Six Gods

Chapter 372 The length of the blood bar is really awesome

Chapter 372 The length of the blood bar is really awesome

As if communicating with a certain place of great consciousness, the ancient god in the middle of the sea of ​​thunder shouted sharply, and with a move with both hands, a huge wave broke out in the depths of the sea of ​​thunder. The ancient hammer of thunder cipher text!

Click boom!
There were bursts of thunder, the majestic power of heaven was endless, and he reached out to pick up the thunder chisel, the light in the eyes of the ancient god of thunder became brighter and clearer, and the whole body of the god seemed to come alive, exuding a strong vitality.

Thunder Sea vs. Blood Sea!
The two colossal forces of heaven and earth clashed with the void, and the majestic and vast forces intertwined into a destructive storm. Any matter that fell into it would be turned into a handful of ashes in an instant and returned to nothingness.

The thunderbolts collided with each other, and the thunderbolt exploded, roaring out like a silver dragon across the sky. The place passing by, the void was filled with electricity, and the breath of the most rigid and yang, purified the sky, and cleared the sky and earth, which was polluted by blood and stars.

The silver dragon thunderbolt heavily on the bloody star, thousands of miles of thunder liquid collapsed in an instant, blood energy and thunder light entangled and fought, releasing ten thousand halos of destruction, annihilating everything around.


The tide of blood is surging above the blood stars, and in the thick blood mist, giant monsters and beautiful orchids rise up from the sea of ​​blood, covering the sky and the flower vault, joining hands with each other, condensing into big hands of flowers, enveloping and crushing The power of heaven and earth, hangs down.

"Orchid? I can't tell if it's the fairy dew type or the wine type..." The young man Wang narrowed his eyes vacantly as he watched the big hands of flowers falling continuously from the blood and stars, intending to tear apart the heavens.

Since the main body stars of the star-making realm are different, the products on the stars will also be different.

Among the stars of the Xianlu system, most of them are inanimate treasures, special products, treasures of heaven and earth.

And the stars of the Qiongye system are mostly alien creatures.

There are two kinds of Yuye system.

But the orchid in the main body of the star summoned by the head of the star-casting powerhouse in front of him can be said to be either the fairy dew type or the wine type.

Tens of thousands of big hands of flowers fell from the dome. Each of these big hands of flowers has the terrifying power to smash the mountain and sea monsters and flatten the entire continent. At the same time, it falls like a dense meteor shower. Flour.

The robes rattled and pressed against the skin. Facing the big hands of flowers colliding with planets, the young king was so angry that his chest suddenly swelled up. On his skin, the indestructible lines of King Kong manifested, swallowing the sea of ​​thunder and ocean below him like a whale. , was sucked into the mouth by it!

The emperor's engine roared to the extreme, turning the incomparably scorching golden energy and blood in his body into tyrannical sun fire, which gushed out of his throat at the same time.

Thunder and fire intersect, and the power explodes!

As if a world-destroying demon god was roaring furiously, the sound waves that shook the boundless sky were like reality, the thunder and heavenly power combined with the tyrannical sun fire to form a golden and silver beam of light that destroyed everything, instantly piercing through the sky and the earth, and a large expanse of void exploded at the same time. Thousands of flowers were crushed into fine powder with their big hands, and they slammed heavily on the bloody stars without losing momentum!

boom! ! !
The terrifying beam of thunder and fire exploded with power, illuminating the entire sky, instantly igniting the entire blood star into a fireball, and even pushed the huge star horizontally and kept retreating until it reached the wall of no regrets!

With the counterattack of smashing blood and stars, the young man Wang's legs bent slightly, and suddenly he stepped on a hundred thousand miles of void, turned into a domineering golden light, stepped on the sky, and rushed towards Shura's giant hand!
"As big as you want, as long as you want!"

Infinite vitality burst out of his body, like a towering giant tree breaking through its shackles. The young king spread out his overbearing body and rushed in front of the Shura giant.

With a single slash, the Wang Ting Dao, which evolved from the martial arts fist, broke directly, and a deep and long knife mark exposed the inner bone appeared on the Tianling cover of the Shura giant.

"He he he he... he can actually hurt the ancestors?!"

In the Shura giant, the jaws of the ancestors of the demons all dropped in shock. The physical body of the star-forging state can withstand the pressure of the starry sky and the universe, and it is harder than the magic iron.

It stands to reason that unless it is a super weapon refined by the same star-forging powerhouse, it is possible to damage their physical bodies.

But at this moment, the young man Wang actually left this terrifying mark on the ancestor's holy car with only the sword light condensed by his fist.

It's incredible!

A force flowing between five fingers breaks ten thousand spells, the royal sword in his hand shatters, but the attack in the young king's hand does not stop at all, one step forward, with a sway of both arms, all kinds of martial arts changes like bright lotus blossoms, covering the changes of the sky, falling on the ancestors On the holy ride!
Flowing like clouds and flowing water, like a god of martial arts, the young Wang's eyes are as firm as iron, and the golden blood in his body seems to be endless. With his attack, it evolved into golden runes, which were branded on the head of this star-forging powerhouse .

"No, he is using the blood of the human race to seal and bind the ancestors, and intends to force us out!"

The body of a star-forging strongman is almost indestructible. Even if Xiang Yuan wants to completely destroy it, it will take hundreds of years of continuous bombardment to have a chance.

And he didn't want to waste this time.

Therefore, with the help of the sealing power of the magic bottle, he extracted the suppressive power from the blood of the human race, turned it into a talisman, and directly sealed the remains of this star-forging powerhouse, so that the demon ancestors Squeeze out of it.

Aware of the young king's intentions, the demon ancestor who was unwilling to sit still crazily urged the remains of the strong star-forging realm, struggling and roaring, and even drove the blood stars to impact and press down on the young king.

Boom boom boom!
Blood and stars fell, and the majestic pressure caused the entire sky to make an overwhelmed muffled sound, as if a corner of the broken world had been opened, exuding a terrifying aura of extermination!
Sensing the increasingly struggling Shura giant and the blood and stars behind him that seemed to shatter the sky and the earth, the young man's eyes were domineering, his black hair danced wildly, as if billions of gods erupted from his body at the same time, and the whole person seemed to directly become a sun , every inch of the body exudes dazzling light and energy!
The unstoppable impact of the blood stars on the young king's back. The huge impact plunged the world into a strange blur. The extremely high-frequency vibration and impact were like an invisible big hand, erasing everything in his path. , including space and time!
The surroundings were plunged into a black hole, but an eternal light tenaciously emitted a dazzling light.

The flesh and blood on the entire back disappeared, more than half of the spine was cracked, and the whole body was covered with crack-like wounds. The young man who looked like he was about to shatter smacked his lips tightly. The same viscera, and then said lightly:
"The prestige of the Star Forging Realm is nothing more than that."

In the ancestor's holy carriage, the six demon ancestors all collapsed on the ground with dull eyes. At this moment, they could not raise the slightest thought of resistance.

Still resist?Against this monster?

Monster... ho ho, yes, he is a monster!

Resisting the power of the stars in the Star Forging Realm, the young king's body was severely damaged, almost on the verge of complete destruction, but fortunately he survived after all, and with the double blessing of equipment skills and body quality, His body is also recovering rapidly.

While repairing his body, Xiang Yuan's eyes penetrated the head of the star-forming powerhouse, and he smiled flatly when he saw the demon ancestors who gave up resistance.

Back then when he entered the Yin God Kingdom, he beheaded five Yin Gods in charge.

Through the blood bathing skill of [Holy Grail], each Yin God in charge of the court provided the young king with [-] points of physical attributes, causing his current physical attributes to break through [-] points.

Five thousand points of physical attributes, what a terrifying number.

Back then, Xiang Yuan took the Nine-Slipped Golden Silkworm Grass in the Yin Yao Pagoda, and after his physique broke through a thousand points, his strength was enough to kill Zhang Ting Yin God with his bare hands.

Now that his physique attributes had increased by five times, the power contained in his body was already immeasurable, pushing continents across and moving mountains was no problem.

It was precisely because of the super high number of physique attributes that Xiang Yuan's physical body was so terrifying that he forcibly received the impact of blood and stars.

So, the blood bar length is really awesome.


(End of this chapter)

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