Six Gods

Chapter 396 Set off your ~

Chapter 396 Set off your ~
Sweep the abyss, shake the world

The robes of the two human kings were fierce, and the majesty of the infinite king shone all over the sky. All the human races that pressed the entire star knelt on the ground, obeyed the surrender in their hearts, and began...worship!
The withered yellow coir raincoat on her body shone slightly, like an ancient spell to resist the majesty of this majestic king, Luo Sixi's face tightened, and she stepped back step by step.

As a star-making celestial being, he seems to be unable to resist this coercion.

The majesty of the human king is too domineering. This is based on the surrender and fear in the blood genes. All blood sequences lower than the king's blood will involuntarily feel surrender from the depths of their hearts.


Feeling the opponent's extremely powerful kingly aura, Xiang Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, pinched his finger bones lightly, and the kingly pressure of the [Heroic Authority] suddenly opened!

Suddenly, the white-robed man Zhao Heng's face changed slightly.

The terrifying real coercion as deep as ten thousand meters of ocean enveloped him, and the surrounding void burst and shattered into slag, and the thick coercive force condensed into raging energy, tearing the sky and the earth, rolling layers of storms.

Under the extremely tyrannical coercion of the royal way, the cuffs of the white-robed king cracked an inaudible gap.

In the first confrontation, they were at a disadvantage.

The white-robed man Wang pressed down slightly with his palm, and the yang energy and blood swayed, and the silence of the physical body suddenly unsealed, and the domineering aura surged.

A trembling sound.

There are many visions born out of thin air in the world.

Behind Zhao Heng, thousands of people worship, ancient capitals, sitting in the middle of the tripod, surrounded by eight waters, condensed into a glorious capital, the city wall stands tall, telling the clanging of thousands of years, the twinkling night lights, flowing into the distance, the sea of ​​people overflowing the streets .

This is a scene of prosperity and prosperity, setting off Zhao Hengru as a benevolent emperor who ruled the world.

The great world rolled down, and the dawn rose in the sky, as if the hope of the human race, which made the eyes of countless human races below shine brightly, and their expressions of worship became more and more devout.

"In today's world, fantasizing about a prosperous world is nothing more than stealing peace.

If you want to get back the glorious world of the human race, the only way to achieve long-term peace is to conquer with iron and blood and plant our human king's banner all over the sky!

The only way to end war is to run war.

If I want to fight, I can fight.

If I don't want to fight, the world will be peaceful! "

For Zhao Heng's peaceful and prosperous life, Xiang Yuan dismissed it, and spoke with a powerful voice, telling the truth in his heart.

There was a loud shock.

Behind the young king is a golden horse and an iron horse, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, the horses stamping their hoofs to attack, the king's flag hunting and hunting, the corpses are everywhere, and the world is shrouded in the evil spirit of war.

The banners are hunting, the drums are thundering, the division of tigers and wolves; the soldiers are invincible wherever they point;

In this dark place, the fighting has turned into the Xiongguan Great Wall, with flesh and blood, killing and killing, guarding the human race behind.

Stop killing with killing, control violence with violence!
If you dare to hit me, I will dare you to destroy your entire clan. After a long time, you will have great peace!


One is the benevolent Lord Renzong who ruled the universe and was happy in the prosperous age!
One is the overlord who reversed the desperate situation and turned the world around!

The two views of the kingly way are facing each other in the starry sky, and the brilliant brilliance is like a glazed dome pressing down, dispelling the dark clouds on the entire star, and illuminating the world.

They are both kings, but they have taken two completely different paths.

The eyes of Xiang Yuan and Zhao Heng became more and more at odds. This was due to the disagreement of the Dao idea in their hearts, the difference of opinions, and the collision of thinking.

Sparks kept rubbing between the two of them, they swished viciously at Wang Qi, and the majestic and mighty Qianqiu Sword clanged and neighed.

The hands of the two behind them were clenched into fists.

"You two kings, don't do it here!" Seeing that the two kings in front of them were about to make a move, Luo Sixi rushed forward while resisting the pressure of numbness in her scalp, and stopped her loudly.

If such a terrifying existence takes action here, maybe it will affect their stars and hurt ordinary people.

But at this moment, a cold and bitter arrow feather suddenly hissed out from the deep void, the icy tentacles wrapped in death, and rushed straight to Luo Sixi, who was facing his back!

The insidiousness of this arrow feather came as fast as an instant.

"Presumptuous!" At the same time, they shouted coldly, the eyes of the two human kings erupted with golden lights, and the boundless blood of the human king roared violently, turning into a golden tide and instantly hitting the poisonous arrow feather, knocking it to the ground Powder smash!

After smashing the hidden arrow, the two human kings looked sideways at the direction of the hidden arrow at the same time, with cold killing intent in their eyes, as if they wanted to take a look.

Which lifeless thing just attacked and killed the strong clan in front of them!
In the turbulent flow of the gloomy and cold Tianyuan, the void in all directions was torn open, and huge warships that resembled Xiang Yuan's previous online game Kun slowly and heavily passed through the Tianyuan nest.

The huge ship exudes majestic pressure, crushing countless voids, and surging the deadly shadow of death.

Standing at the head of the big ship, the patriarch of the Siren Clan stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the bottom, a supremely luxurious divine gold armor radiated a powerful light, and a round of stars loomed above his head, vibrating the void and trembling, extremely powerful.

"Humans and animals dare to kill me, the god king of the Sea God Clan. If you don't exterminate the clan today, it's too much for heaven!"

Dozens of sea monster ships came across the sky, and a layer of light blue light film on the battleship shone, swimming through a large number of ancient lines, resisting the pressure of the cold darkness in the starry sky.

Under the protection of this layer of light film, there are densely packed warriors of the Kraken clan standing on both sides of the deck, holding weapons and looking fierce, ready to fight.

And on both sides of the Siren ship, there are thousands of black hole muzzles, exuding a deadly cold light, and a terrifying attack may erupt at any time.

"It's broken..." Seeing so many large sea monster ships, Luo Sixi's face turned pale. The sea monster clan has come out in full force, and it's true that the four sea monster gods have fallen. For the sea monster clan It was also a huge blow, and they naturally wanted to retaliate with all their strength and completely slaughter the entire human race.

Standing at the forefront of the leading Kraken ship, the head of the Siren clan had a cold killing intent in his eyes.

Falling four star-casting celestial beings at one time, this is a blow to the Sea-Monster Clan who have already had increasingly fierce friction with the Holy Spirit Clan and are about to start a war.

As the top powerhouses in the race, the number of star-making celestial beings directly determines which side will gain the upper hand faster once the two races start a war.

And now...

The fall of the celestial beings in the four clans made the siren patriarch furious, but he did not lose his mind because of it.

Judging from the traces of the fall of the four celestial beings, it is undoubtedly the work of the human race.

But the human race in this star field is not strong, there is only one star casting celestial being in charge and its combat power is not good, so it can only curl up in the Tianyuan nest to survive.

With their strength, it is absolutely impossible to kill the four sea monsters and celestial beings.

The only answer is that the human race has foreign aid.

Moreover, it is a strong foreign aid.

But the revenge of the fall of the tribe must be avenged.

So in order to take revenge this time, the head of the sea monster mobilized all the starships in the clan, vowing to wipe out all these humble and lowly human races with a thunderous gesture!

"Wan Hai Shen Cannon is ready!" Slightly raised his hand, the head of the sea monster gave an order, and tens of thousands of guns on more than a dozen large sea monster ships simultaneously lit up with light containing the power of extinction and coldness.

"You two kings, think about it..." Seeing that the sea monster clan's attack was about to fall, Luo Sixi's voice trembled, and she was about to ask the two kings for help, but when she turned around, she found that these two domineering beings had long since disappeared. disappears from its original position.

Beyond the stars of the human race.

Xiang Yuan and Zhao Heng looked coldly at the huge Kraken fleet that almost filled their entire field of vision. The majestic and domineering aura in their bodies was slightly surging, like a terrifying volcano that was about to erupt.

Calling the human race a human animal in front of the human king, this kind of suicidal ridicule has been tried and tested.

Even if Xiang Yuan and Zhao Heng almost pinched each other when they met because of the king's blood in their bodies, it didn't hinder them in the slightest when they were facing alien enemies.

The outrageous alliance of the two kings!


Zhou Tian shook, and tens of thousands of muzzles on the Siren ship simultaneously swallowed a dazzling light containing the power of death cold!
"Bone Tide!"

"Blue Scale Divine Flame Shield!"

At the same time, Xiang Yuan moved his thoughts to attract the power of the sea of ​​burying the dead bones from all directions, and the boundless azure blue sea rushed in, turning into an infinite tide, the waves were surging, burying the dead bones, and beating against the sky.

On the other side, Zhao Heng took out a palm-sized sapphire cup, threw it casually, and the cup swelled in the wind. In an instant, it was as big as the starry sky, and the infinite blue divine fire surged in the cup, evolving thousands of visions.

The two huge forces turned into two layers of solid barriers, one blue and one blue, firmly blocking all the artillery fire fired by the Kraken ship, preserving the life star and the ordinary human race on the star.

After ensuring the safety of the stars and the clansmen behind them, the two human kings shot at the same time, their tyrannical Qi and blood soared into the sky, shaking the void, and the terrifying coercion swept down, stimulating all the siren ships to roar and roar.

There is tension, there is fear!

Taking off the Qianqiu Sword floating above his head, King Zhao Heng stepped forward and swept across the golden sword in his hand. The huge sword light that was powerful enough to cut through the abyss roared out, engulfing the tyrannical force that destroyed everything, and slashed heavily on a sea monster ship. on the ship.

The light film rippled continuously, giving birth to countless cracks, and the sea-monsters on the hull were swaying to and fro, scattered all over.

The golden sword light crazily annihilated the light film of the Kraken ship. Half a second later, the light film burst, and the cold and dark power in the starry sky poured in like a tide, instantly freezing and killing a large number of sea monsters.

"Those who only dare to bully people and animals of the younger generation, don't have the guts to bandit!"

Seeing that Zhao Heng killed a large sea monster ship with a sword, and let millions of sea monsters on the big ship die in battle.

"Okay, then I'll come find you!"

The martial arts instinct of chasing the soul of thousands of miles locked on the strong siren who opened his mouth and cursed instantly, Xiang Yuan's eyes showed a fierce light, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, his arms swayed and smashed into the void, and his burly and tyrannical body came directly in front of the big siren ship!

"Break me!"

The fist that shone with infinite black and gold light was hammering down like a star, and the surging and terrifying force was higher than the wave, and the light film of the siren ship was shattered with a bang!

Seeing Xiang Yuan smashing the light film directly with his physical strength, Zhao Heng's eyes changed slightly, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

The Siren strongman who had just yelled angrily above the Siren ship was ashen-faced at this moment, and the shadow of death had completely captured his mind.

Squeezing away the swarming icy darkness with his domineering body, Xiang Yuan grabbed the strong siren who had spoken rudely just now.

"Aren't you quite good at talking just now? You speak righteously and confidently. How will this go out?"

Being held in mid-air by Xiang Yuan like a chicken, the strong siren wanted to cry, but he didn't expect this human race to be so terrifying. Not only could he be able to directly lock his position from such a distance, but he could also hammer him alive with his bare hands. The protective net of the big ship exploded.

Seeing that the strong siren in his hand was so frightened that he couldn't speak a whole sentence, Xiang Yuan was very bored, and the palm of his hand spurted out a tyrannical fire, and the ear-piercing screams burned him to ashes.

In less than a second, the two Kraken ships were scrapped and destroyed, and millions of Kraken fighters died.

On the leading ship, the head of the siren patriarch's mouth twitched, his face was as gloomy as water, and he looked at the two human kings with murderous eyes, and squeezed out a word through his teeth.

"Give it to me, kill them!"

With an order from the head of the sea monster, ten sea monsters and heavenly beings walked out with cold faces. The terrifying aura directly detonated the surrounding cold abyss. land.

The siren celestial beings, who had a powerful aura, walked towards the two human kings in a group of five.

Xiang Yuan, who was madly slaughtering the Kraken ship, felt the space around him freeze suddenly, so he stopped the blood on his hands, and looked sideways at the five siren gods with icy expressions.


Looking at each other, the five sea monsters and celestial beings shot at the same time, one after another bright stars came crashing down, countless starlights fell down, and the colossal force set up a killing pattern, intending to kill the king in front of them.

The power of the stars crowded the sky and the earth raged around, and countless radiances turned the space of nearly ten thousand miles into a sea of ​​light, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it, and drowned the figure of King Xiangyuan.

"Is it only this strength?!"

In the turbulent sea of ​​light, a majestic sound came out, a terrifying giant standing upright from the depths of the sea of ​​light straightened its body, and its eyes, like a bright sun, erupted with infinite golden light, directly wiping most of the sea of ​​light remove.

Looking at the golden giant who evaporated most of the sea of ​​light just by looking at it, the Siren Heavenly Man's complexion changed slightly, he didn't dare to hold back any more, and sacrificed all his strength.

The stars are connected to each other, and the bright stars and blue pools merge with each other, suddenly forming an ancient and cold reef. On the reef, a graceful figure can be seen leaning on it, singing bursts of prostitution, which is fascinating. I can't help but want to go to her move closer.

This reef figure is one of the most powerful secret techniques of the Siren family. Even the star-casting powerhouses will be tempted and seduced, and the fire of desire will rise in their hearts, disturbing their minds, and eventually burn themselves to death.

This is the method of mind killing, it is extremely difficult to defend, and its power is terrifying!
Under the gloomy and cold gaze of the Siren God, the golden giant strode and thundered, like a world destroyer who trampled on the stars, approaching the graceful figure on the reef step by step.

Hmph, he's done...

Seeing the golden giant's unhesitating pace, the sneer on Siren's face became even worse.

The pace is so urgent, it is still a hurry...

Just when the siren angels were about to witness a good show of self-immolation, the golden giant who walked up to the wonderful shadow on the reef suddenly jumped up, raised his fist and punched, and the terrifying star-like fist thundered down, and only the reef was heard. Miaoying screamed again and again.

"I let you sing, I let you sing!

Singing something squeaking. "

The young man Wang Chang who had blasted the wonderful shadows of the reef into nothingness and turned into a golden giant breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled "mildly" at the petrified sea monster.

"Don't be afraid, I will sing a song for you next.

lifted your skull~"


(End of this chapter)

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