Six Gods

Chapter 398: King of People!team up!

Chapter 398: King of People!team up!
Killing the five sea monsters and gods in the posture of thunder, Xiang Yuan's arrogance was overwhelming, and the bronze king's flag fluttered behind him, and a sea of ​​corpses and blood emerged, showing the majesty and dominance of a peerless overlord!

Listening to the young man Wang Yaozhan's trumpet, the siren patriarch's pale blue eyebrows were filled with murderous intent.

"If you want to die, I will help you!"

Stepping out from the Kraken ship, the Siren patriarch's voice was like rubbing against thousands of ices, his five fingers spread out, and the ice-cold drink echoed in the entire starry sky, approaching Xiang Yuan in an instant at an extremely fast speed.

The azure blue ice peaks emerged out of thin air, and the vast icebergs with a height of millions of miles crushed down one after another. The void was forcefully squeezed and exploded. The eternal coldness is escaping and fluttering!

The patriarch of the Sea-Monster Clan is indeed powerful, and it was only when the five Sea-Monsters joined forces to create an abyss sea kingdom.

And he just simply opened his palm, and in this star field, life and life turned into a deathly cold country!
The cold front rips apart the sky!
Being blasted head-on by a death-cold ice peak, the power of death-cold as fine as scales immediately climbed up the young man Wang's body, intending to freeze him into a deathly ice sculpture and banish him from this universe forever.

"The patriarch is mighty!"

On the other side, the sea demon celestial being, who had already been beaten by the human king Zhao Heng, was completely defeated, dripping blood all over his body, and saw the patriarch himself make a move. He cheered loudly and wept with joy.

Their patriarch is an invincible powerhouse beyond the Star Forging Realm!
As long as he makes a move, these two humans and animals, including all the animals on this star, will all die!

"There's still nonsense to talk about!" Also aware of the strong power of the siren patriarch, Zhao Heng's eyes were heavy.

Hearing the applause of the Sea-Monster and Heavenly Man, his face became even more gloomy. The Qianqiu Great Sword in his hand crushed heavily, and the sky and the earth changed color. With the gesture of crushing the eternal sky, he broke out with all his strength and forcibly killed a Sea-Monster and Heavenly Man. All shattered into nothingness.

Shocked by the blow of the human king Zhao Heng, the Sea Demon Heavenly Man did not dare to say more, for fear of being hit by this destructive blow.

Numerous diamond patterns appeared on the body, revived the endless blood of the king in the body, and the dazzling golden light oscillated like a light, instantly breaking the ice on the surface of Xiang Yuan's body.

Like a stone monkey falling out of the sky, Xiang Yuan's internal emperor engine roared and rumbled. Accompanied by the sound of thunder, his fighting spirit became even more intense in the face of the siren patriarch whose strength surpassed that of Zhuxing Tianren!
Shocking King Fist - Slashing!

Wang Ting came to the world with a big sword, shattered the dome of the starry sky, cut off the four poles and eight wildernesses, promoted half a step to cast stars, and upgraded the attributes of the real body, this king's fist became even more terrifying. Can cut a star in half!
Wrapped with the power of the kingly way, the young king came to attack with the royal sword in hand. Under this unparalleled sharpness, thousands of icebergs burst into pieces one after another, turning into ice chips all over the sky. split!

With a clear and ear-shattering trembling sound, the palm of the siren patriarch firmly caught the unrivaled knife, the blade trembled, but it didn't even cut his oily skin!

"Do you really think that just casting stars is invincible in the world!" The voice came through the darkness from the killing abyss, the eyes of the siren patriarch's eyes were filled with blue light, and his five fingers suddenly closed.

The Wang Ting Dao was crushed by this palm, and the powerful force swept out, and the sound of ancient singing came from the void, like a shooting star directly bombarded the young Wang's body!
Boom boom boom!

Flying backwards, more than ten cold sky abysses collapsed in a row before slowly stopping Xiang Yuan, with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, looking down at the center of his chest.

There was an incomparably clear palm print, which was deeply embedded in his chest, and it seemed that a little deeper would be able to grab his heart out.

Qi and blood surged, and the palm prints on his chest gradually disappeared, squinting his eyes, Xiang Yuan looked at the cold and lonely leader of the sea monster who stood with his hands behind his back.

Is it a realm above the Star Forging Realm...

The vast starry sky, the infinite heroes, the existence that can control a clan, really should not be underestimated!

"He is a great heavenly man in the star-swallowing realm, you and I join hands."

Zhao Heng, who had already dealt with the five siren celestial beings at some point, came to Xiang Yuan's side, and slowly revealed the realm of the patriarch of the siren.

"Okay!" Knowing that he couldn't beat him, Xiang Yuan wouldn't try to be tough!

clang clang-

The two human kings stand hand in hand, and under the aura of connection, there seems to be a gaze betting here on the cold and dark sky.

"The star-swallowing realm has a strong physical body, swallowing stars into the belly, every move has the power of a big star, remember not to confront it head-on!"

Reminding Xiang Yuan, Zhao Heng patted his stomach, opened his mouth and spat out a big sword.

The body of this sword has five sides, engraved with benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith. The white awn flows all over the body, and the radiant light shines on the nine heavens and ten earths, reflecting the bright and sunny sky, the majestic and prosperous world, and many sea monsters who died in battle showed longing for submission.

Dayi Confucian King Sword!
Human King Zhao Heng's Human King Bing!

Holding the Dayi Confucian King Sword, Zhao Hengfei stepped forward, and with a wave of the long sword, the void glowed, and the figure was flickering, wearing a scholar's robe, reciting the most holy scriptures and poems of the prosperous age, as if the heavens had turned into a party of enlightenment place.

Nearly half of the Kraken warriors on the Kraken ship had awakened eyes, they raised their weapons, chanted Zhao Heng's real name, and aimed their blades at the clansmen beside them!
"Evil sects and crooked ways, dare to call themselves enlightenment!"

With chills in his eyes, the leader of the Siren clan flicked his fingers lightly, and with a piercing sound of piercing the air, a divine light like a shooting star in the daytime came to Zhao Heng in an instant.

The void disintegrated inch by inch, and the endless power of collapse turned into an octopus, stretching out its tentacles to destroy the entire starry sky.

"Prosperous Dynasty!" Black hair fluttered, Zhao Heng pursed his lips tightly, and held up the Confucian King Sword of Confucianism in his hand, all the lights bloomed like the morning glow, and an ancient dynasty existed forever in the light.

The brilliance disappears, and everything is empty!
With this blow, Zhao Heng was able to fight to a tie with the leader of the Siren.

Looking at the light flowing in Zhao Heng's hand, exuding the Confucian sword of righteousness that educates the common people and the people, and looking at himself with empty hands, Xiang Yuan fell silent.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to forge my King Bing...

The human king's weapon is the exclusive weapon of the human king, almost equivalent to a clone of the human king. There is definitely a huge difference in combat power between the human king holding the human king's weapon and the human king who is empty-handed.

It's just that Xiang Yuan was born in martial arts and is proficient in martial arts, so his physical body is an unrivaled weapon.

Therefore, he has not been very concerned about the casting and refining of human king soldiers.

Seeing the power of the King of Kings this time, Xiang Yuan realized something.

The Human King Bing is not just a powerful weapon.

It is more like an extension and sustenance of the way of the king.

Just like Zhao Heng's Confucian King's Sword of Confucianism, it contains his kingly heart that intends to educate all people and create a prosperous dynasty.

While waving, the dynasty and prosperity follow each other, showing the majesty of the king.

His eyes stayed on Dayi Confucian King's sword for a moment, and Xiang Yuan thought for a while.

Then my man, Wang should he be...


(End of this chapter)

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