Six Gods

Chapter 378 My Master Xuanhuang, Appointed General

Chapter 378 My Master Xuanhuang, Appointed General

"I'll go to Yunyoutian after repairing the Xuanhuang Column. There is no product similar to the power of the rune in the city. If you can seize the opportunity, you might be able to make a lot of money."

How profitable a monopoly commodity can be, this point is clear to even mundane peddlers.

The power of the talisman does not have similar products with similar functions in Yunyou Tiandi City, and it is easy to use and has outstanding effects. Once it goes on the market, it will definitely cause a great response and form a chain reaction.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and a smile appeared on the corner of Xiang Yuan's mouth.

Ever since he came into contact with Yunyoutian, a spacious and unobstructed resource channel has been completely opened to him.

If there is no Yun Youtian, he would not know how much hard work it would take just to collect the materials for repairing the Xuanhuang Pillar.

Not to mention the huge number of sentient roots and mother sources required by the star casting method.

With a big sales plan for the power of the rune in mind, the restoration project of the Xuanhuang Column here has also begun to come to an end.

"The restoration of the main structure and components of each unit has been completed!
Core unit repair completed!

The Dao Ling unit is completely damaged and cannot be repaired.

Due to the complete damage of the Dao Ling unit, according to the first volume No. 20 of the Tang Law, the Dao Ling takes over the operation system of Xuanhuangzhu.

Takeover succeeded!

His Excellency Renwang completed the restoration of the Xuanhuang Column. According to the provisions of Article [-] of the first volume of the law of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, part of the real power of the original controller was first transferred to His Excellency Renwang as a reward.

The original controller of Xuanhuangzhu was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials of Shangshu Province in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

According to the seven articles in the first volume of the law of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, after being divided by Dao Ling, he granted Wang Ge the right to write: Zhengliupinxia. "

The repaired Xuanhuang Pillar changed from only one-tenth of its dilapidated appearance to a majestic giant pillar with a black and yellow halo flowing all over its body and exuding a strong and rustic atmosphere.

Xuanhuangzhu stood in the mountain pit, like a giant who had woken up from a deep sleep, and his deep and heavy eyes slowly fell on the young man Wang in front of him.

Vaguely, Xiang Yuan heard the roar from the void when he came for the first time, and those human phantoms running on the vast land, chasing the stars day by day, fighting against the sky and the earth.

In the soul space, the seal of the King of Humanity exuded a faint golden halo, and countless golden veins spread out from the seal of the King of Human Beings, and slowly connected to the repaired Xuanhuang Pillar through the void.

Frowning slightly, he felt that his body seemed to be merging with the ground under his feet. Xiang Yuan just wanted to use his energy and blood to investigate the source of this strange feeling, but found that the source of this feeling was the seal of the king who was connecting with the Xuanhuang pillar.

The feeling of being one with the earth became stronger and stronger, and just when Xiang Yuan wondered whether he would directly turn into a stone in the next second, this feeling suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the human king seal that released the golden veins and connected to the Xuanhuang pillar also retracted his soul space again.

There was a slight shock in my mind, and a huge message gushed out from the Human King Seal.

【Xiang Wangqi】

[-]. Under the whole world, is it the land of the king?
Effective range: [-] miles.

Within Xiang Wangqi's range, the energy and blood recovery of all races will be increased by one generation, the quality of blood and blood will be doubled, and the overall strength of all alien races will be weakened by [-]%.

[-]. On the shore of the land, could it be the king's minister
Units that are completely loyal to the human race can inherit the power of Xiang Wangqi and set up a sub-banner.

After the sub-flag is erected, it cannot be moved or retracted, and the sub-flag has 50.00% of the effect of the main flag.

[-]. My lord, Xuanhuang, appointed the general
Remove the blood seal in the unit and raise its blood level to the general level.

Cooldown: 1000 years.


It seems that some kind of inheritance or power has been absorbed from the Xuanhuang Column, and the feedback from the Human King Seal has given Xiang Yuan's Xiang Wang Qi the ability to hand-pick a king.

"General king? Is it a king or a general? Dao Ling, is there a record of the general king in the blood sequence of the human race?" Xiang Yuan believes that the power of a human king can only be used once in a thousand years.

"The general king level is a special level of the bloodline sequence of the human race, and those with the bloodline sequence above the human king level can be hand-picked after obtaining the corresponding authority.

Comparing the bloodline sequence of the human race, the rank of king general is equal to that of viscount. "

Hearing Dao Ling's answer, Xiang Yuan nodded slightly.

The sequence of human bloodlines represents the strength of human bloodlines. The higher the sequence level, the stronger the power of qi and blood.

For example, Xiang Yuan, as a king-level bloodline sequence, his power of qi and blood is not comparable to that of ordinary black and yellow people, it is completely surpassed in quality and quantity.

And below the human king level, there are five sequential levels: Gong, Hou, Bo, Zi, Nan.

The King General rank is equivalent to the Viscount rank. Although it is a lower middle rank rank, the power of Qi and blood will far exceed that of ordinary black and yellow ranks.

I didn't expect that the restoration of Xuanhuangzhu would bring me such a skill, and the extra gains always made people feel double joy.

"Dao Ling, what is the level of literary power under the sixth rank in the prosperous Tang Dynasty?" After repairing the Xuanhuang Zhu, he gained the power of a hand-picked king and general, and asked Yuan about the literary right he had just obtained.

In the imperial system of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, real power and bloodline sequence can be regarded as rights and status.

An ordinary human bloodline sequence may also hold extremely high real power.

There are also examples of king-level sequences like Xiang Yuan who have no real power at all.

"In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the real power was divided into civil and military powers, and the ranks were divided into nine ranks and thirty ranks according to Zheng, Cong, Shang and Xia.

Your Excellency the king of the people now holds the right to write: Zhengliupinxia.

It is the No. 16 level in the [-]th level of the Ninth Grade, which is a middle level. "Dao Ling explained.

After the restoration of the Xuanhuang Pillar was completed, the black and yellow light flowing on this huge pillar began to slowly seep into the ground.

These black and yellow rays of light are the key to unlocking the blood seal of the human race. After infiltrating into the ground, they will gradually spread to the entire Yinxu star and begin to release the blood seal of the human race.

The Xuanhuang Pillar is an artifact specially used to unseal the seal of qi and blood in the human body, but its unseal cannot be unsealed in an instant, but wears away the seal in the human body bit by bit through years of subtle influence.

This is a lengthy and complicated process, and the minimum calculation period must be in millennia.

Around the mountain where Xuanhuangzhu is located, 20 iron armored soldiers were arranged to guard the place tightly, and Xiang Yuan transferred another hundred iron dragon slayers to patrol the surrounding airspace day and night, so as to ensure the absolute safety of Xuanhuangzhu. Safety.


Yinquan Starfield
A big hand flowing with infinite starlight, as if stretching out a hand, it seems that the order of heaven and earth can be held in the palm of your hand, caressing the star field, holding up the big hand of heaven and earth, as if dusting off dust, gently wiped off two dark white bone eggs , leaving behind two terrifying trajectories that annihilated everything.

Standing on the purple-black bone egg, the old Gordon Barlow's eyes burst out, looking through the endless space, he saw the Tianxin giant curled up with his lower body, and wiped out other people.

"Hmph, it's already weakened to such an extent, do you really think you can stop us?" With a cold snort, the old Barlow suddenly grabbed the round bump on his chest and pulled it out forcefully.


Thick black blood splattered, and the old Ba Luogu sneered, and suddenly crushed the round protrusion in his hand, releasing the vague and terrifying shadow inside.

As soon as the terrifying shadow appeared, an unspeakable breath of corruption and death suddenly began to pervade the surrounding world, as if the end of the world was approaching. dimmed...

In the center of the Yinquan star field, the Tianxin giant who was reaching out to wipe out these intruders suddenly had a solemn expression on his face, and the movements of his hands stopped.

"Star... Sha..."

Whispering whispers came from the mouth, looking at the vague and terrifying shadow, the Tianxin giant hesitated for a moment, then retracted his arms, curled up again, and turned out to be no longer attacking the invading high-level Baluo bone.

"Go." Without the obstruction of the Tianxin giant, the old man exhaled a few syllables from his mouth, and the terrifying shadow returned to the center of his chest immediately, forming a layer of glass-like substance, congealing into a round bulge...


(End of this chapter)

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