Six Gods

Chapter 381 Exclusivity

Chapter 381 Exclusivity

Three days later, the Small World Chamber of Commerce
In the hall, which was far more magnificent than the elegant hall last time, the person Xiang Yuan faced changed from Zhou Meng, the third treasurer before, to Jiang Gong, the second in command of the Small World Chamber of Commerce, the chief treasurer.

"Mr. Huang's goods are very good and of high value. After discussing carefully in the past few days, we are all very optimistic about this cooperation.

It's just that this price, you can see if it can be lowered..."

Merchants are profit-seeking, even though Xiang Yuan had said before that the price cannot be lowered, the shopkeeper still brought it up, wanting to give it a try for the last time.

"I've already said about the price before, it can't be lower." Shaking his head, the price is the bottom line, and Xiang Yuan will never back down on this point.

Seeing that Xiang Yuan was so determined, Jiang Gong said again: "You should know that 2000 yuan is already a very high price in the prefecture.

So even if we can eat all of your goods, we still have to spend a lot of effort if we want to cash them all out.

If the price cannot be lowered, can we pay part of the payment first, and pay the rest after we sell part of the goods and return the funds.

After all, even for a chamber of commerce like ours, it would be quite difficult to take out more than 2000 million Yuan coins in one go. "

Gently turning the crystal-like cup in his hand, shaking the star-like liquid inside, he said to Yuan: "I know you have difficulties, so I proposed the method of exchanging goods for capital.

As for what you said, give part of it first, and give the rest when the goods are sold out...

If you can't sell out in 1 years, will I have to wait for you for 1 years?
In business, you have to be willing and rewarding. It is impossible for everything to be inclined to you. Are you right, Shopkeeper Jiang. "

"This..." subconsciously clenched his fists, and after a moment of silence, Jiang Gong sighed inwardly: "You really are a tricky guest.

Well, if that's the case, let's do the deal as you said, but we hope to add an agreement. "

"What agreement?" Xiang Yuan asked softly.

"We hope to exclusively sell the undead talisman. After all, if other chambers of commerce have the same product, our sales strategy will be targeted. This is too detrimental to us. I hope Mr. Huang can consider it..."

"It turns out that shopkeeper Jiang's real purpose is here." Halfway through hearing this, Xiang Yuan suddenly understood that the big shopkeeper of the Little Four Seas Chamber of Commerce just pretended to be in trouble, what the hell was Balabala talking so much about.

For the exclusive right to manage the undead talisman.

The two thousand one undead talisman, as the shopkeepers like Jiang Gong Zhoumeng said, the profit itself is already very small.

But the reason why Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce still took the pole to do this business is fundamentally to increase the popularity of its chamber of commerce and attract customers through this unique product in Yunyoutiandi City.

As for whether you can make money and how much money you can make, this is secondary.

Therefore, after agreeing to Xiang Yuan's price pretending to be a compromise, Jiang Gong immediately proposed an agreement with an exclusive franchise.

Because only exclusive sales can maximize the popularity of your own chamber of commerce. If several chambers of commerce sell at the same time, the effect will naturally be much worse.

"This condition won't hinder Mr. Huang's interests. I think you won't refuse it." After chuckling twice, Jiang Gong's cloud-shrouded face was actually a little nervous.

He really couldn't see Huang Xuan in front of him, and it was hard to guarantee whether he would give him an unexpected answer.

"I can agree to this condition, but your company must also agree to one condition."

"You say."

"I can give you the exclusive management rights, but you must do your best to help me collect the roots of all living beings and the mother source." Putting down the crystal cup, Xiang Yuan put forward his own conditions.

"The root of all living beings and the mother source..."

Under the clouds and mists, a look of embarrassment appeared in Jiang Gong's eyes, and Jiang Gong instinctively did not want to agree to Xiang Yuan's condition.

Because these two things are too precious, one is the original power of the life star, and the other is the condensed body of the life star's Tianxin consciousness.

There are very few circulating in the entire Yunyoutiandi City, and it is not difficult to collect a large number of them.

And the most important thing is that there is a chamber of commerce in the city that is also collecting these two things.

This chamber of commerce itself is average in size, but it is a branch of a large chamber of commerce in Tianshi. If the small Sihai chamber of commerce also starts to collect roots and mother sources, it will inevitably conflict with this chamber of commerce.

It even attracted the attention of the big chamber of commerce behind it.

and so……

Sensing Jiang Gong's embarrassment and hesitation, Xiang Yuan frowned slightly, so embarrassing?Is there something hidden?

The root of sentient beings and the mother's source are related to my stepping into the star-forming realm, and no secrets can stop this matter.

With certainty in his heart, Xiang Yuan turned his fingertips, and a thunder talisman slowly emerged, and the dissipated power of thunder sound and heavenly power caused the entire hall to roar, tremble, and surge with terrifying and majestic majesty .

"If your Chamber of Commerce agrees to help Mr. Huang find these two items, you will also have the exclusive right to manage these items in the future."

The sound of thunder trembled in his ears, and the lightning flashed in front of his eyes. All eyes were attracted by this vision. Jiang Gong instantly put all his worries behind him, stood up abruptly, and walked quickly to Xiang Yuan. before.

"This thing... can you really give us the exclusive right to manage it?" Jiang Gong stretched out his hand to touch it but dared not, Jiang Gong swallowed, his voice trembling slightly.

Anything related to the power of thunder is a sky-high price in Yunyoutian.

There is no other reason. As a force of divine punishment, Thunderbolt is almost impossible to be controlled artificially. It is full of destructive characteristics, but it is also a force that makes people obsessed.

In the entire Yunyoutiandi City, there are no more than five products of Thunder Power.

Everything is in the hands of the top ten chambers of commerce. If the small Sihai chamber of commerce can also have the exclusive right to operate such a product, it will be equivalent to competing with those leading chambers of commerce.

"As long as you can satisfy Mr. Huang, it belongs to you."

"Okay! Don't worry, Mr. Huang. You are a distinguished guest of my Small World Chamber of Commerce. Don't say that you don't have the exclusive right to manage it. Based on the relationship between us, it's up to you to say what you want."

Without any further hesitation, Jiang Gong agreed to Xiang Yuan's condition without hesitation, and Jiang Gong's face turned rosy.

At this moment, he no longer has any worries in his mind.

What conflicts, what big chambers of commerce, I am in the city, you are in the city, if you have the ability, come down and beat me.

The big deal is that I have been developing in prefectures and cities all my life, can you still eat me?
The businessman's profit-seeking and unscrupulous nature filled Jiang Gong's heart at this moment.

"Well then, Mr. Huang will wait for your good news..."

After the conditions were settled, Xiang Yuan and Jiang Gong signed a contract.

The main content of the contract is that Xiang Yuan will grant the exclusive management right of the undead talisman to the Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce in the future, and provide the Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce with a price of two thousand one.

In addition to paying the payment for the goods, the Xiaosihai Chamber of Commerce also has to do its best to collect the roots and mother sources of all living beings, and the purchase fees are deducted from the payment for goods.

There are also some specific side details, which are also used to define responsibilities and obligations, but most of them are routine.

This contract was provided by Yun Youtian, and it is very binding, especially for the Small World Chamber of Commerce.

Because any chamber of commerce established in Yunyoutian must pay a large deposit and be supervised by Yunyoutian.

If they just violated the content of the transaction contract, Yunyoutian would not only disband their chamber of commerce and confiscate all deposits, but at the same time everyone in the chamber of commerce would be disqualified from entering Yunyoutian.

And if Xiang Yuan violated the content of the contract, he would also lose the qualification to enter Yunyoutian.

For all those who have experienced a super resource market like Yunyoutian, losing the qualification to enter is tantamount to cutting off a broad avenue.

Therefore, almost no one would violate the contract, after all, it would be tantamount to cutting off the road ahead and exhausting the resources.

People who can be awarded the key to the sky by the wandering merchants will not be so stupid.


(End of this chapter)

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