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Chapter 516 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 516 Night Talk Ghost Fox (25)

Taoist Mengshan came back to his senses and returned to the human world from the underworld, but the scene in the underworld just now made him terrified.

"Brother Wang, I believe it, I believe it."

He saw countless horrifying things wandering recklessly in the underworld, and those ghosts were dragged to the depths of the underworld by the horrific horrifying things. If the two of them hadn't reacted quickly, they would have been caught by those horrifying things.

"Do you still want to go to the Heavenly Court?" Wang Laodao didn't respond, but continued to ask.

"Brother Wang, don't be joking, the Heavenly Court is probably the same." Mengshan Taoist is still very numerous, the Underworld has become like this, and the Heavenly Court is probably not much different.

"In that case, you and I should hurry to the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain. Jiang Taishi is being targeted." Wang Laodao said abruptly.

"Jiang Taishi who ate dragon meat? How could he be in danger?"

Taoist Mengshan was a little puzzled, the southern foot of the mountain was the famous Dragon Tomb, how could there be any danger, not to mention where the white dragon died, ordinary practitioners dare not approach it.

"I'll explain to you on the way. Come with me first. Fortunately, the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain is not far from here." Wang Laodao folded a white paper into a thousand paper cranes, and then blew on the thousand paper cranes, blowing into the sky throw.

The thousand paper cranes grew in the wind, and soon grew into a giant white crane. This white crane got Wang Laodao's yang energy, and flew in the sky vividly.

Wang Laodao pulled Taoist Mengshan onto the thousand paper cranes and headed towards the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Taoist Mengshan originally wanted to praise Wang Laodao's origami skills, but seeing Wang Laodao's serious expression, he finally didn't say the words and swallowed them back.

Although he did believe in Wang Laodao's words, he still had doubts. Can anyone really swallow reincarnation?

Not necessarily, not to mention the emperor of the world, even the emperor who is high above the heavens does not have this ability, but he couldn't help but believe the terrifying appearance of the underworld.

The so-called Great Zhou Empire is really terrifying, even those ghost kings can't stand it.


Taoist Mengshan, who was thinking, was suddenly awakened by a loud noise, and saw billowing smoke and dust rising from the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountain in the distance.

Behind Jiang Taishi, a white dragon soul wrapped around his body, he looked very embarrassed, even a few cracks appeared on the body of the white dragon soul.

"Jiang Taishi, don't hold back. If you join our Great Zhou Empire, Your Majesty will resurrect your dead wife, and even the stillborn heirs will live." In the hollow on Li Xu's forehead, the aura virus strain Spread in the air like a beast.

"Bah, you deserve to be an evil heretic." Jiang Taishi looked disdainful, although he was almost beaten to death, but it did not prevent him from despising the other party.

Li Xu was not angry because of Jiang Taishi's words. The so-called good and evil are nothing but other people's words. In the Great Zhou Empire, there is no distinction between good and evil, only the work is different.

"Your Majesty cherishes talents, that's why I'm so polite to you. The Lord of the Yellow River is very knowledgeable about current affairs. When Da Situ invited you, she agreed very readily." The endless spiritual energy virus came from the hole on Li Xu's forehead. It rushed out, and the whole space seemed to be corroded and distorted, and Li Xu's figure could not be seen clearly.

"Miss, can you run?" Jiang Taishi couldn't help swallowing. When the slap just sent him flying, if it wasn't for the help of Bailonghun, he would have been beaten to death. Exaggerated enough, now even more exaggerated.

"I haven't seen this battle when I was alive. You say I can run away with only one soul left?" Bai Longhun couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Only the gods and Buddhas of the Zhaoxianlu have such power, how can those wandering gods of the land have such strength.

Look at the corroded and distorted space, any living beings approaching it will definitely die.

"Why don't we surrender? After all, my wife, your bones are still below. If what he said is true, our child may be." Jiang Taishi hesitated. He could die, but because of this incident, his wife and children died together. That's a sin. But it's big.

After all, it's not a shame to surrender, the opponent is so strong, right?

It's just that Bailonghun has a different opinion: "Do you think that such a demon heretic will really fulfill our promise after we surrender? I'm afraid we will skin you and me right away."

Bailonghun means that Li Xu's temperament does not seem like a good person.

Here Jiang Taishi and Bai Longhun are discussing, on the other side Wang Laodao is also in a hurry, for the battle in front of him, he has no way to intervene if he wants to.

He completely underestimated Li Xu, whether it was him or the old Taoist Meng Shan, there was no room or ability to intervene.

"Brother Wang, brother Mengshan, long time no see." Above the white crane, a hoarse male voice came from behind them.

The two couldn't help but look shocked, and then they breathed a sigh of relief after hearing a familiar voice: "Brother Shan, why are you here?"

The person who came was the single Taoist who was able to make two tricks with Wu Mingkong with the help of trick-like spells.

"I got a great opportunity the day before yesterday. I just heard that you are here, so I came here to give you two." Shan Taoist's voice was hoarse, but it was very steady.

"Opportunity? Let's not mention the opportunity. The three of you and I will work together to see if we can break through the weirdness and rescue Jiang Taishi." Since it came to his door, Wang Laodao naturally would not miss this opportunity.

"Do you think the three of you and I can break through?" Shan Taoist's tone was full of ambiguity, which sounded like teasing and sighing.

"You and I, the three of us, combined, have at least a thousand years, and even those thousand-year-old demons can kill, maybe it is possible." Wang Laodao seemed to have not heard it, and he was still relentless.

"A thousand-year-old ghost? You are nothing in front of the Great Zhou Empire, don't you know the situation in the underworld?"

Shan Taoist's words made Wang Laodao tense: "How do you know?"

"You don't think you've been to the underworld alone, do you?" Taoist Shan couldn't help laughing, this made Wang Laodao even more worried.

He has been to the underworld, how could Shan Taoist know.

"You took refuge in the Great Zhou Empire." Wang Laodao understood the cause and effect in an instant. The so-called great opportunity must have made them join the Great Zhou Empire.

"How can it be called taking refuge? It should be called joining." Taoist Shan's answer shocked Wang Laodao and Taoist Mengshan.

"Emperor Da Zhou swallowed reincarnation, but seriously." Taoist Mengshan quickly reacted, he wanted to reconfirm whether this matter is true or not.

If this matter is confirmed from the mouth of the single Taoist, the credibility will be much higher.

"It's true."

Shan Taoist's answer made Wang Laodao and Mengshan Taoist's hearts sink to the bottom of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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