Six Gods

Chapter 399 King Kong!disintegration!

Chapter 399 King Kong!disintegration!
"A lineage of kings?!"

Seeing that Zhao Heng was holding the Dayi Confucian King Sword and fighting like himself, the head of the sea monster's eyes became serious, and he recognized the strong human race in front of him.
"It's no wonder that the ants, humans and animals here are so courageous, it turns out that there are some kings who came to protect them.

He is the king of people, what about you..." The corner of his mouth raised a sneer, the siren patriarch looked at Xiang Yuan who had just received a slap, but acted like a normal person.

Stepping forward, Xiang Yuan's tyrannical body, which was like a pile of ancient sacred mountains, was domineering, exuding an infinite kingly aura, standing majestically, and his aura was not inferior to the king Zhao Heng who was beside him.

"Two human kings?! Well, well, I will capture you all and send them to the Hall of Hundred Clans, which will be enough to make up for this loss."

With a greedy and fierce look in his eyes, the siren patriarch's aura surged, and the stars and sky around him continued to turn into deathly cold capitals. The vast territory was filled with endless icy power, turning thousands of miles of airspace into polar regions, and ice peaks rose from the ground. Suddenly, one after another cold abyss burst open.

"Be careful!" With a low shout, Zhao Heng raised his hand and waved the Dayi Confucian King Sword, and the holy light of Wan Dao's teachings intertwined into a beautiful article, with every word in order to resist the terrible cold light that seemed to freeze the entire universe into ice!

There was an ear-piercing sound of rubbing, and it was bitingly cold, and the cold aura of freezing time and space continued to erode the bright and beautiful article, and a large number of cracks moved vertically and horizontally on it, almost bursting.

Silently opened the flickering dagger, Xiang Yuan engulfed the terrifying sea of ​​thunder and landed directly behind the head of the sea monster without a trace. The little lightning control technique was running wildly, and a dozen giant hands formed by countless thunder dragons suddenly stretched out from the depths of the sea of ​​thunder. Intending to drag it into the sea of ​​thunder.

"A mere human or animal dares to control Tianwei indiscriminately! Court death!"

The thunder hit the face, endless sparks exploded in the void, the siren patriarch snorted coldly, raised his arm and then slammed it down heavily, a huge roar of terrifying power roared out, smashing the giant thunder hand that reached out in an instant , into the afterglow dissipated.

A star-swallowing powerhouse has the power of a star in every move, every breath and every breath, and it is so terrifying under one blow!
"Didn't I say not to fight recklessly with him, and use the king's soldiers to fight him!"

When Lei Hai was broken, Xiang Yuan immediately turned aside, followed by Zhao Heng's reprimand.

"If I had a king soldier, I would have taken it out a long time ago." Rolling Zhao Heng's eyes, he exhaled deep into the deep breath, his body was rumbling and shaking, and the emperor's engine was gradually turned on to the maximum.

"The No Regrets Wall of the star-swallowing powerhouse is incomparably tough, the No-Regrets Wall is 16 yuan in the Star Forging Realm, and he has 32 yuan.

My Dayi Confucian King Sword bursts out at full strength, and can use the sword of the rise and fall of the Spring and Autumn Period, but it can only blast his no regret wall. If you have a way to break his no regret wall, there may be some hope in this battle . "

Looking solemnly at the majestic and ancient god-like head of the sea monster clan, Zhao Heng stretched out his hand to wipe the Dayi Confucian King's sword, and a ray of green and yellow sword light flashed, revealing the general trend of the spring and autumn, the supreme sword intent of ups and downs!

But there is one thing that Zhao Heng didn't say, that is, once he uses the Spring and Autumn Sword Intent, his Confucian King Sword of Great Righteousness will fall into a state of collapse, and it will not be able to use it for at least a hundred years.

It even has a big impact on himself.

It's just that the situation has come to the present, if he doesn't care about other things with his means, he can retreat calmly.

But if he leaves, it is self-evident what will happen to the human race behind this star.

The lineage of the human king is the strongest backing to protect the human race, shouldering the great responsibility.

Encountering a strong enemy, if even the king escapes...

What hope does the human race talk about!

In today's game, there is only a fight to the death!
Even if he dies here, the name of a king cannot be insulted!


"Break the Wall of No Regrets..." Squeezing the finger bones with one hand, Xiang Yuan's broken golden eyes silently looked at the 32 pieces of the Wall of No Regrets looming beside the siren patriarch.

Compared with the No Regrets Wall of the Star Forging Realm, the No Regrets Wall of the Star Swallowing Realm is obviously much tougher and thicker.

If the No Regrets Wall of the Forging Star Realm is a finger-thick glass, then the No Regrets Wall of the Star Swallowing Realm is a steel plate half a meter behind, which is not at the same level at all.

"let me try……"

The indestructible power of diamond on the incomparably powerful physique gradually became brighter. Under the roar of the emperor's engine, the Qi and blood in Xiang Yuan's body were running crazily at a speed of a hundred times and a thousand times, releasing the world-shaking human king's domineering power. Thin golden glow, extremely dazzling!
"Are you okay, don't force it..." Seeing that Xiang Yuan really agreed to break the wall of no regrets, Zhao Heng frowned slightly. He already knew that the king in front of him had no king Bing.

With his bare hands, he wanted to break the No Regrets Wall of the Great Heavenly Swallowing Star, just like ascending to the sky.

"What if you don't force these tribesmen!"

The emperor's engine was operating at a super-high load, and the blue tendons on Xiangyuan's skin twisted like a dragon's python, and the roar of the Tianhe River came from layers of muscles like an ancient river.

With one step forward, the void exploded crazily under Xiang Yuan's feet. Under this step, a million miles of void was suppressed by him into nothingness.

Break through the void, turn into an aurora and sprint a million distances in the blink of an eye. The right fist of the world-destroying dragon turns into a frenzy of fighting, like the shock wave of a planetary explosion, tearing apart the universe and breaking the world!

"Soft and feeble!"

With a sneer, he stretched out a finger and pushed it across. The star-swallowing powerhouse is like a big star, and he has the power of stars in every move. Facing the punch of the young king, the leader of the sea monster only used one finger to treat it.

For a moment, Xiang Yuan felt as if he was being hit head-on by a boundless and stalwart star. The immense power was unimaginable!

This blow was mixed with the deadly cold power that froze everything and silenced the void of the universe. Almost in the blink of an eye, [-]% of his flesh and blood were frozen into ice slag, smashing into pieces!
Enduring the pain of flesh and bones turning into ice slag, Xiang Yuan put his palms together, the black gold light in his palms surged, the sky shook, and the 8000 million pores in his body overflowed with blood as heavy as amalgam!
"King Kong! Disintegrate!"

In the emperor's engine sitting cross-legged like an ancient god and demon, fully nine human king's blood essence, which was shaped like hook jade and covered with black gold, exploded with a bang, turning into a huge force like a frenzy of eternal tide. With the pulsation of the emperor's engine, it was injected into Xiang Yuan in the body.

The black hair danced wildly, the seven orifices overflowed with black gold brilliance, the young man Wang roared to the sky, countless cracks were densely cracked on the skin, and the brilliance burst out from inside, the whole person was like porcelain, almost bursting!

"Have you tried your best? But even so, what can you do." Looking at the young king who was showing his full potential, the siren patriarch still had a calm expression.

Opening the method of ending martial arts, the young man Wang Huhu gasped heavily, breathing out, and actually melted the deadly cold rules branded by the head of the sea monster clan in the void.

"I'll give you the first show of the king's bottom card." Raising his eyes filled with black gold light, the young Wang, who was full of domineering aura, turned his eyes slightly to look at the equipment column.

Among these six pieces of equipment, the blade of an ax is condensed like crescent moon silver, engraved with countless ancient characters, and the handle of the ax is like a talisman made of purple wood for thousands of years, shining brightly...


(End of this chapter)

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