Six Gods

Chapter 380 2 coins

Chapter 380 2000 coins

"Mr. Huang... what does this mean?"

After going through ups and downs in the shopping mall for a long time, although his mind trembled because of the real eyes of the young Wang Naru, Zhou Meng still remained calm and composed, not even the slightest tremor in his voice.

"Mr. Huang came this time because he sincerely wanted to cooperate with your company. If shopkeeper Zhou has such an attitude, then I can only apologize..."

Standing up and cupping his hands towards Zhou Meng, Xiang Yuan made a gesture to leave, without any hesitation.

Before coming to Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce, he had already walked around Yunyou Tiandi City with the stall owner to investigate the market.

There are products in Yunyoutiandi City that have similar effects to the undead talisman, but the details are very different, either the effect is very different, or it has strong side effects.

The only product that is similar to the Undead Talisman is called the Sand God Bracelet.

After wearing this device, the user can continuously absorb sand to repair the body. The recovery speed is three points faster than the undead talisman, and there is no fatal weakness of the head.

But it needs to be emphasized that this device can only exert its maximum effect in desert areas. If it is in a sand-free land or in the sea, this device will completely lose its effect.

But such a piece of equipment with relatively large restrictions is sold for as high as [-] Yuan coins in Yunyou Tiandi City.

The supply of goods is still very scarce, and the supply is often cut off.

Compared to this, Zhou Meng's price of [-] yuan for an undead talisman is really a joke.

That's why Xiang Yuan said he was joking.

Seeing that Huang Xuan really got up and left without dragging his feet, Zhou Meng panicked.

In this business, there are people who come and go.

I made an offer, and if you think it's not right, we can talk about it. This, this, this... how can you just walk away.

Although he knew that if he tried to persuade Huang Xuan to stay, he would definitely be at a disadvantage later in the bargaining, but for the sake of the undead talisman that could boost the reputation of the chamber of commerce, he could only get up hastily, and said:

"Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang, if you are not satisfied with the price, we can talk again. How about you talk about the price first?"

After a pause in his footsteps, he heard Zhou Meng's eager words behind him, and slightly raised the corner of Xiang Yuan's mouth.


Slowly turned sideways, glanced at Zhou Meng behind him, and the old god Xiang Yuan stretched out two fingers when he returned to his position: "Two thousand."

"two thousand?!"

Zhou Meng's expression was a little heavy. The effect of the undead talisman is really outstanding, but if the price reaches two thousand, if they resell it, there will be almost no oil and water, and there will only be work left.

"Two thousand is indeed too high, can we..."

"The price is this price, and someone Huang won't reduce it for a dollar coin." To deal with this kind of eloquent person who hangs out in shopping malls all year round, Xiang Yuan's strategy is to kill the price directly, and there is no bargaining at all. .

No matter how eloquent you are, I'll just pretend I didn't hear it. Anyway, from Zhou Meng's initiative to persuade him to stay just now, it can be seen that the Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce really wants to make this deal.

Seeing that Xiang Yuan was so resolute, Zhou Meng was also in trouble, and just as he was scratching his head in distress, the other side spoke again.

"Of course, if you want your firm to take out 2000 million yuan at one time, this figure is indeed a bit large. So I am also willing to accept the exchange of money in kind."

"Oh? What Mr. Huang is talking about is..." Hearing that Huang Xuan was willing to use things to pay for capital, Zhou Meng became interested. After all, compared to real gold and silver yuan coins, their Chamber of Commerce has different advantages. With a small inventory, there might be something this distinguished guest wants.

"The root of all living beings, the mother's source."

There is a mysterious power in Yunyoutian that can directly translate the language system of the speaker, so there is no situation where the words are wrong.

"Mr. Huang wants these two things... please don't get me wrong, I'm just curious, nothing else."

Hearing the two things Xiang Yuan asked for, Zhou Meng asked subconsciously, but just as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that he had crossed the line.

"How about it? If your Chamber of Commerce can find these two things, I'm willing to pay the highest price in the market for the material."

The root of all living beings and the mother's source are related to the cultivation of the star casting method, which is what Xiang Yuan needs most at present.

And even in Yunyoutiandi City, the frequency of these two things is not particularly high.

Collecting it personally takes a long time.

But if it is raised by a chamber of commerce, it will definitely be much easier and faster than individuals. After all, there are some channels that individuals cannot access.

"Sorry, the amount of payment involved in this business is relatively large. I may need to discuss it with the higher-ups. Can you please give me three days, Mr. Huang, and we will definitely give you a clear answer after three days. What do you think?" Apologetic, Zhou Meng's eyes moved slightly.

Originally, he wanted to make this order by himself, improve the performance of the chamber of commerce, and try to see if he could hit the position of the second shopkeeper at the end of the year, but Xiang Yuan's words directly pulled the payment to 2000 million.

Such a large number really cannot be decided by just touching his upper and lower lips. He must discuss it with other shopkeepers and the big boss before making a decision.

"Okay, then trouble shopkeeper Zhou." Standing up and nodding his head, Xiang Yuan arrived at the door of Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce under Zhou Meng's personal escort.

"Your Chamber of Commerce has a very good reputation, if possible, Mr. Huang hopes to form a cooperation with you.

In addition, the talisman is not only undead, if there is a chance to cooperate, please ask the shopkeeper Zhou to be in charge..."

Before leaving, Xiang Yuan flashed a thunder talisman between his fingers before Zhou Meng's eyes.

The blue and radiant talisman that exuded the power of thunder exuded strong heavenly power, and there was a faint tremor of thunder. Zhou Meng's eyes were dazed when he saw it. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Huang Xuan in front of him had already stepped away from the chamber of commerce. Disappear……

"This Huang Xuan... is really hiding something." Zhou Meng muttered in a low voice, then turned around and returned to the chamber of commerce. He wanted to hurry up and notify the first shopkeeper, the second shopkeeper, and the big boss to discuss this matter, so as not to have long nights and dreams. Cut off by other chambers of commerce.


Outside the Small Four Seas Chamber of Commerce

After Xiang Yuan came out, he found the stall owner who was waiting outside, and they made an appointment to meet here.

"How is it? Is it settled?" Seeing Xiang Yuan coming out, the stall owner asked casually.

"Half of the talk, write back to me in three days." Xiang Yuan replied.

"Three days? Then just wait. At worst, it won't work. I'm looking for something else for you. Yunyoutian lacks everything, except the chamber of commerce." Hearing Xiang Yuan's flat tone, the stall owner said Thinking that the conversation was not going well, he spoke to comfort him.

"The delay in setting up your stall for the past few days is a fee for delayed work. Take it." He took out a bracelet containing [-] Yuan coins and handed it to the stall owner, Xiang Yuan said softly.

In the past few days, the stall owner helped him run around and inquire about the chamber of commerce. It was hard work. The thousand yuan coins were not too much, so it was hard work.

Staring blankly at the yuan bracelet in his hand, the stall owner hesitated and said, "Is this...a bit too much..."

The 1000 yuan seems to be just the money he sold for a copy of Yun Youtian's detailed explanation.

But in fact, it took him several months to sell a copy. Except for a wealthy person like Xiang Yuan, 1000 yuan is really a lot of wealth in Yunyoutian.

"Take it away. If there is too much, it will count as the hard work in the future. If it doesn't work this time, you may have to work hard for a few more days."

1000 yuan is a lot of money for an idle merchant who sets up a stall, but it is nothing to Xiang Yuan, who involves tens of millions of yuan in a single business.

"Okay then, I'll take it first."

Faintly realizing that he might have met a wealthy man, the stall owner clenched the bracelet in his hand, and already had some plans in mind.


(End of this chapter)

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