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Chapter 510 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 510 Night Talk Ghost Fox (Nineteen)
"This time, what should we do." Yan Chixia and Li Xu squatted in the grass, looking at a mass grave called Laixiali in front of them, while Wang Laodao stayed to take care of the group of female relatives.

According to the previous logic, Li Xu should touch him and slap him unconscious. Yan Chixia already has a little understanding of Li Xu's behavior.

"Don't worry, I have a plan. Let's rush forward together, you in the front and I in the back, and when that Mrs. Gongsun comes out, I'll slap her to death." Li Xu's tone was flat.

"Doctor Li, you are ready to slap him to death, why do you want me to be the first." Yan Chixia was a little puzzled, and it is not unacceptable to be the first, but the problem is that it seems unnecessary.

"Then I'll rush over alone and you squat here to see if it's not too good."

Yan Chixia nodded, she seemed to be right.

This is the loss of youth, that is, Yan Chixia who has just debuted. If this were replaced by Wang Laodao, she would definitely nod with a blank expression to show that she is very good, there is no problem at all.

"That's right, so you charge forward, and after I make a move, the power of this head will be given to you."

"That's not good."

"There's something not so good."

Anyway, between the words, Yan Chixia became a pioneer to clear the way in a daze.

This Laixiali was originally the intersection of Qixia Town and Laiyang Town. In the July [-]st case, all those who died were thrown here. Because it was a special order from the imperial court, no one dared to come here to collect the corpses, and they were eaten by wild animals, resulting in The resentment of all the wronged dead has created the current situation.

Later, it simply became a mass grave, which made the place even more eerie and strange, with many ghosts.

Up to now, Mrs. Gongsun has gradually swallowed up all the ghosts in Laixia by devouring the grievances of the ghosts.

"Very well, now, let's rush."

so fast?But Yan Chixia didn't say anything, and rushed out.

Li Xu hangs far behind, watching Yan Chixia crash directly into the ghost wall, circling back and forth, as if completely unaware that she has been tricked.

Suddenly a puff of black smoke gushed out from the ground, the black smoke was unbearably thick, it directly wrapped Yan Chixia in, and Yan Chixia didn't stop until the black smoke got into Yan Chixia's nose He stepped forward and stared blankly in front of him as if he saw something.

A hole popped out of Li Xu's forehead like a worm wriggling, and a high concentration of aura virus strains roamed in this hole.

This virus strain has been transformed by him into a symbiotic form with the body, fully capable of displaying all kinds of incredible abilities. At this time, the virus strain is used by him to change the visual system.

"The ghost house in the grave, Mrs. Gongsun is really capable, but it's a pity it's still not enough." Li Xu couldn't help laughing, thinking that there was nothing capable.

Confused, Yan Chixia seemed to have noticed something, and went straight to the haunted house. According to Li Xu's judgment, it was likely that Mrs. Gongsun had cast an illusion, and then heard the voices of those people who were turned into sheep. Crying for help, otherwise how could it be possible to go inside.

Before Yan Chixia could enter the haunted house, Li Xu grabbed him: "I'm not awake yet."

This body was like a sudden thunderbolt, directly hitting Yan Chixia's heart. After a shudder, she woke up, and then looked at the grave in front of her with lingering fear. The haunted house just now must be the grave.

"Am I on the right track?" Yan Chixia immediately came to her senses.

Li Xu nodded and looked at the grave: "It's really an interesting ability. By the way, a few days ago Da Sikong developed an ability by referring to the ghost gate and various supernatural powers. I plan to use this ability to supersede this ghost."


Is there any relationship between this gate of ghosts and transcendence?
"The art of recovering ghosts."

A huge phantom of the Ghost Gate rose from Li Xu's back, and the huge suction swallowed everything, but the strange thing was that this suction didn't affect anything at all, only the ghosts.

The ghost house in the tomb in front of me exploded, and an old woman and a woman were taken out of it. Before they could even react, the two ghosts were taken into the phantom of the ghost gate.

Then the phantom of the ghost gate descended and returned to the ground, as if nothing had happened.

"How spectacular."

"Spectacular, did you really call out the ghost gate?" Yan Chixia was not blind, so she could see the three big characters above the ghost gate.

"It's a phantom, but it's not real. I'm fine, why did I call Ghost Gate out and invite it to drink tea? Since there's nothing else to do, let's go back." Li Xu wiped the hole on his forehead, and Yan Chixia visited just now. Seeing that the gate of hell was closed, he didn't notice that there was a hole in Li Xu's head.

Seeing that Li Xu was about to leave, Yan Chixia hurriedly stopped her: "Don't you want to save people?"

"People? Where are there people, how can they be saved if they are all eaten up, let alone the bones, the souls are all eaten up there to save them."

Li Xu's words made Yan Chixia's heart sink. How could Yan Chixia not understand what he said so plainly, that is, the two of them came late and they were all eaten.

"Then let's go back, how should we explain." Thinking of this, Yan Chixia couldn't help but hesitate.

"Confess? To whom?" Li Xu joked.

"Naturally yes"

"Why do we have to explain to those people, why do we have to explain to those people, just because the other party asked us, we should do it? Then if they ask to send them back one by one, we will do it?" Li Xu's words made Yan Chixia was shocked, he never thought that Li Xu would say these words.

"Doctor Li, I didn't expect you to think so." Yan Chixia is a person who values ​​promises, and he found that Li Xu didn't care about the request at all between the lines.

"That's right, that's what I thought. It's just a few unlucky ones. This place is all over the place. I can't save them. You won't really send those girls home one by one later."

Yan Chixia couldn't help being silent. He thought that he and Li Xu had the same views, but in fact they were not the same from the very beginning.

All Li Xu's starting point is for the Great Zhou Empire, for Wu Mingkong, not for the so-called righteous way.

He was just fulfilling Wu Mingkong's order to put order out of chaos, to clean up those troubles, whether it was humans or ghosts, as long as they affected the order, they had to be dealt with.

As for Yan Chixia and Wang Laodao, he was more optimistic about these two, otherwise they would have been dealt with long ago, especially Wang Laodao, if he hadn't greeted Jiang Jingning, he would never have survived.

It was the same thing for Li Xu and Jiang Jingning to report the news, but the real purpose was to let him save Wang Laodao, otherwise, how many of the experimental products that entered their hands would be complete?
(End of this chapter)

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