Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 509 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 509 Night Talk Ghost Fox ([-])
"Why have I been here for so long today? Could it be that I'm drinking with those beggars again? I really don't know the priorities." Seeing that it was already late at night and his brother hadn't come back yet, the sheep driver couldn't help but Got angry.

As soon as the temper here came up, there was a knock on the door, presumably his younger brother came back, got up to open the door for him and cursed repeatedly: "You bastard, you really don't know what to do, you know you and me!"

The door opened, and before he finished speaking, he saw a big hand directly grabbing his face. Before he could react, the big hand pulled out like that, and the soul and soul were pulled out completely, while the body was pulled out. Weakly fell down.

"Look at my Soul Seizing Hand, I just applied for it." Li Xu took off his big hand and played it on Wang Laodao and Yan Chixia, quite showing off.

But Wang Laodao and Yan Chixia were a little speechless, you can do this yourself, why do you need this foreign thing.

"Why, you still want to give it to the old man, I can't do it." Wang Laodao couldn't help teasing.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you." Li Xu said and threw the gloves to Wang Laodao.

Wang Laodao couldn't believe it, so give it to him?
Although it was nothing to Li Xu, it was a magic weapon to Wang Laodao.

Don't look at him proficient in Laoshan spells, but after the gods and Buddhas left in this dungeon world, most of the spells are like tricks, not spells.

That's why the human race will be suppressed by those demons and ghosts. If there are people with great supernatural powers, how can it cause the current world where demons and ghosts are rampant.

It's one thing for the great ghost to be corrupt, but the real cancer is the demons and ghosts who rule all over the world.

"Is it really for me? Forget it, I still can't bear such a precious thing." Wang Laodao still endured his distress and refused.

Li Xu glanced at Wang Laodao's distressed look: "Take it, it's not a good thing. It's more difficult to apply for this thing because it's useless and the quantity is small. I applied for it when someone got tired of throwing it back."

In their eyes, this so-called Soul Snatcher has already eliminated an unknown number of generations of things, and it would take up space in the warehouse. If no one wants to designate it to be returned to the furnace after a while, it will be regarded as a recovery cost. .

After such an explanation, Wang Laodao found that the Great Zhou Empire seemed to be a bit rich and powerful, and this kind of thing that was a magic weapon in his eyes would be described as tired of playing.

"Then I will not be polite to the old man." Since the other party said so, Wang Laodao accepted it with the cheek.

"How about it? Do you want to join our Great Zhou Empire? Naturalization will give you immortality. The starting point is to cultivate as a loose immortal. After death, you will be provided with basic operations such as resurrection and race selection." Li Xu said while the iron was hot.

If there weren't a lot of benefits in the back, Wang Laodao might have joined the Soul Slayer just because of the face of the Soul Slayer, but isn't it a bit exaggerated, such as Immortality and Immortality? I'm fooling people.

"Excuse me, I am used to being free and loose, old man, and I have no blessing to enjoy it." Wang Laodao refused.

"As for you, if you want to join the Great Zhou Empire, the benefits will be great." Li Xu looked at Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia was still hesitant. He also felt that Li Xu was fooling people, but he didn't immediately refuse: "I'll think about it."

"Success, take your time to think about it. Wang Laodao, if you change your mind, you can tell me that I still have the right to recommend it." Li Xu didn't force it. If he didn't join, it would be their loss.

Li Xu sprinkled some powder on the sheep driver, and then said: "Go and see those abducted people, and think about how to deal with them."

When the three of them left the house, the flesh and blood on the goat herder gradually began to collapse and dissolve. In the blink of an eye, the whole person was melted to nothing, not even pus residue.

"The method of transforming sheep is a bit of a virtue, but it's a pity that it ends up being an evil method, and you can't see the sun." Wang Laodao is an old man, and when he saw the flock of sheep, he naturally knew what was going on.

Slapping flowers, kidnapping people, the best evil method is this method of changing sheep.

The children and women are fascinated, then put on sheepskin, and recite the mantra.

However, the evil law is an evil law after all, but he cannot see the sun. Once the sun is seen, the evil law will dissipate, so the sheep driver only dared to travel at night and rest during the day.

"It's okay." Li Xu glanced at the flock of sheep, and took out the clothes one by one from the basket.

Looking at the formation, there must be at least [-] or [-] pieces. Wang Laodao was very envious of this scene. This is Nasumi Yu Jiezi's magic weapon.

But Wang Laodao missed this point. This is not a space backpack, but a space passage, which connects Wu Mingkong's Golden Core God Kingdom.

The subjects of the Great Zhou had to deal with any accidents in time. You thought it was a backpack, but it was actually a troop transport channel, and millions of troops could come out of it in minutes.

With this kind of support, the subjects of the Great Zhou Dynasty can do things everywhere with confidence, unlike Sangong who took a large number of troops out to investigate.

"Changing it for me" After Li Xu took almost all the clothes, he pointed at the flock of sheep and shouted.

All I saw was that the sheepskins on the flock of sheep fell off, revealing the naked figure inside.

Li Xu made a decisive decision and threw out all the clothes, which were firmly put on those people.

After Li Xu's loud shout, those who had been fascinated woke up instantly, and couldn't help feeling flustered looking at the strange place.

These abducted people were all women, and they seemed to be ladies from all walks of life. They quickly recalled the cause and effect, and couldn't help feeling a little palpitating.

Then they thanked the three of them one after another, but the matter was not over yet.

"Engong, you saw my sister." A woman was a little flustered. She searched for a long time but couldn't find her sister. Before she lost consciousness, she clearly remembered that her sister was captured together with her.

"Things were a bit twisty. Before this, most of them were intercepted by a ghost named Mrs. Gongsun. We are planning to go." Li Xu knew the cause and effect after reading his memory.

The woman's heart couldn't help being pulled, and was cut off by the ghost, so is there still life left?
"But it should be fine. It is said that Mrs. Gongsun is going to marry a daughter in the near future, and the amputated person should be saved for the wedding banquet, and nothing will happen." Li Xu's words sounded like consolation, but so It doesn't look right.

"Please benefactor, save my sister, as long as my sister is rescued, I am willing to do anything." The woman immediately knelt down and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, it's my duty to eliminate demons and protect the way." Yan Chixia replied immediately.

Li Xu looked at Yan Chixia with a bit of crap, you have rebelled with thick eyebrows, but Yan Chixia agreed, and he has nothing to say.

"Success, Brother Yan, I will trouble you to show your power. Wang Laodao and I will stay here to deal with the aftermath. By the way, Mrs. Gongsun has only been a ghost for decades, but because she has swallowed a large number of ghosts, her strength is no longer inferior." Thousand-year ghost king, you must be clean and tidy when you strike."

Li Xu's words made Yan Chixia's face turn green, if you don't go together, he pointed at Li Xu, a big guy, to give him a raid so that he can practice his sword.

Moreover, he was the ghost king for thousands of years, so he really went alone, so Li Xu could go over and help collect the corpse.

 2 is even more cool. Let’s see how long this 8+3×6 can last.

(End of this chapter)

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