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Chapter 517 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 517 Night Talk Ghost Fox (26)

"Split up and act." Wang Laodao shouted, turned and fled, and Taoist Mengshan did the same.

But Taoist Shan smiled, squeezed the formula in his hand, and said softly: "Ding", the two of them immediately stiffened.

"If the two get away, how can I explain to His Majesty? If the two of you actually do some things to subjugate demons, Your Majesty won't care, but you want to spoil your friends like you As for His Majesty, I can only blame the two of you for being too jumpy."

Wang Laodao was discovered the first time he wandered into the underworld, and all the subjects of the Great Zhou Dynasty didn't care at first, after all, it was their ability to come here.

But it was unusual for him to bring someone here for the second time. Later, Shan Taoist quietly followed the souls of the two back to the world, just to see what the two of them wanted to do.

Immediately afterwards, he followed him to the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain, and saw that the two were about to make a move, so he appeared and interrupted them.

The two of them couldn't help but set off turbulent waves. They didn't expect that they couldn't get rid of Shan Taoist's body-holding method. You know, the Taoist is still the worst among the three of them, but now they don't even have the body-holding method. way to break free.It's just ridiculous.

"You two are so ignorant of good and evil, it makes me very embarrassed. Fortunately, I came in time. If someone else came, you might lose your life." Shan Taoist knew that although these two people behaved wildly in the world, they Also a nice guy.

"Reincarnation." Wang Laodao gritted his teeth and forced out two words.

Taoist Shan shook his head: "Reincarnation is not a big deal."

Wu Mingkong is immortal, as a subject of the Great Zhou, even if the sky falls, it will not matter.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law to go."

Just when Shan Taoist was about to make a move, a stream of light came towards his face.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a sparkling white spirit sword, two inches long and one finger wide.

Shan Taoist couldn't help smiling, and easily clamped the spirit sword with two fingers, making it impossible to break free.

"Here comes another one. You are that Yan Chixia, right?" Taoist Shan couldn't help but chuckle.

Yan Chixia never expected to come here, but it's the same to come to die.

"You gangsters, you can't be more stable." Taoist Shan pushed forward with two fingers, and with a crisp cracking sound, the spirit sword was broken.

There was a wail from the spirit sword, and a white light rushed out from within, and returned to Yan Chixia's body in an instant.

The sword has spirit, what is destroyed is only the sword, not the spirit.

"Shoot the arrow and shoot down that monster."

Yan Chixia is not alone. When he came, he met King Yongkang who went to the palace to pay homage to the King of Dayou under the slogan of the Qing Emperor. The two hit it off immediately, and Yan Chixia told the story of Wu Mingkong's desire to swallow the six realms of reincarnation.

Although King Yongkang didn't believe this, it was still a very good point of criticism, so he took a short detour and came to the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain to see if it was true or not.

Of course, the so-called coming to the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain is because this is the Dragon Tomb. If you can get a piece of keel, wouldn't it be more certain that he is the real Dragon Emperor.

In this short period of time, the subjects of Da Zhou cleaned up a lot of demons and ghosts. Otherwise, with these mortals, it is estimated that they would be eaten up by demons and ghosts within two miles. How could they go so far.

And they had already discovered the so-called King Yongkang's actions, but the other party was an ordinary person, so as long as they didn't get in the way, they were allowed to toss about. They probably would die if they couldn't reach the palace.

"A lifeless thing." Taoist Shan waved his long sleeves, and the captured arrow was absorbed into it in an instant, and then he took out a soybean from his pocket and threw it down from the air.

This soy bean burst into layers and fell to the ground like a celestial girl scattering flowers.

Before everyone could react, the yellow scarf fighters got up from the ground one by one, and rushed towards King Yongkang's army with big knives in their hands.

How could those soldiers be the opponents of this yellow turban warrior, all of a sudden, blood and flesh splattered from the killing, which made all the soldiers terrified.

Although Wang Laodao and Taoist Mengshan were captured by the immobilization method, they could still see this scene. The previous immobilization method had already shocked them enough, but they did not expect that it would be so terrifying.

The Beanstalking Soldiers used by the two of them are more inclined to the combination of puppetry and illusion. Where there is such power, it is okay to bluff people. In real battles, it is just a matter of three or two swords. The yellow turban wrestler will be beaten back to its original shape.

But Taoist Shan just threw a bean, and he was able to evolve into an army. If it was just an illusion, it would be fine, but it is impossible to pretend to rush to kill the army and turn the people who killed King Yongkang on their backs.

In such a short time, the thousands of soldiers and horses of King Yongkang were killed, leaving only a few people.

Even the king of Yongkang died under the knife, and he didn't even jump.

"Since you're here, don't leave." Taoist Shan shot Yan Chixia from the sky, and captured Yan Chixia who was covered in blood.

The battle on Li Xu's side also ended, Jiang Taishi and Bai Longhun didn't discuss the reason, Jiang Taishi's whole body went limp, without a trace of strength, his whole body was like a serious illness, lifeless.

Jiang Taishi is like this, and Bailonghun is even more unbearable. She is a soul body, so infected by the aura virus, there are large and small potholes on Bailonghun's body, and she can't speak very well.

Just like that, Li Xu pulled him over from left to right.

"Doctor Li's aura virus is really extraordinary, it really kills people invisible." Shan Taoist couldn't help laughing.

"I don't dare to do it, it's nothing compared to Shan Daoyou. Your spells, with that hand of Li Daitao, can hold up two tricks in His Majesty's hands, which is very rare in this Great Zhou Empire." Li Xu also smiled when everyone carried the bridal sedan chair respond.

"It's ridiculous, it's just a trick. It works the first time, but it won't work the second time." Shan Taoist naturally knows his own moisture. The first time he succeeded was because Wu Mingkong didn't know the principle, so go try it now. It's no different than dying.

"Fellow Daoist, do you have something important to do? If there is nothing important, why don't you take it back together and deal with it? I still have some things to do, so I can't get away." Li Xu naturally has something else to do, and he doesn't mind letting him Take it with you.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, Dr. Li is busy on his own, and I will take him away. I came here for this matter." Shan Taoist rolled up his sleeves, and swept away the Bailongdui, Jiang Taishi and Bailonghun. Then the dove occupied the magpie's nest and sent the white crane to fly away.

"A group of people who don't know what to do. Your Majesty's majesty can be disturbed by you." Li Xu hurried to the next place. The world is getting more and more chaotic, and he dares to fix everything, which is quite a mountain rain. The feeling of wanting to come to the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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