Six Gods

Chapter 373 Return of the Young Merchant

Chapter 373 Return of the Young Merchant
Knowing that he is absolutely no match for this mighty king, although the demon patriarch is helpless, he can only accept this ridiculous fate.

"Dao Ling, can you take over the head of this star-forming powerhouse?" After capturing the demon ancestor, he looked at the ancestor Shengjia who lost control and was suspended above the dome in front of him, and asked Dao Ling to Yuan.

The ancestor Shengjia is made from the head of a star-casting powerhouse, and possesses the power of a fake star-casting powerhouse, but to activate it, it needs extremely strong soul control and calculation power to exert its real power.

In particular, the main body stars that drive the star-forming powerhouses do not have the support of comparable soul strength and computing power, and will only be blown out of their brains by the huge and complicated rules of the main body stars.

Even if the demon patriarch wants to mobilize this family treasure, he needs to go through a long ceremony to integrate the souls and computing power of the six of them into one, and control them together to afford the consumption.

"Your Excellency, you can, but multiple restrictions have been imposed on this head, and the estimated time to crack it is 16 years." Dao Ling replied.

Multiple restrictions?Turning his head to look at the demon ancestor beside him, Xiang Yuan didn't need to make a sound, the living fossils who were regarded as prisoners immediately realized, and sent out the method to unlock the ancestor's sacred restraint.

With a way to unlock the restriction, Dao Ling naturally took over the head of this star-forming powerhouse.

As the highest masterpiece of Tang Empire civilization, Dao Ling can easily and perfectly manipulate this ancestral holy car.

At this point, a sharp weapon for forging a star realm also fell into Xiang Yuan's hands and was used by him.

Captured the ancestor of the demons, and robbed the 10,000+ years of savings of the demons. The demons have occupied the Eastern Land for so many years, and the collection of various treasures even surpassed the phenomenon of Xiang Yuan.

Even among these treasures, he also found a lot of precious materials that could be used to repair the Xuanhuang Pillar. Although there were not many, it was enough to repair one-fifth of the Xuanhuang Pillar.

Without the threat of foreign enemies, the entire Yinxu Star has completely become the homeland of the human race, and everything is flourishing and heading in a beautiful direction.


On this day, above the dome of Yinxu Star, a passageway containing countless starlight quietly opened, and a young businessman with a basket on his back walked out of it like a stroll.

Returning to the Yinxu star, the wandering businessman showed a smile. In his eyes, the Yinxu star is now wrapped in a faint orange-yellow luck, and Wanmin Xuying walks in the luck, Revealing an uplifting charm.

"As expected of the guy who can open that thing, he has grown the luck of the human race to such an extent in just a hundred years.

Could it be that some kind of magical power to plunder other people's luck has been activated? "The eyes on the baby's face were full of wisdom, and the young businessman guessed why the luck of the human race was so vast in an instant.

Looking around, the young businessman wiped his hand casually, and a strange orange-red eye was born on the palm of his hand. This eye was strange, and there were three pupils slowly rotating inside, and slowly reflected the young king and the demon ancestor who were here before. The picture of the bloody battle.

"This physical the lineage of the King of Kings so strong?
Could it be that he is not Wang Mai but... No, no, if he is really a person of that line, how could he be allowed to live in such a remote little star.

It seems that this kid still has a lot of secrets. "Seeing the young man Wang resisting the impact of blood and stars with his physical body in that battle, the young businessman was amazed. Even though he was well-informed, he had only seen this level of physical body a few times.

Just when the young businessman was amazed by the tyrannical body of the young king, a brilliant blue mist of blue gold spread in the void at some point.

"Huh?" Turning slightly, looking at the surrounding green mist, the young businessman crossed his arms and smiled with great interest: "The power to protect the country of the prosperous Tang Empire? Is it possible that this kid is really a destiny, and there is actually something in his hand? So many good things."

The sea of ​​dry bones filled the dome, which naturally meant that Xiang Yuan had also discovered the reappearance of this wandering businessman.

The void trembled slightly, and a crack was easily separated.

Wearing a black royal robe with narrow sleeves, the cuffs are embroidered with gold thread auspicious clouds, a red and white jade belt around his waist, and a white jade exquisite waist pendant. The majestic and imposing young man Wang stepped out of the void and came to the top of the dome.

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Coming to the top of the dome, the young Wang Xing's eyes were full of power, and he cupped his hands at the young businessman.

After being separated for a hundred years and meeting again, the young man Wang who had already ruled the Yin Xu star found helplessly that he still couldn't see through this mysterious wandering businessman.

This young man who always looks calm and has a smile on his mouth is like an abyss, no matter when it appears, no one can detect its depth.

"I didn't intend to come back at first, but because of a small incident, I had to come back and have a look." Showing a protruding canine, the young businessman explained the reason for his sudden return this time.

After finishing speaking, he looked up and down at the young man Wang with a heavy aura and a majestic look hovering between his brows.

"Well, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, but you have changed a lot. It seems that you were right in not selling me a body of royal blood back then."

Smiling, the young king invited the young merchant to Chang'an City.

When he came to this king's capital of the human race, the young businessman from a distance saw standing in the center of this majestic royal city, with mountains, rivers, sun, moon, fish, insects and animals in relief on his body, the whole body was cast like platinum, exuding hazy and boundless brilliance. Huabiao.

After looking at the Qiyun Huabiao a few more times, the young businessman didn't say anything.

"Just now, Your Excellency said that he came back again because of a small episode. This episode is..." Sitting in the palace, the young king was also very curious about the reason for the sudden return of this young businessman who provided ordinary people with the opportunity to change their lives.

Looking up at the young man in front of him, the young businessman rubbed his knuckles lightly and smiled: "It's nothing, it's settled.

By the way, where did you get the ruins of the prosperous Tang Empire? This thing is very dangerous. Even the human race is rarely able to recover it smoothly.

How about it, think about it, sell it to me. "

"Ah?" Laughed dumbly. It didn't occur to the young businessman that he never left his old business. He had just sat down, and he had already put his mind on the sea of ​​​​withered bones.

Shaking his head, Xiang Yuan smiled and said, "That's not okay, but if you really want to do business, I have something I would like to ask you to help estimate."

"Oh, let's take a look." Hearing that Xiang Yuan offered to do business with him, the young businessman expressed a little interest.

Turning over his hands, he took out a thousand-year-old birthday bead and handed it to the young businessman. Xiang Yuan still remembered that he had seen some treasures that could change the bloodline in the businessman's back basket.

The life-prolonging effects of these treasures are all placed in the front row, and each of them is priced at more than 20 to [-] yuan.

It can be seen that the power of prolonging life is valuable among the goods of wandering merchants.

After receiving the longevity bead, the young businessman understood the magical function of this orb with a glance: "Yes, life-extending items are very valuable, but yours can only delay the limit of life, and cannot reshape the age of the physical body. Item phase can only be regarded as inferior.

If you sell it, count your 1 yuan. "

"Ten thousand?" Nodding lightly, the young man Wang threw out a cloth bag the size of a washbasin, and the bag fell to the ground with a rattle inside.

"Here are three hundred longevity beads, all of which are bought for you."

Looking down at the cloth bag at his feet, the young businessman frowned, stopped playing with the longevity beads, and muttered in a low voice.

"Yes, the price quoted is too high, we should quote [-] first..."


(End of this chapter)

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