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Chapter 508 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 508 Night Talk Ghost Fox (Seventeen)
"Brother, why are there so few sheep these days?" The pear seller saw his elder brother driving the sheep into the sheepfold, counted them a few times, and found that there were fewer sheep than those who returned a few days ago.

"It's not Mrs. Gongsun who robbed half of my sheep with the dividends of the grievances left in the Seventh Case." The sheep driver was only a year or two older than the pear seller, but his appearance was weather-beaten. It looks like a parent.

The pear seller sighed: "Mrs. Gongsun has devoured all the evil spirits in Qixia and Laiyang towns who were punished in seven cases, and now no one can check and balance them. If this continues, Qixia town Sooner or later it will become a ghost town."

Yu Qi was just one of the failed rebels. In order to punish severely, the Dayou Dynasty almost killed all Qixia and Laiyang towns. There are probably as many people as Zhulian in two towns. Now the people in these two towns are just refugees made by re-entry.

Those who were killed here were basically wronged, and the culprit Yu Qi did not die and became a monk. This is also one of the reasons why those who were punished in the Qi case turned into ghosts.

The culprit did not die, but none of them who were wronged could escape, and all of them beheaded one by one.

Isn't this nonsense, and more importantly, Yu Qi also practiced Buddhism, and now he is the abbot of Yan Hua'an, which is outrageous.

"If it doesn't work, let's go. This Qixia Town has become more and more uneasy recently." The pear seller told the story of all his soul pears being stolen by Wang Laodao today.

After listening to it, the sheep driver scolded a little bitterly: "You are not fascinated by the trick, but you are fascinated by the other party. Otherwise, with your heart, you would not go to see some trick."

The pear seller also realized that he usually doesn't like these things, so how could he suddenly ignore the pear stand to watch a trick today? He must have been fascinated.

"It's okay, it's okay, why don't you leave as soon as you finish this ticket, you go and contact those people, there are many ladies from rich and noble families in my batch of sheep, so be careful." The sheep driver also said helplessly.

"I'll go there right away, brother, and take care of this batch of sheep, but it's a pity that the number is small, and my tree fertilizer is not enough." The pear seller turned and went out.

The sheep driver looked helpless, his younger brother was still too greedy: "It's all up to now, what else do you want?"

The pear seller had just left the house and was walking all the way north. He couldn't see his fingers at night, but the pear seller seemed to have a magical power and was not affected at all. Walk around the ruined temple.

"Gu, coo, coo, coo coo~~" The pear seller squatted in the dark under the grass of the ruined temple, imitating the cry of a bird that was easily caught and stewed.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement in the ruined temple, so I couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Could it be that he's not here, but it's already night, where would those beggars go to spend the night if they weren't here?"

Before the pear seller was surprised, he felt a pain in the back of his head, and hurriedly wanted to fight back, but he didn't expect that it was not one person who attacked him, but two people.

It was so dark in front of my eyes, I couldn't wake up immediately.

"Brother Yan, you are still not proficient in using this brick. You can't knock yourself out with a brick. Look at Wang Laodao, that's a proficiency, and it directly makes the other party unconscious." Li Xu looked a little embarrassed Yan Chixia said.

"I'm a swordsman, and I'm just a heretic." Yan Chixia couldn't help retorting.

Wang Laodao is skinless and shameless but doesn't care about it. It's just a brick to deceive people, and it's not a big deal. If you want to be a good person in this world, you have to be worse than a bad person.

After so many years in the rivers and lakes, Wang Laodao has already figured out these low-level methods. He is also familiar with the technique of hitting people with bricks, and he can use his magic power when he can't help it.

"You're wrong, you ask Wang Laodao, have you ever used a sword after all this time?" Li Xu picked up the pear seller, pulled out his soul and started searching for it.

Wang Laodao looked at Li Xu's ferocious method, and couldn't help but his eyes twitched. This man is really cruel, but Wang Laodao didn't say much, those leftists did much more cruel than this.

"What kind of sword do you use? Poisoning, concealed weapons, and sneak attacks are not very convenient. Use a sword to face it head-on? Sooner or later, you will be beaten to death on the street." Wang Laodao is also unscrupulous. If Laoshan is authentic, if it really has the authentic style of the world, it is estimated that when I went down the mountain when I was studying art, I was beaten to death and thrown into the stinky ditch.

Otherwise, Laoshan is gone, and he, the authentic Laoshan, can still be alive?

Yan Chixia did not agree with the ideas of these two people, but she wisely did not refute, what if Li Xu or Wang Laodao held grudges and retaliated when he was sleeping at night.

"It's almost time to sort out the offline and offline. Let's deal with his brother first. It just so happens that his brother kidnapped some people and rescued them together." Li Xu finished reading the pear seller's memory and stuffed the pear seller's soul into his mouth. to chew.

Wang Laodao looked at this scene in horror, swallowing souls alive, is this something normal people can do?

Only the legendary Zhong Kui, a ghost and god, had the ability to eat raw ghosts. What is your situation? How could a normal person eat raw souls? scramble for the body.

But since Li Xu is so fierce, it seems that it is not a problem to swallow a living soul.

"What about the group of beggars over there?" Yan Chixia thought of the group of beggars who were stunned by Li Xu, who were the middlemen that the pear seller was going to find.

"Paihuazi, where is there any paihuazi?" Li Xu was a little puzzled, but he didn't see any paihuazi.

"It's inside." Yan Chixia wanted to say something, but was stopped by Wang Laodao.

"Young students, you are afraid that you will not be dazzled. There is no one here." Wang Laodao said with narrowed eyes.


"If you don't believe me, you can go in and have a look for yourself. I didn't see anyone, old man." Wang Laodao interrupted Yan Chixia.

This Yan Chixia was silent for a moment, and she finally came to her senses.

I took a look into the ruined temple, it was dark inside, there was no one there, only a few tattered beggars' clothes.

He understood why Li Xu claimed to be a barefoot doctor. He had never seen medical skills, but this kind of poisonous technique was unprecedented. Both Yan Chixia and Wang Laodao were extremely horrifying. What the hell is this? This kind of poison, let alone a human being, doesn't even leave a soul, not a single bit of it is left.

"Next, let's go to the pear seller's house. By the way, let's see what the sheep herder is capable of doing such a thing." Li Xu said, looking at the two with a smile.

The two of them naturally did not refuse, they also wanted to see how capable this man was.

(End of this chapter)

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