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Chapter 521 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 521 Night Talk Ghost Fox (Thirty)
Wu Mingkong also hurried to get started, and he didn't know if he could strengthen the seal, after all, he had never seen what kind of thing this so-called seal was.

But at the same time as getting started, he also recruited all the subjects of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it's okay to wander outside, so he just took advantage of this to recruit them together.

Just this seal.
There is no seal here, it is purely the projection that called the other party up.

No wonder he told him so much openly, even the system broke out, and the co-author had no intention of letting Wu Mingkong leave alive.

Seeing the staggered rules being dyed into a texture like black hair, Wu Mingkong knew that this wave would be unbearable.

Wu Mingkong also guessed that the projection that clouded him must be the Emperor of Heaven, or the person behind the scenes who created the gods and Buddhas.

The reason for his hasty escape was that he woke up the great terror in the Six Paths of Samsara, and then used unknown means to put him back to sleep.

But he also knew that this was a temporary solution, not the root cause, and he couldn't stop the horror, so he left this mess and ran away.

It's just that there is one problem, that is, the great terror in the Six Realms of Reincarnation eats civilization, not to mention civilization now, but Wu Mingkong drags away everyone who lives to become one of his own.

That is to say, Wu Mingkong not only has to face a big terror who doesn't know if he has the energy to get up, but also has to face a big terror after being eaten by him.

"What should I do, what should I do, what should I do, I'm going to die, I'm going to die." Wu Mingkong felt that this wave was a big mess.

So he made a decisive decision to quit the dungeon. This final boss is a bit difficult to deal with, and he can't beat it.

according to his judgment
He couldn't tell, he didn't see anything.

I only saw the depths of the six realms of reincarnation, countless shattering surged out of it, and black hair crawled out of it like a living thing.

Wu Mingkong couldn't help but escaped from the Six Paths of Samsara. Fortunately, he was fast. Just now, the entire Six Paths of Samsara turned into horror like returning to the ruins.

This Guixu is different from Wu Mingkong's Guixu, the opponent is obviously at the level of a father, and can completely beat Wu Mingkong's Guixu.

That is from the destruction at the end of the world, and the great terror, using the time scale of the six reincarnations as the anchor point, comes here regularly from the final destruction to harvest civilization.

In an instant, the sky and the earth hung upside down, and the sun and the moon died.

Before that great terror came, the six realms of reincarnation were instantaneously reversed by this great terror, and the entire three realms and six realms were thrown into disorder at the same time.

Fortunately, Wu Mingkong emptied the Three Realms, otherwise something might happen.

When the sky and the earth hang upside down, the underworld becomes the sky, and the heaven becomes the earth.

Everything is in a state of collapse.

I saw that black hair crawled out of the six realms of samsara, quickly covered the entire underworld, and then hung down from the underworld like a waterfall across the human world, and took root in the heaven.

As a human being caught in the middle, countless unknown things are being sucked away bit by bit.

This is civilization.

Wu Mingkong hadn't left yet, instead he looked at the black hair in the Three Realms and Six Paths in shock and muttered to himself: "There is still this way of eating, I'm really ignorant."

This black-haired horror eats not only civilizations, but also concepts and rules, and this way of eating is not like Wu Mingkong's way of eating the whole world and then disappearing.

Although this way of eating will also hurt the world, it is not the one that cannot be recovered permanently, but the one that can be recovered temporarily. As long as you go back after eating, and wait for civilization to develop again and the rules to be improved again, you will be able to recover. You can come to harvest again.

"I've learned a lot, I've gained a lot of insight." Wu Mingkong stood aside and studied, and for some reason, the black-haired guy didn't fight him with Wu Mingkong, as if he was ignoring him.

It stands to reason that after Wu Mingkong messed around like this, he would definitely make the other party angry. Not to mention beating himself to death, it is normal to beat him up.

But the other party didn't make a move. When Wu Mingkong observed with all his strength, Wu Mingkong realized that he was being sentimental.

It's not just the present that people devour. He devours along the timeline of the past. Whether it's prosperity or ruin, war or conspiracy, or even extinction between heaven and earth, these are his food.

Wu Mingkong filled the Three Realms with dead silence, and in his eyes, it was just another kind of food.

He feeds on concepts, rules, and civilizations.

He never devours any life, because life can bring him various concepts and civilizations, and can also create various rules for it.

As for Wu Mingkong, he guessed that he should have a relatively strong background, so the other party would ignore him.

As the world is covered with black hair, concepts are extracted, mixed with rules, and stirred together with civilizations pulled from the timeline.

Wu Mingkong's own brain power is fully activated, and he keeps recording the mixed things, especially the rules. The rules that were originally intertwined are now clearly displayed in front of Wu Mingkong's eyes one by one, as well as the rules that come from all kinds of strange things. The concept of the concept is also being recorded by Wu Mingkong at a glance.

Wu Mingkong was vague and incomprehensible before, but with the help of civilization, everything is so simple and logical.

Immersed in this dungeon world, Wu Mingkong realized how wasteful it was to devour the world before, making the world a one-time food instead of leeks that can be harvested continuously.

Concepts, rules, and civilizations are mixed together, and an illusory world is drawn out, which is his food.

Countless black hairs grew out of that illusory world, which meant that he had finished eating.

After the black hair that filled the whole world was eaten, it continuously retracted into the six realms of reincarnation and disappeared without a trace, and the changes that occurred with the reversal of the six realms of reincarnation did not recover.

If you want to recover, you can only wait for the next time He comes again, and the six reincarnations will be reversed again. But at that time, it will be another disaster for the new civilization.

Moreover, no one knows whether this reversal makes the world positive or negative. Maybe this is the original appearance of the world, and the normal world is reversed.

After Wu Mingkong finished eating the horror and left, he also quietly disappeared into this world, as if he had never come.

Because the changes he brought were also the food of that great horror. Everything was erased without leaving even a trace. It seemed that this world was like a new world that was developing, but it might look a little different. Coordination, but these inconsistencies are also being repaired little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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