Six Gods

Chapter 371 Chapter 367: Take the god Lei Gong and chisel it!

Chapter 371 Chapter 367: Take the god Lei Gong and chisel it!

Above the dome, fragments of the empty field fluttered down like pale snowflakes.

A pair of eyes conceived a boundless sea of ​​blood, all kinds of red light surged, and the giant Shura with a ferocious, angry and terrifying face was suspended, his red hair was flying like a monstrous fire, and his breath was terrifying, oppressing the heavens and shaking the void.

Staring at the giant Shura with his hands behind his back, the young king's face was indifferent, the octagonal moiré symbol on the back of his hand shone slightly, and the power that buried the Sea of ​​Dry Bones from all directions had quietly surrounded this empty field.

Today, even though these demon ancestors have great abilities, they can't even think about leaving alive!

With a dignified expression, he emerged from the Shura giant like an ancient dry stone, and the ancestors of the demons silently watched the young king who was immeasurably graceful and overwhelmed the world.

"Why do you have to press so hard to the king, my family has been completely wiped out by you, is it possible that you have to drive and kill them all?"

The voice of the demon ancestor slowly echoed above the dome, permeating the emotions of these living fossils begging for mercy.

Looking indifferently at the six demon patriarchs on the Shura giant, the young man Wang said slowly: "It's dangerous outside the territory, a few people are old and frail, why go out and take risks again.

How about this, you give me all the treasures you have hidden in your hands, and this king will give you a happy time.

The death of the body is a small matter, but if the soul falls into the hands of someone with evil intentions, it will be tortured for countless years. "

Not at all moved by the words of the demon patriarch, the young man Wang's tone was flat, but revealed sonorous determination.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

As the king of the human race, allowing these dangerous elements to leave is to plant a bomb for the human race that will explode at some point.

Moreover, although the human army wiped out the entire Eastern Demon Kingdom, the treasures collected were not of considerable quantity and quality.

So he suspected that the real treasures of the demon clan were all in the hands of the demon ancestors.

Facing the king's aggressiveness, refusing to budge an inch, and determined to put them to death, the ancestors of the monsters sank in their hearts, knowing that there is no way to get over this matter today.

The sky and the earth trembled, and from the eyes of the giant Shura suspended above the dome, two cold and terrifying tears of blood began to overflow, dazed and murderous, spreading all over the surroundings, and drops of scarlet blood began to ooze out of the void, exuding a desperate death breath.

"Want to make a move? That's fine, let me see how powerful the Star Forging Realm is."

Looking around at the space that was about to turn into an endless sea of ​​blood, a ray of fighting spirit surged in the eyes of the young man Wang.

The so-called ancestral driver driven by the demon ancestor is actually the remains of a star-forging powerhouse.

Although it is just a remains, it is the body of a star-forging strongman after all, and it has undergone special refining treatment. Although its strength is not as good as the real star-forging state, it should not be underestimated.

Waving the three men of Wang Bai and the five hundred iron dragon slayers away, Xiang Yuan sprayed blood all over his body. Among the [-] pores, golden blood roared like an angry dragon, majestic and majestic, and tens of thousands of magnificent golden lights fell down. In an instant, it formed a golden martial arts catalog, which was on par with the vision of the sea of ​​blood caused by the giant Shura!
The dome swayed, and the golden and blood-red light filled the void, crushing everything around it into powder, bursting continuously, and making loud noises.

Blending into their ancestors, the six demon ancestors stared in shock at the young king whose aura was domineering, like a golden god, and his eyes were firm enough to suppress the heavens. They were horrified.

Can stand up to the ancestor Shengjia, this son is simply inhuman!

Reviving the vast energy and blood in his body, Xiang Yuan's eyes turned like the sun, and he stepped forward with one step, the martial arts light gushed out from his body, and he breathed out the fierce fighting power.

Shocking King Fist - Slashing!

Wang Ting Dao, clattering and neighing!
The golden giant blade with the blade flowing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers was held in the hands of the young man Wang!
Looking at the giant Shura that filled the sky and the earth, and then at the three-foot sword in his hand, the young man Wang Nian thought, but the three-foot-long Wangting sword began to vibrate crazily, gushing out majesty and dominance, and the whole body was like a sword made of gold and jade. The ciphertext glows, and its volume soars countless times in an instant, tearing apart the sky, like a sky mountain falling into the world.

The wrist trembled slightly, and the thousand-foot-thousand-foot blade fell down in amazement. In an instant, the golden light shone on the nine heavens and ten earths!

The dome couldn't bear this force, and it began to explode inch by inch, and countless empty fields were reduced to nothingness by this wave of sword light.

Chi Chi Chi!
The blade crushed Zhou Tianyu, split the eternal sky, and the young king held the knife and slashed vertically. Infinite golden energy and blood wrapped around the blade, blessed with immeasurable power, suppressed everything, drowned everything, and destroyed everything!
"Use all your strength to mobilize the ancestor Shengjia, and be sure to block this knife!"

"Exercise strength!!! Exert strength!!!"

"Damn, is this kid really human!!"

Among the Shura giants, the ancestors of the demons roared wildly, and the thirteen demon mountains above their heads disintegrated after analysis, and all the demonic power that turned into a vast ocean was injected into the ancestors, revived all the remains of this castable star realm strength!

The knife of the young man Wang was like a judgment from heaven and earth. Before the blade reached, it had already shocked their minds, and their souls trembled as if they were about to be torn apart.


Massive monster power was injected, and this mighty head of the star-forming realm seemed to come back to life. He let out a low growl, and the sea of ​​blood in his eyes surged, and blood-colored chains shot out from the depths of the ocean, blocking all directions. Like a world-exterminating python wrapping around the golden king's blade.

The two forces collided and bombarded, and the endless light spread for millions of miles in an instant!
The sky is collapsing, and the storm of destruction is surging. After experiencing the ultimate light, the sky and the earth quickly fell into a desperate darkness.

Cold darkness enveloped the sky, and even though he couldn't see clearly, he could feel the world shaking and turning upside down.

Suddenly, a ray of golden light, like the dawn of dawn, tore through the darkness and split the shadows!
Holding a knife, he came out from the depths of the darkness. The young man Wang Jian's eyebrows were drawn into his temples, his eyes were as bright as the sun and the moon, his upper body clothes were broken, revealing a tall and burly body like an ancient mountain, and several mottled chain marks were slowly fading.

"Weak and weak, haven't you eaten yet!"

The sound was like thunder, and the black tide shattered thousands of miles away. The young man Wang shook his head in dissatisfaction, and hot golden light surged around him, shining in ten directions, powerful and terrifying.

"Too much deception! Too much deception!" Roaring again and again, he lived for tens of thousands of years and was scolded like a child. The ancestor of the demon was also angry at this moment, no longer held back his hands, and mobilized all his strength to burn his flesh and blood The origin, turned into all kinds of demon visions, all injected into the ancestors.

"My palm...the sea of ​​blood...destroy all spirits!" Received the original injection of the ancestor of the demon, the head of this star-forging strongman unexpectedly had a trace of vitality, as if he wanted to transcend life and death and live again Same as coming over.

In the dark, thick and hollow, like the whispering sound from the depths of hell, it runs through Yubi and spreads all over the world, making people suddenly cut their throats and release the strange illusion of blood all over their bodies. .

There was a sound of boiling in the void, thick and bloody, all over the sky, evolving into ancient and obscure characters, a huge blood star that exudes the meaning of infinite evil devouring crashed into the void, rose up, and turned into blood The sun hangs high in the sky.

Looking up at the bloody sun on the dome, the young man Wang suddenly clenched his fists, the precious light spread from his chest, and the rumbling sound of thunder roared from the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Pool.

The sea of ​​thunder soaring into the sky suddenly expanded, and among the endless thunder, the ancient life with its back on its back and wings, and the head of a dragon revived indifferently. Unlike the previous appearance, this time, the ancient god of thunder was clear and lifelike, standing in the center of the sea of ​​thunder, and turning his eyes around the thunder. Yi Yi looked at the blood-colored stars above the sky, and opened his mouth spontaneously, sternly yelling.

"Slaughtering creatures indiscriminately is not in accordance with the laws of heaven!

Take the god Lei Gong and chisel it! "


(End of this chapter)

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