Six Gods

Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Small World Chamber of Commerce

travel to the sky, to the city
In front of the shop named Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce, Xiang Yuan came to this chamber of commerce together with the stall owner who once sold him the detailed explanation of Yunyoutiandi City.

To use the power of the talisman, finding a reliable chamber of commerce is the first prerequisite.

That's why Xiang Yuan found this stall owner. As the existence of writing Yunyoutian's detailed explanation, this stall owner must know about these chambers of commerce in Yunyoutian.

Finding him as a consultant can save a lot of time and be more secure.

"It's here. This chamber of commerce has not been established recently, but it has a good reputation, and it has not yet participated in the factional struggles of major chambers of commerce, so there will be no additional troubles.

But there is one thing I want to remind you, the boss of this chamber of commerce is a genius, and he is a first-class expert in bargaining and pressing the line.

No one has ever been able to get a little bit of cheap from him. If it weren't for the fact that his products are really good and the after-sales service is good, no one would really want to come.

If you want to sell the goods at his house, I think you might get some blood. "

After telling the pros and cons of this small Sihai Chamber of Commerce in a logical manner, the stall owner stepped back and said, "I won't go in, you can talk to him yourself.

Yes, if the negotiation is successful, remember my hard work. "

In Yunyoutianzhong, there is no free service, and the stall owner will naturally have to charge a fee for helping Xiang Yuan find a better chamber of commerce.

It's just that seeing how straightforward Xiang Yuan was when he bought something last time, the stall owner also said that the hard work fee can be paid after Xiang Yuan negotiates a deal.

After waving his hand to signal the stall owner to rest assured, Xiang Yuan stepped into this small Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

Yunyoutian's shop looks small from the outside, but it actually hides the universe inside. Once you enter the shop, the space in front of you instantly expands ten thousand times, and it becomes a spacious palace full of prosperity and majesty.

"Hi, dear guest, welcome to the Small World Chamber of Commerce, what do you need?"

A faint fragrance came to the face, a woman in a red robe, her round white legs looming between her steps, walked towards Xiang Yuan with a sweet smile on her lips.

"Where's your boss?" Xiang Yuan asked after taking a look at this woman with superb appearance and posture.

These women are not living people, but some simulated puppets provided by Yun Youtian. After all, small stalls and hawkers don't care, and big chambers of commerce don't have a smooth business, and a top-notch welcome reception is a bit too chilling.

"Does the guest have anything to do with our boss?" With a polite and respectful smile on his face, the intelligence of these simulated puppets is no different from that of ordinary people. They will not be as dull as machines, and can handle many things freely.

"I have a business that I would like to discuss with the owner of your firm. This is a sample." He took out an undead talisman and handed it to the woman in front of him, and said to Yuan.

"Okay, please come to my place, please."

Led Xiang Yuan through the merchandise area outside, and came to an elegantly decorated and pleasing hall in the back hall. The woman presented Xiang Yuan with a cup of spiritual juice with a light green color and a burst of fragrance. .

"Please wait a moment, I will report to the boss."

Retiring softly, the woman turned and left the elegant hall...


In the shopkeeper's room of the Small Universal Chamber of Commerce
The third treasurer who is on duty today is flipping through this month's account book, making tsk clicks from time to time, not knowing whether it is sighing or worrying.

tuk tuk-

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." The third shopkeeper said without looking up.

"Third shopkeeper, there is a customer outside who wants to see you, saying that he wants to negotiate a business with us, this is a sample." Moving lightly to the front of the third shopkeeper, the woman took out the undead talisman in her hand and put it on the table. in front of him.

Raising his eyes and looking at the dark red spirituality in front of him, like a crystal embossed undead talisman, the three shopkeepers flicked through the account books suddenly froze.

"This thing..." He reached out and picked up the undead talisman that was only the size of a thumb, and a strong undead power immediately flowed into the third shopkeeper's arm and poured into his body.


Taking a breath, feeling the mysterious power of this talisman, the third shopkeeper stood up and stretched out half of his body, holding up the talisman in his hand, he asked the welcoming woman, "Where is that man now?" ?”

"Waiting in the elegant hall."

"Take me there quickly."


In the elegant hall

Sitting on the chair as immobile as a mountain, Xiang Yuan's eyes were slightly closed, and he closed his eyes to rest his mind.

In the corridor of the elegant hall, the third shopkeeper screened the welcoming woman away, and came outside the elegant hall by himself, and silently observed Xiang Yuan in the room through the light gauze curtain.

In Yunyoutian, everyone's body shape, appearance and even clothes are exactly the same, but there is only one thing that is different.

That is temperament.

The farmer who plows the farmland and the king who is in charge of life and death, even if they look the same, they will stand together and judge each other.

Temperament, sometimes distinguishes people more than appearance.

At this moment, looking at the guest in the elegant hall, the third innkeeper could only feel a majesty like a mountain of heaven filling the whole room.

Heavy, domineering, making people bow their heads and dare not look up!

Even standing outside the room, he felt that his knees were constantly weakening, as if a voice in his heart kept shouting, kneel down, kneel down, constantly shaking his will!

Tapping the chair handle with his fingers, he was as stable as a giant Buddha. Sensing a peeping gaze from outside the hall, Xiang Yuan said slowly, "Since the boss has already arrived, why didn't you come in?"

Pulling back the veil, the third shopkeeper smiled and walked in the door.

"The honored guest has been waiting for a long time, my humble servant Zhou Meng, the shopkeeper of the Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce. I don't know how to call the honored guest?"

In Yunyoutian's trading rules, it is not allowed to actively ask other people's real name, coordinates and other information, but it is not within the rules to say it yourself.

"Shopkeeper Zhou can just call me Huang Xuan." Xiang Yuan nodded slightly.

Sitting opposite the young man Wang, Zhou Meng took out the undead talisman: "This is Mr. Huang's sample. According to my subordinates, you want to negotiate a business with our chamber of commerce?"

"That's right, this item is called the Immortal Talisman, does it work? Shopkeeper Zhou must have tried it.

Mr. Huang came this time to hope to sell this item to your Chamber of Commerce. "


A trace of excitement appeared on the misty real face, and Zhou Meng subconsciously sat upright.

Most of Yunyoutian's chambers of commerce don't like to sell goods on behalf of unfamiliar people. Firstly, the supply of goods cannot be guaranteed accurately, and secondly, it is too troublesome and not very profitable.

However, if the value of the goods sold on the consignment is high enough, it can increase the reputation of the chamber of commerce and increase sales.

The Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce was established not long ago. Although it has temporarily gained a foothold in Yunyoutian with its good reputation, the competition in the market is like the deep sea and the ocean.

In the past few months, the turnover of the Small World Chamber of Commerce has been declining significantly. Although the magnitude is not large, it is also a dangerous signal.

The undead talisman brought by Xiang Yuan is of high commodity value. If it is properly publicized, it can definitely increase the reputation of the Small World Chamber of Commerce by a large margin.

"Mr. Huang trusts it. The Chamber of Commerce is extremely honored. I wonder how many of these undead talismans you have..." Zhou Meng asked tentatively.

"This thing is refined by me, and there are probably more than [-] pieces in my hand."

In order to obtain enough yuan coins, Xiang Yuan took the time to refine a batch of undead talismans, the number of which was about 10,000+.

He told Zhou Meng that there were only more than [-] pieces, because there was no profiteering and no business, and it was better to hide some when meeting for the first time.

"More than [-] pieces..." Zhou Meng seemed to feel that it was a little small, and then said: "Then if you refine it with all your strength, how many can you refine in a day."

"About ten pieces." Xiang Yuan replied lightly.

After a few minutes of silence, Zhou Meng took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Huang, to tell you the truth, your undead talisman is of high quality and the effect is excellent.

But the quantity is too small... How about this, I will be the master today, I have three hundred and one undead talismans from the Little Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, what do you think? "

three hundred……

With a pause of his tapping fingers, the young man Wang who was sitting opposite Zhou Meng raised his head slightly, and the clouds and mist under the dark yellow bamboo hat faintly projected two captivating gazes, shaking the void.

"Treasurer Zhou, are you kidding me?"


(End of this chapter)

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