Six Gods

Chapter 397 Disagree?come down and practice

Chapter 397 Disagree?come down and practice

Seeing the secret technique of the five people teamed up was violently destroyed by the young man Wang, the Sirens and the Heavenly People couldn't believe it.

Could it be that this person really has a heart of stone, without any desire or affection?

Unexpectedly, the young king's desire for love had already vanished with the rupture of the thread of love, and the sea demon and the gods were shocked, and quickly joined forces again to resist the terrifying man who came like an ancient dragon.

In the gloomy roar unique to the Siren clan, the five big stars rotated and rolled, and the continuous splashing of star light evolved into an incomparably mysterious pattern, reshaping this void world into an abyss sea kingdom.

The tide ebbs and flows, the forest is cold and gloomy.

This sea country was built by the star rules of the five sea monsters and heavenly beings.

When the coincidence rate of the main body stars and the external universe reaches 5.00%, the star casting powerhouse can let the unique rules of the main body stars affect the external universe in a certain area.

The higher the coincidence rate, the wider the degree and scope of influence.

At this moment, the five sea-monster gods joined hands to sacrifice their own stars, forcibly reshaping the environment of the world with a radius of a million miles, so that the whole world began to help them.

It's like a small world that belongs to them alone.

Under this kind of blessing, the strength of the Siren Heavenly Man has increased tremendously, resulting in a qualitative leap.

In terms of strength alone, the original siren celestial being might be hammered to death by the young Wang Huohuohuo who had just condensed the star fetus.

But at this moment, with the blessing of this Abyss Sea Country, their strength has been magnified many times, and it seems that they already have the capital to challenge the young king!
Sensing the changes in the surrounding environment, the invisible oppression and the icy cold force that constantly wanted to seep into his body, Xiang Yuan snorted coldly, the void behind him vibrated, and a large bronze flag stood up loudly, filled with black light Shining, like a round of black sun, exudes a terrifying fire.

Under the whole world, could it be the king's land!
Xiang Wang Qi's tyrannical power forcibly propped up a dome of king soil in this abyssal sea kingdom. With the blessing of human Wang Li, Xiang Yuan's qi and blood surged at the same time, black and golden flames surged, and rays of light burst from the seven orifices. moving, it's shocking.

The death-cold sea tide swelled to burst, and the five sea-monster gods shot at the same time, waving their hands to transform into a sea-monster slaughter. The billowing black tide roared and roared, engulfing the terrifying power of annihilating all things, as if destroying the entire three thousand worlds, it was irresistible!

The general situation was surging, the young king's clothes flicked, and the white robe on his upper body exploded, revealing the indestructible, majestic and domineering body.

On the upper surface of the skin is the indestructible martial arts aura, and the black awn of the real body attribute is shining together, gushing out the endless and terrifying power in this body.

The indomitable domineering king body collided with the silent black tide, and the terrifying power suddenly exploded like a big bang. The entire sky and void could not withstand this terrible destructive power, and it exploded crazily and collapsed into ashes.

dong dong!

dong dong!

The heartbeat of the gods and demons beating drums sounded, and the terrifying human king who was grasping the universe with both arms tore the Kuroshio, and a pair of golden eyes with vast divine brilliance locked on the five sea monsters and celestial beings!

Locked by this fierce and domineering gaze, the five sea monsters and celestial beings felt chills through their bodies.

"Damn! What is the origin of this human race, why is it so terrifying!!!"

"No wonder the human race is so arrogant this time. Dare I, the five god kings of the Sea God clan, really have some strength in their hands!"

Shocking the terrifying power of the Young King, the sea monsters and heavenly people suppressed the fear in their hearts, urging the entire deep sea kingdom to impose heavy rules and regulations, intending to use the power of heaven and earth to suppress this terrifying "human devil"!
The sky and the earth shook, and countless black and blue rules of the sky and the earth fell like heavy waves. This is the suppression of the young king by the sky and the earth, and it is the power of the rules that is restraining him!

Layers of heavy pressure are like hundreds of millions of ancient mountains falling on the body, and they are bound down like thick and long iron chains.

The young man Wang roared, and the roar shook the entire universe, setting off a boundless and terrifying storm of violence!

"Whoever stops me will die!!!"

The Xiangwang flag on the back skyrocketed, and the pattern of mountains and rivers on the bronze flagpole gave off black light, and the scarlet left by the blood of countless alien races on the flag was dazzling!
Black and red rays of light rose, and the bronze flag rose into the sky like a pillar reaching the sky, as if it wanted to pierce a hole in this small world!
"Not good, withdraw quickly!"

The black and red rays of light pierced into the pupils of the sea monsters and celestial beings like sharp swords, and the terrifying killing aura that seemed to slaughter all the heavens and all races caused the entire deep sea kingdom to explode continuously, and the rules in the world were being torn apart.

This is a small world created by the Sirens and Celestials.

It's going to be ruined!
Frightened and angered by the horror of this human and demon, the sea demon and the heavenly man tried their best to undo the creation of the far-reaching sea kingdom.

This small world was created by the rules of their own stars. Once it is destroyed, it will be retroactively linked to their own stars, and the star matching rate and star rules that they have worked so hard to improve will be scrapped.

Thousands of years of hard work are ruined in one day!

Piercing the sky above his head, the young king, like a chaotic god and demon who broke the sky and broke the earth, tore apart the rules of heaven and earth that suppressed him, and let out a arrogant laugh that shook the sky and the earth.

This son is invincible!

Trembling in the heart, the sea monsters and angels who knew that they were not the opponent of this monster turned around and fled.

"Want to leave? This king has already made a divination for you, and today Yi will return to heaven and be buried.

It's a great day to raise ashes! "

Killed from the abyssal sea kingdom that never completely dissipated, the young king's chest was full of precious light, infinite thunder power was born in the void, and a terrifying sea of ​​thunder came to this world with a bang.

Click boom!
Thunder raged, shattering the starry sky!
The thunder dragon rolled into the sea of ​​thunder, and the crackling thunder light roared, scorching and shattering the void, as if it wanted to subdue all worlds and push three thousand horizontally.

Turning on the flickering dagger, the young man Wang directly crossed the distance and teleported behind a fleeing siren celestial being.

"Come take a shower!"

Laughing maniacally and roaring in horror, the Sea Demon Celestial Man with tearing eyes pulled him into the sea of ​​thunder. Make a thunder prison with eighteen layers of floating ancient characters, lock the sky and trap the earth, and sink it into the depths of the sea of ​​thunder!

Seeing a companion drowned in the sea of ​​thunder just like that, the sea demon celestial being was even more terrified, his courage was shattered, and he screamed and fled in all directions.

"Don't worry, don't worry, everyone has a share!"

Smilingly, he turned on the flickering dagger again, and dragged a sea-monster to death. Xiang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, his body swelled slightly, and the black glow surged in his body. The huge real power was following the movement of these sea-monster Death kept pouring into his body.

The traceless teleportation of the flickering dagger combined with the forced dizziness of the dark flame crit and the blockade of the body's recovery force made the Siren Heavenly Man unable to resist at all, and could only howl miserably, one after another being drowned in Xiang Yuan's sea of ​​thunder. middle.

"The patriarch save me!!!"

Seeing the sudden death of his companions one after another, the last siren celestial being rushed towards the patriarch of the siren, weeping blood and crying for shelter!
Never expected that the strong in the clan would be defeated so thoroughly and in such a mess, the siren patriarch's aura was heavy, the blood in his eyes shredded the void, and he raised his hand to create a wave that swept towards the surviving siren celestial beings.

Just when the Siren Heavenly Man showed eager eyes and rejoiced that he had escaped a catastrophe, a chill instantly occupied his body, and the cold voice of impermanence demanding his life came from behind.

"It's too late, stay!"

Taking a deep breath, the young king's chest swelled high, and his huge mouth seemed to turn into a world-refining furnace, in which the terrifying three-color flames burst and reacted like three suns!


As if hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, the Ba Lie Yinlang, which tore apart the world, roared out with three flames like a world-destroying dragon, shooting straight like a world-destroying god and demon gun, instantly evaporating the space between the world and the earth All the breath, countless holes were burned out in the void, and everything along the way was beaten into a chaotic state.

Turning his head in horror, the ferocious face of the three-color fire dragon illuminates the face of the siren celestial being!

"Dare!" roared furiously, the head of the sea monster accelerated his power, intending to save the clansman in front of him.

boom! ! !
However, he was still a step behind.

The screams sounded, and the sea-monster celestial being pierced by the World-Exterminating God-Demon Spear pierced through the whole body screamed pitifully, like a snowman under the scorching sun, melting continuously, flesh and blood turned to smoke, bones turned to ashes!

The void was shattered and messed up by this terrifying world-destroying divine fire, like a purgatory descending into the world, filled with boundless cruelty.

Incomparably ferocious, he violently sprayed and killed the last siren celestial being. The young man Wang raised his hand to wipe away the molten molten liquid from his mouth, and met the chief of the siren with a strong gaze, as if he wanted to swallow him alive. Angry eyes.

"Not convinced? Come down and practice!"


(End of this chapter)

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