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Chapter 515 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 515 Night Talk Ghost Fox (24)

"Drink, eat, play with mud." The crazy Taoist mixed the mud in his hands into the wine gourd, and just poured it into his stomach.

A stone was boiling in the boiling water in the pot. The stone was extremely black, like that dark thing.

Wang Laodao looked at the crazy Taoist, couldn't help but sighed, and then shouted: "I still haven't woken up."

The sound fell on the crazy Taoist's ears like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening. A gleam of clarity flashed across the eyes of the crazy Taoist, but it was quickly covered by confusion.

"It seems that the stupefaction has worsened. When I saw him years ago, a loud drink was enough to wake me up, but now I can't even maintain a moment of clarity." For a moment, Wang Laodao felt a bit sad.

Then he took out the panacea that Li Xu had given him with a bit of pain. After the panacea melted in the water, Wang Laodao strangled the crazy Taoist's head with lightning speed and melted the panacea. Spiritual water poured down his throat.

The insane Taoist kept struggling, and then calmed down.

"Thank you, Brother Wang, for your help. Otherwise, brother, I wouldn't know where I will die in a daze." The crazy Taoist's voice was very hoarse.

Seeing that the other party had regained his clarity, Wang Laodao let go of his hand: "But I haven't seen you for a while, brother Mengshan, why is your demonic stupor getting worse again."

"Hey, it can be regarded as human robbery. This time, I would like to thank Brother Wang for the panacea. It's just that this panacea is precious. What is it that made you use this panacea to save my life?" Taoist Mengshan naturally I know that this time, this time, this panacea is used after the gods and Buddhas dissipate, and one is missing. I am afraid that something big will happen this time.

What's more, this panacea is quite extraordinary, and most of his stupor has been cured, and the remaining part can be completely eliminated with meditation and recuperation.

His stupor is not ordinary, it is because when he subjugated demons and exterminated demons, the resentment of the thousand-year-old ghost king hurt his mind, causing him to fall into chaos from time to time, and it has become more and more serious in recent years. It was less than ten days, and fortunately he did not die because of his practice.

But after such tossing, most of his Taoism was tossed away.

"Someone is going to swallow reincarnation." Wang Laodao came from the authentic sect of Laoshan, and this Taoist of Mengshan came from the authentic sect of Maoshan.

The two authentic sects in the world are more unlucky, their names have been ruined by heresy, and they are all gone, leaving only the two elder brothers.

But even so, despite the fact that the two of them are poorer than the other, their status and reputation are still there, and they are authentic in the world.

I dare not say that if you raise your arms, everyone in the world will respond, but at least you will listen to their opinions and even give them face.

That's all.

"Brother Wang, you are really good at joking, swallowing reincarnation. The emperors of the past did not have such power. Could it be that they heard some rumors from somewhere?" Taoist Mengshan certainly didn't believe it. What reincarnation is is one of the avenues of heaven and earth. Even the heavenly emperor dared not do this.

If this reincarnation is gone, let alone the human world, even heaven and hell will be gone.

"Brother Mengshan, do you think I'm someone who knows how to joke?" Wang Laodao's tone was serious, and it didn't look like he was joking at all.

"Brother Wang, do you have evidence, even if I believe this empty talk, no one else will believe it." Seeing Wang Laodao being so serious, Taoist Mengshan also felt that something was wrong.

He also understands now why Wang Laodao wanted to save him. Wang Laodao needed his reputation among practitioners to gather all forces together.

But even if he agreed, who would believe it without definite evidence? Is it true that you believe you just because you say a word?This is impossible.

"Evidence? Just go to the heaven or the underworld and you will know. You don't even need to go, you can see it in this world. The Great Zhou Empire is ambitious, and its soldiers are directed at the Three Realms. I learned from his confidants that the Great Zhou Emperor has already entered the world." Master the six realms of reincarnation." Wang Laodao said with certainty.

"The Great Zhou Empire? The Great You Dynasty was destroyed. When did this happen?" Taoist Mengshan remembered that the last time he recovered the Qingming Dynasty, the Great You Dynasty was still alive despite its corruption.

"I don't know the old way, but I have given the evidence. If you don't believe me, you and I will go to the underworld together to find out the reality of the Great Zhou Emperor." After Shan Taoist.

But Taoist Mengshan is not willing to go to the underworld?
Not to mention whether your so-called Great Zhou Empire has really mastered the underworld, the ghost kings in the underworld alone are beyond his ability to deal with, and he beat a ghost king to death, causing him to go crazy for several years. If you go to the underworld, you are courting death.

Besides, if the Great Zhou Empire really swept through the heavens and the underworld, it would be more dangerous than going to the underworld full of ghost kings, okay? the difference.

He has just hoped to live, so you take him to die, Wang Laodao thinks that his panacea takes up space and specially came here to deal with the panacea, can't you deal with him by the way?

"Brother Wang, if you want me to help you gather Buddhism and Taoism in the world, then I can give up my face, but I'd better not go to this hell." Mengshan refused very straightforwardly.

I can borrow you if you want fame, but you are indirectly killing me, so I'm sorry, goodbye.

It's not impossible for me to support you no matter what you do after borrowing your fame, but you have to give me a way to survive.

"You still think I'm joking, but I have never joked with you." Wang Laodao's tone was full of anger.

"Brother Wang, you are joking with me first, swallowing reincarnation? The heavenly emperors who oppressed the three realms did not have this ability. You tell me that a mortal emperor has this ability?" The old Taoist Mengshan didn't believe it at all.

Indeed, this matter could be regarded as a fairy tale, if it wasn't for the fact that he was captured by Jiang Jingning when he went to heaven, and then had an experience with Li Xu, he would not have believed it himself.

But now the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

"If you don't believe me, come with me." Wang Laodao patted Taoist Mengshan on the forehead.

This Taoist Mengshan has been in chaos for a long time, so naturally he didn't react, when he was slapped by Wang Laodao, his soul was slapped out.

Wang Laodao's soul also came out of his body, and he grabbed Taoist Mengshan's soul and entered the underworld together before he could react.

As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, so he asked this Taoist Mengshan to go to the underworld together to see what it looks like now, after reading it, he will definitely believe it.

This is not false words of Wang Laodao, but that he has been in the underworld long ago, and has seen the appearance of the underworld, otherwise how would he dare to swear to take Taoist Mengshan to the underworld to see if it is true or not?
(End of this chapter)

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