Six Gods

Chapter 377 Tianxin Giant

Chapter 377 Tianxin Giant
In the cold and dark starry sky, a star field filled with a faint yellow halo of clouds and mist is silent in this dead corner.

Dull, lonely, lonely... Wrapping around this star field like an old man, killing its last vitality.

Yinquan Starfield
This is an elderly star field that is about to be completely eliminated.

The billions of stars in the star field are decaying, the hot stars are going out, and even the meteors and comets running inside the star field are gradually losing their light and turning into meaningless ashes.

Countless broken and dead stars hang powerlessly in the star field, dilapidated, torn apart, and fragments suspended in the starry sky.

In the very center of this star field, on a boundless, vast, majestic, majestic oval-shaped light cluster that radiates brilliance, a figure curled up with its arms wrapped around its knees and its head buried in its knees.

Around it, there are many dark yellow clouds and mist spreading.

These clouds and mist continuously invaded the body of the curled giant over time, slowly but heavily disintegrating his body, causing the stars flowing on it to dim and dry up, and the eyes that gave birth to all things began to lose their light.

This giant is the Tianxin consciousness of the entire Yinquan Starfield, that is, it turned the escaped high-level Baluo into nothingness with just one look.

The Yinquan Starfield has entered its old age, and as the Tianxin consciousness of the starfield has manifested, this incomparably stalwart Tianxin giant has also lost the demeanor of standing proudly standing proudly in the past to suppress the past, the present, and the future, and has become sluggish and old...

Crouching in the center of the star field, the Tianxin giant's eyes are calm. It is a collection of the great consciousness of the entire star field, without emotion, let alone fear.

Demise is just a result that must be accepted for it, and what it has to do is to wait quietly, and maintain the final balance of this star field in a gradually shortened time.

Time passed, and on this day, the Tianxin giant, who had been curled up in a silent posture, suddenly moved his eyes.

It straightened its upper body, its indifferent eyes reflecting the entire starry sky in the universe looked in one direction, and then slowly raised an arm...


On the border of the Yinquan star field, there is a circle of star belts composed of fine light sand.

This circle of light sand exudes the special atmosphere of the Yinquan Starfield, just like the secular national boundary monument, symbolizing the territorial ownership of the region.

At this time, in this star belt that spreads over a million kilometers, nearly thirty Mori bone eggs are slowly moving forward, as if preparing to enter the Yinquan star field.

Leading at the top of the thirty white bone eggs, there is a purple-black one-horned white bone egg, and an old high-ranking Baluo bone sits in the bone egg without saying a word.

This high-ranking Baluo bone is different from other clansmen. His skin is dark and densely covered with dark purple patterns, and there is a round sphere protruding from the center of his chest. There seems to be a vague and terrifying shadow inside. Swimming and pacing.

Sitting calmly among the white bones, the old senior Barlow had deep and deep eyes, slowly rubbing a hexagonal stone slab in his hand.

The stone slab is no more than the size of a palm, dark gray in color and rough on the surface. It looks very ordinary, but in fact it is a vendetta bone ground from the fetal bones of the high-level Baluo bone tribe.

The function of the vendetta bone can enable the high-level Barlow bone to feed back the enemy's breath and characteristics on this bone through the special connection with its own vendetta bone, and then allow the tribe to rely on the vendetta bone to complete revenge.

And on the vendetta bone in the hand of this old Baluo bone, five Baluo bone characters are indistinctly engraved at this moment.

"Yinquan... There is... the prosperous Tang Dynasty..."


Yin deficiency star

Xiang Yuan, who had no idea that a group of high-level Baluo bones came, was standing in front of the buried body of the Xuanhuang column, and the pieces of obscure and ancient materials in front of him were continuously integrated into the broken Xuanhuang column under the control of Dao Ling. The speed visible to the naked eye is repairing the power of protecting the country on the top four pillars of the first three pillars of the Dao of Life.

"The cost of nearly 200 million yuan, I hope it can be worth the money..."

Staring at the gradually repaired Xuanhuang Pillar with his hands behind his back, Xiang Yuan could feel an ancient and boundless power condensing in this giant pillar like a beautiful watch in front of him.

In order to repair this black and yellow pillar, the young man Wang traveled to and from Yunyoutiandi City several times a day, looking for repair materials in the same way.

Nearly 200 million yuan coins were thrown down, and all the materials were finally collected.

"Two million..." Eighty percent of the wealth disappeared, which made Wang, a young man who had always paid little attention to money, feel a little bleeding.

He had originally hoped to purchase the materials for the Xuanhuang Pillar, and use the remaining money to purchase the roots and mother sources needed for the star-casting method.

Now that the money is almost spent, and there is still 10 yuan reserved for Gigantic Camp, the yuan coins he can use are only 40 yuan...

"It seems that I have to find a way to realize the things in my hand."

The most valuable item in Xiang Yuan's hands is longevity pearls. During this period of time, he traveled frequently in Yunyou Tiandi City, and after careful comparison and collection, he found out.

Life extension items are almost priceless in Yunyoutian, and the price is extremely high.

A piece of Huanyang jade that prolongs life for ten years can be sold for nearly 2 Yuan coins, and Su Shenrou that prolongs life for a hundred years cannot be bought for [-] Yuan coins.

Seeing the prices of these life extension items, Xiang Yuan only felt the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

My own longevity beads that can prolong my life for thousands of years were accepted by the young businessman for 8000 yuan. Think about the expression on that guy's face that he was at a disadvantage and that the bid was too high.

He could only sigh in his heart: The actor...

When finding out the basic market price of life-extension products, Xiang Yuan also learned another reason why life-extension products have prices but no market.

Scarcity itself is part of it, and the bigger shackle is that the sale of life-extending items will be contaminated with great cause and effect.

Prolonging life is an act against the heavens. Although selling life-extending items does not directly extend the life of others, it is also considered an indirect act, which will lead to causality.

Karma is like luck, invisible and intangible, but the higher the existence, the more afraid of these illusory things.

Therefore, selling longevity pearls in large quantities, although one can get a huge amount of yuan coins, will be contaminated with great karma. This is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, and it is not wise.

Apart from longevity beads, the only thing Xiang Yuan can mass-produce and has the nature of a commodity is the power of talismans.

The power of the talisman encapsulated in the magic bottle is very strange, and simply holding it can make ordinary creatures with no cultivation level possess all kinds of magical powers.

Such as the undead talisman evolved from the power of the holy grail, the thunder talisman evolved from the power of the thunder pool, the qi and blood talisman evolved from the blood of the human race, and the most powerful martial arts talisman...

Excluding the qi and blood runes and the martial arts runes should not be leaked out. The undead runes and the thunder runes are excellent Yunyoutian products. With Xiang Yuan's current speed, one day can condense hundreds of undead runes or thunder gods. symbol.

The only thing that needs to be planned is to find someone who can swallow these talismans continuously, after all, it is impossible for Xiang Yuan to go to Yunyoutian to set up a stall by himself.

The best way is to find a chamber of commerce and provide them with the power of the rune, and these chambers of commerce will be responsible for selling it, and he only needs to pick up the source of the goods.


(End of this chapter)

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