Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 511 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 511 Night Talk Ghost Fox (Twenty)
"Reincarnation, it's really ironic."

Looking at the six reincarnations in front of him, Wu Mingkong thought of a very interesting sentence.

Weird, weird, grandson married grandmother.Pigs and sheep sit on the kang and cook in the Liuqin pot.The daughter eats the mother's flesh, and the son beats the father's skin drum.Everyone came to congratulate, I think it is really hard!

I have seen Samsara Wu Mingkong in the battle between good and evil, but it is not as ghostly as the Samsara here.

The reincarnation in the battle between good and evil is exclusive to the human race, more like a magic weapon, as long as a human race dies, it will be absorbed into it and start over.

Generally speaking, practitioners from the top sects of righteousness and evil can still explore to a certain extent in reincarnation, such as finding their dead disciples to re-introduce their dead disciples, or reintroducing their dead masters into the path, Wu Mingkong The Plum Blossom Sect's single master and apprentice was the most successful one.

It's just that the reincarnation in this battle between good and evil is still flawed after all. With the reincarnation, the spiritual root will be obliterated continuously. If there are too many reincarnations, you can only be a mortal for the rest of your life, and you will not be able to enter the Tao at all.

Of course, those with backgrounds generally don't, they will find reincarnation disciples in the door to retrain, and they will restore their spiritual roots to avoid such sequelae.

But for those casual cultivators who don't have a background, let alone repairing the sequelae, it is a problem whether someone will enter the Tao again after reincarnation.

But the reincarnation in front of me is different, it is a part of heaven and earth, so there will be a scene where all beings are equal.

And many ghosts and gods in the underworld, it is based on the authority of the six reincarnations that they can display various abilities to judge good and punish evil.

If there are no ghosts and gods in the underworld, then everyone's reincarnation will be chaotic, it is really random reincarnation, and more importantly, no one picks up the wandering ghosts, and after a long time, they all become wandering ghosts , the reincarnation rate dropped immediately.

Just like now, because there are no ghosts, there are ghosts everywhere, and those who can reach the underworld are either wandering ghosts who have been rescued by monks, or ghosts with certain skills who want to separate themselves and dominate the underworld.

Zhang Zhongzhi sentenced the ghosts in the Yan Luo Palace that day, and those wandering ghosts who had passed the monkhood were sentenced. If they were really fierce ghosts, they might be able to fight Zhang Zhongzhi on the spot.

The Black Mountain old demon didn't dare, but all the brainless ones were beaten to death by the Shendi, and even those who had practiced for ten thousand years couldn't resist a single move.

It's a pity that there is no use at all for the subjects of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Zhenshi Domain followed their steps and directly suppressed these divine mansions without their masters.

Wu Mingkong went in along the six paths of reincarnation, and saw everything in this world. However, these six paths of reincarnation repelled Wu Mingkong very much, and he didn't want to kick Wu Mingkong out all the time.

If Wu Mingkong hadn't been blessed by the Great Zhou Empire before, he might have been kicked out, but now the repulsion is only for Wu Mingkong, similar to the breeze blowing on his face.

"With a certain ability to reject aliens, this thing can fill me with yin soil to reduce the resources for resurrection." The six reincarnations are counted as the internal circulation system of the world. Wu Mingkong thinks it is quite useful, although it is against ethics.

However, there is no problem with Wu Mingkong's use here. He didn't use it for reincarnation, but installed this set of circulatory system in the Golden Core God Kingdom to save the expenses of the resurrection of the subjects of the Great Zhou.

Although few of the subjects of the Great Zhou had died so far, and the cause of death was not being beaten to death, but all of them were accidental deaths in experiments, even if resources were saved, it would not save much.

But if Wu Mingkong really mastered the ability of reincarnation, at least Jindan Shenguo can make considerable progress towards the world.

And as Wu Mingkong continued to deepen, he found that the six reincarnations seemed to be more than just the ability of reincarnation, and were deeply involved.

It's just that these involvements have little to do with gods and Buddhas, they are purely the secrets brought by the birth of the world.

"The world is turning upside down."

As Wu Mingkong went deeper, he discovered a terrible thing through the six reincarnations.

Since there is no so-called will of heaven in this world, it may be that he was beaten to death by gods and Buddhas at the beginning. Anyway, Wu Mingkong didn't feel it. The only thing that can be related to the will of the world is the six reincarnations.

And Wu Mingkong, who has gone deep into the six realms of reincarnation, can clearly perceive this sense of imbalance.

"The soul is really in danger of hanging upside down." Wu Mingkong didn't know what would happen after the world was reversed. He guessed there would be no problem, but the ghosts and ghosts in this world would really have to hang upside down.

At that time, the sky will be the earth, and the earth will be the sky. Who knows what will happen.

"The so-called ordering out of chaos is not going to let me handle this matter anyway." Wu Mingkong has a black line, and the amount of work is huge.

But soon, Wu Mingkong refuted this conjecture: "No, according to the weird logic of the dungeon system, I believe it is to let me reverse the world."

"Wait, I really think I misunderstood it. It's not the world that is reversing, but the cycle of reincarnation."

Wu Mingkong looked at the six realms of reincarnation in front of him. If it was death reincarnation before, then the tendency of reincarnation now is life reincarnation.

Before death, wandering ghosts were reincarnated as adults or other living creatures, but after the reincarnation is reversed, it is a strange phenomenon that living creatures are reincarnated as ghosts.

And after the reversal, the hell is up, the world is in the middle, and the heaven is down.

So logically speaking, the six realms of reincarnation have become the supreme will of the world that can be called an alternative world.

This world is more frightening than the world where luck is controlled by the Supreme God Xuanqiong. At least after being controlled by the Supreme God Xuanqiong, you will not be able to stand out at most, but here it is really a reversal of yin and yang, who knows what strange things will happen , a living person becomes a ghost, and a ghost becomes a human body?
"So, in order to put an end to the coming danger of the world hanging upside down, I decided to set things right in the world and save the six realms of reincarnation from danger."

How to save him, of course, went into his stomach and slowly researched, the key to the danger of hanging upside down is gone, it depends on how he hangs upside down.

What?This thing is related to the copy target?
Nonsense, when did Wu Mingkong care about this thing? It's rare to pull a tiger skin that saves everything in the world. How could he give up this tiger skin because of such a trivial matter.

Besides, first eat the benefits of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and you can do it again after the dungeon target reopens the dungeon.

In Wu Mingkong's view, these six reincarnations are the essence of this world, comparable to the origin of the world, how could he give up.

If there is no reason for Wu Mingkong to do it brazenly, now there is a reason, Wu Mingkong will do it more smoothly, and there is no psychological burden, although there is no reason for Wu Mingkong to do it, there is no psychological burden.

(End of this chapter)

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