the Yin God Clan has not come out with a star-forging powerhouse.

As for the monsters and human races that took over after that, only the ancestors of those years were strong in the Star Forging Realm. After that, no matter whether it was monsters or human races, there was no such super strong person again.

It can be seen how difficult it is to step into this realm.

Temporarily letting go of his obsession with the Star Forging Realm, Xiang Yuan, who took charge of the entire Yinxu Star, set his sights on the sky above his head after stabilizing the interior of the human race.

The ancestors of demons have disappeared without a trace since the demon kingdom of the Eastern Land was completely crushed by the human race. Although they were found out by bad people later that two ancestors were hiding in the sky, there was no trace of the other four ancestors. was detected.

Although these six half-step star-forging old monsters have entered old age and their blood is withered, they are still very threatening.

After a long investigation to no avail, facing this potential threat, Xiang Yuan made a ruthless and decisive decision.

He wants to lead the crowd to wipe out all the empty fields above the sky, so that the demon ancestors have nothing to hide and nothing to hide.

After killing the remaining Yin Gods in charge of the court, absorbing the mother source in their bodies, the Grand Army Order of the Hero's authority unlocked a new unit building.

According to previous experience, Xiang Yuan originally thought that five new arms buildings would be opened, but in fact, only two arms buildings were opened for the mother source of the five Yin Gods in charge of the courtyard.

Perhaps it is also because the buildings of these two arms are of a higher level, and the arms that can be trained are stronger.

The buildings of these two units are: Iron Tulong Port and Iron Zen Ancient Temple.

The buildings of these two units are different from the previous Iron Armored Barracks and Iron Riding Field. Both Iron Tulong Port and Iron Chan Ancient Temple can only produce one type of unit.

Unlike the first two buildings, they can be trained to produce a series of arms from low to high combat power.

The unit of Iron Slayer Dragon Port is called Iron Slaughter Dragon General, and its combat power is tyrannical, and each one is comparable to the monsters at the peak of returning to the ancestral realm.

At the same time, the iron slayer will have a passive ability, called the group of dragons out of the nest.

This ability lies in the fact that the more iron dragon slayers there are, the more they will have a chain reaction with each other, strengthening each other's strength.

A thousand iron slaying dragons will attack at the same time. With the addition of a group of dragons coming out of their nests, their strength can be comparable to that of a mountain and sea monster.

And most importantly... the Iron Dragon Slayer is the Air Force.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense in warfare knows that a powerful air force is the only weapon for dominating the battlefield.

Dominating the air force battlefield is tantamount to winning half of the war.

It's just that the training time of Iron Dragon Slayer is very long, and it takes a month to produce one.

It can be regarded as the best soldier among the best soldiers.

The Tie Chan Da, another arm building, trained in the Ancient Temple of Iron Chan, is not a combat arm, but an auxiliary arm that takes into account both healing and blessing.

Tie Zenda has almost no combat ability and only has two skills.

Heal Sanskrit and Heart Roar!

Healing Sanskrit can make Tie Zenda heal ten units at the same time, the fewer units healed, the better the healing effect.

Like ordinary flesh and blood injuries, targeted treatment for broken limbs can heal within a few breaths.

And the wrathful heart roar can make all the units within a ten-mile radius of Tie Chanda receive a powerful state blessing.

The strength, speed, and other physical fitness of the object to be blessed will be significantly improved, and the pain can also be relieved.

When unlocking the two buildings, Xiang Yuan once said with a smile:
"Infantry, cavalry, air force and logistical medical units, now counting, it seems that there is only a navy."


When the young man Wang was preparing to lead the army to wipe out Kong Ye and find out the hidden demon ancestors, a conspiracy that revealed fear in Kong Ye was also going on simultaneously.

On an empty field full of various fluorescent fruits, hundreds of ghost-like dark blue shadows wandered around the empty field.

It's like watching the wind to detect the surrounding movement.

In the center of Kongye, there is a huge fruit that is shaped like a pumpkin but is densely covered with countless ancient runes, revealing endless barbarism. In the huge fruit, six dry and thin old men, like mummified corpses, are whispering.

"The fake body I left in the other two places has been found by the spies of the human race. The human race has not been able to find our real body. It is estimated that after a while, the human king will use his power to sweep all the empty fields and look for us. where it is." With dry skin all over his face, a demon ancestor spoke in a deep voice.

The miscalculation of the young king caused the demon ancestors to pay a painful and huge price.

The Eastern Land Demon Kingdom was completely wiped out, ninety-nine percent of the demon clan was slaughtered, and their ancestors of demons who used to be high above became bereaved dogs, fleeing to the sky and hiding in the sky every day.

The fate of the past few decades has been ups and downs, which is really embarrassing.

"If we had expected this to be the solution, we should have cooperated with the human race, greedy for a short-term success, and ruined the foundation of the whole life. We will lose a lot." Frowning, when the Yin God in charge of the court attacked the Sacrifice City, he shot The Kuishan Patriarch, who had helped the human race before, shook his head.

Back then, King Xiang Yuan came to Dayao Ridge, hoping that the demon clan would join the human race in attacking the Yinshen Kingdom.

And he advocates cooperation with the human race. After all, the Yin God clan is ambitious and has never given up the idea of ​​retaking the ground world.

It would be a good thing for both races if the human race and the monster race could join forces to destroy them.

It's a pity that his opinion was not supported by the other ancestors. They were more inclined to sit back and watch the game between the human race and the Yin God clan, while they reaped the benefits and occupied the dominant position.

However, what happened afterwards did not proceed according to the script envisaged by the ancestors.

The Human King, whose cooperation was rejected, directly declared war on the Eastern Demon Kingdom. His resoluteness and decisiveness even made the ancestors wonder if this young King had long thought about going to war with the demon clan.

Afterwards, the huge force of the surging tide continued to attack the Eastern Demon Kingdom. This tyrannical force made the ancestors who hadn't noticed the seriousness of the situation feel a little bit bad.

But at this time, they were powerless.

Faced with the strong suppression of the young king, they were unable to intervene in this war, and could only watch the Eastern Demon Kingdom fall into the hands of the human race bit by bit.

Until even their dwelling place was trampled down by human iron cavalry, they were regarded as bereaved dogs.

"The matter has come to this point, no matter how much we regret it, we can't save the situation. The only thing we have to do now is to wake up the ancestor Shengjia as soon as possible, otherwise, once that guy finds me, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

The news that the Yin God clan was wiped out at the hands of the human king has already been heard by the ancestors of demons.

As living fossils that have lived for tens of thousands of years, they are well aware of what kind of trump card those Yin Gods are holding.

This is also one of the reasons why they are unwilling to attack the Yinshen Kingdom with the human race.

Because one mistake made those Yin gods in charge of the court use their hole cards, it would be a devastating blow.

They are unwilling to take this risk, and they don't need to take this risk.

But the young king still beheaded them all even though the Yin God in charge of the court held the cards.

This can't help but make the ancestors feel uneasy, what kind of strength is this young king who has succeeded to the throne for less than a hundred years.

"The awakening ceremony of the ancestor Shengjia is almost ready, but if this step is really taken out, we will never have a chance to come back.

No regrets, no regrets, no regrets.

We haven't stepped into the Star Forging Realm, and we can't really control our ancestors. Once we leave the Yinxu Star and enter the outer star field, the most likely thing is to drift to death in the endless starry sky. "Another demon patriarch said with some concern.

"That's better than waiting to die here. This is our last chance. Maybe with God's blessing, we can find another star of life to settle down."

The demon patriarch who said this seemed to be somewhat lacking in confidence himself.

The starry universe is so vast, there is no clear coordinate position, and trying to find a living star is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

But if they don't leave, there will be only a dead end waiting for them in the Yinxu star.

As living fossils that have lived for tens of thousands of years, death is the last thing they want to face.

While preparing the army to sweep away the empty fields, they are plotting to flee away from this increasingly terrifying world.

Both forces are racing against time with the intention of accomplishing their goals as soon as possible.

And once one party completes the first step, the one who greets the other party may be disappointment...or...death.


Chinese calendar 57 years

After 45 years of preparation, Ren Wang Xiangyuan led a group of heroes Wang Bai, Han Huangan, Wei Ruhu, and five hundred iron dragon slayers to the sky.

Since the Sea of ​​Dry Bones had been taken away by Xiang Yuan, without Wu Gang's obstruction, Iron Dragon Slayer, whose strength was only at the peak of the Returning Ancestral Realm, was able to come to the Dome Kongye.

The mopping up mission started in an orderly manner, every empty field was bulldozed by a team of 50 Iron Slaying Dragons, and some were even smashed to pieces, looking for traces of the demon ancestors in every detail.

As a group of heroes, the three of Wang Bai started their search from the highest level. The strength of the three of them is already very strong. Although they are not enough to compete with the ancestor of the demon, it is not a problem to mediate until Xiang Yuan arrives. .

As the empty fields were overturned, the target range also narrowed bit by bit.

Raising his hand to break through a layer of confusion surrounding the empty field, Han Huang'an's eyes moved slightly, and he snorted coldly. The power of the Chiyang Dragon King exploded, shattering the void, and evolving countless orange-yellow air currents like raging waves, turning several heads like ghosts. dark cyan shadow.

"Huh? This is..." With a big hand, he grabbed those dark blue shadows that were severely injured and paralyzed by Longwei's suppression. Han Huangan swept his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became serious.

Demon breath!

"They are..." Noticing the faint demonic aura on the dark blue shadow, Han Huangan immediately realized that this empty field must be the hiding place of the demon patriarch.

But just when he was about to speak, the empty field in front of him suddenly exploded and shattered, and a terrifying and huge head like the sun suddenly shattered the empty field, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the sky and the earth. Let him bite!
The gusts of wind gustted, and the faint roar was mixed with the wind. The blood-red eyes of the huge giant were like two raging seas of Shura's blood, and endless red light overflowed from them, turning into terrifying The vision stagnated Han Huang'an in the void, and he could only watch helplessly as the huge mouth like an abyss biting towards him!
"The patriarch of the majestic monster, but he attacked a junior.

What a shame! "

Just when Han Huang'an was about to be swallowed by the giant mouth-swallowing giant, a majestic figure dressed in a black mountain and river royal robe walked out of the void like a leisurely stroll. Turning into a big hand that lifted the sky, it split the sky and the earth, moved across the Kyushu, and slapped the face of the huge giant with a palm.


The dome shook, and Kong Ye exploded.

Millions of shock waves tens of thousands of feet high crazily dispersed in all directions, and hit the wall of no regrets, making muffled noises, as if they were about to tear apart the heavens and the earth, which was incomparably shocking.

Putting one hand behind his back, the young man Wang knocked back the huge giant with one palm, with a calm expression, quietly watching the terrifying head that looked like the head of Shura.

"You have been hiding for so long, could it be that this is your reliance?

The head of a star-forging powerhouse?
Ho ho ho, you think highly of yourself.

Or do you look down on me too much? ! "

In a few words, the tone became majestic and heavy. When it came to the end, the young man roared like a god, and the sound of thunder was rolling, extremely mighty, exuding the terrifying coercion of all beings kneeling and submitting.

"I killed all the living Star Forging Realm, did you come to let me help you crush the dead ones into ashes?!"


(End of this chapter)

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