Chapter 522

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the copy: Night Talk Ghost Fox]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining 2 skill points]

"This dungeon system is designated as bankrupt, and my treasure box link was deducted. I didn't give away anything, but I gave 2 skill points." Wu Mingkong couldn't help complaining.

Heizi was easily added.

[Blood Awakening: Flaming Dog Awakens the Bloodline of Fudou in the Body]

The remaining 1 skill point is also clicked, the next level requires 7 skill points, and there is still a gap of 6 skill points, Wu Mingkong is still very sad about this, it has been so long, Heizi, you are still Yangou, when will it become a Fudou, a lifetime series.

"Can you speak?" Wu Mingkong tried to ask.

The answer to Wu Mingkong was still: "Wang!"

It seemed that he couldn't speak, which made Wu Mingkong even more melancholy.

"Tell me, I'll admit that you can't change people, but every time you can't open your mouth, I have to guess whether it's not good." I don't know if it was produced by the dungeon system or what, no matter Whether it's mental translation or mind reading, it doesn't work for Heizi, it's just a trap.

"Wow, woof."

"Forget it, let's go play." Wu Mingkong felt very tired, and the lackeys under him couldn't speak, but Wu Mingkong felt that it was a bit delayed for him to go to college with an IQ, at least he had to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Seeing Heizi leaving Pidianpidian, he didn't know where to go to play, but he brought Teng Snake, the relationship between the dog and snake is still very good, after all, Heizi will not compete with Teng Snake for the winding position of the handle on the dragon chair, Teng Snake will not replace Hei Zi as Wu Ming's lackey, so the relationship between the two is still very good.

Compared with Xin Shiniang, the new pet fox, Teng Snake and Heizi are more hostile. The fox is a canine animal and may replace Heizi's running dog. Moreover, the fox is smaller than Heizi and can just sit on the dragon chair Put the handle on, so a dog and a snake won't bring the fox to play.

But the fox doesn't bother to play with them, and usually walks closer to the world tree Shelley, and is chatting about something every day.

Anyway, the Golden Luan Palace in Luoduli is full of noise all day long.

It's also fortunate that the Golden Luan Palace was placed by the mascots, otherwise Wu Mingkong would not only be melancholy, but also a headache.

All the remaining demons and ghosts were also sent out by Wu Mingkong, a few mascots were enough, no more could fit.

"Sealing the gods, it's a reward." Wu Mingkong entered the dungeon to perfect the method of enlightening the gods and wizards, but the perfection was not perfect, and he directly gave a brand new god system.

The two systems also have something in common, and each has its own strengths, which makes it more troublesome for Wu Mingkong to deal with.

But it’s easy to have something in common, seek common ground while reserving differences, and then remove the chaff and save the essence to join your own system, everything will be easy to manage, but the workload is relatively heavy.

But this is not a problem. Tilting resources and arranging tasks, he may not be efficient enough with tens of millions of himself, and it will definitely be enough to arrange tens of billions to hundreds of billions of Great Zhou subjects and brains all over the place.

Otherwise, what would Wu Mingkong do with raising so many people? It couldn't be said to be a dry meal. Although they also have their own research projects, Wu Mingkong is the most important thing now.

Others have to go home and get married after this battle, and Wu Mingkong has to start a wave of Yulingjie after developing this project.

He has been holding back for a long time. At the beginning, he said that he would do it after the integration of this galaxy. As a result, the portable empire was completed, and five of the galaxies were integrated by him. There is still no movement. Isn’t this nonsense? It's almost moldy.

Suddenly I remembered that there seemed to be a Heidou Zerg not far away, waiting for his body to expand before dealing with it.

In this regard, Wu Mingkong couldn’t help complaining about the rich and colorful cosmic civilizations that he had promised. Why haven’t I met any of them? It’s all because the echinoderm, the cosmic spirit Dax, has been wandering in the universe for so long None of them were saved, otherwise Wu Mingkong would eat it directly along the direction of the coordinates, and it would definitely be successful.

Of course, the main reason is that his place may be relatively remote and resources are scarce, so there are no very powerful cosmic civilizations to visit.

"Although it is difficult to make the difference between the two different systems of Shinto methods, the benefits are great." From the previous research, the gods and Buddhas in the night talk ghost fox are very similar to those in essence. Innate God.

No belief is required, it can be regarded as being raised by nature. Although they are all incarnations of one person, the situation should be similar to that of Wu Mingkong. Although they can control the incarnation, the relationship should be that of Wu Mingkong and the subjects of Dazhou. Complete control You, but you have an independent mind.

This is Wu Mingkong's judgment, otherwise how to maintain it, just the intrigue is a bit unbearable. As far as Wu Mingkong is in the case of the kingship granted by heaven, there are different opinions, and the existence of different parties is divided. Those gods and Buddhas must also have this situation .

Fortunately, Wu Mingkong's royal power and thinking network are very powerful. Although there are different opinions, at least they are all united and united, and there will be no intrigue.

In this regard, Wu Mingkong wondered whether he should go to a copy of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms after finishing these things.

After all, Liaozhai Zhiyi has it all, it’s not too much to come to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I don’t care about famous military advisers, the main thing is to go and see the Yellow Turban Sect, a model worker villain who roams the sky.

But Wu Mingkong quickly gave up. It’s okay to try, but who knows what dungeon he will go astray, if he uses the Romance of the Three Kingdoms as a keyword and jumps directly to magic vs. technology vs. cultivating immortals, this is also considered the Three Kingdoms Romance.

After all, at the beginning he used high-tech as keywords to run nonsense dungeons like embers of the past, but this time the Fengshen plus Xianxia side stunned him into this night talk ghost fox dungeon.

The key words of conferring gods, yes, but the gods and Buddhas ran away.

The Xianxia side is also normal, as for Liaozhai, although the ending seems to be out of style, it is also suitable.

If you can't pick out the faults, they really should be the key words.

For this, Wu Mingkong hated it deeply. Thinking about it carefully, he used high energy concentration to improve his inner alchemy and five spirits, but he was biased to the world of wizards.

He is indeed a high energy concentration, but at different levels. His birth point does not have such a high energy concentration. If he wants to increase the energy concentration, he has to change the map. Yes, it is very likely that he will also go to a matryoshka world similar to the fairy world and the god world.

After obtaining "Introduction to Bloodlines, Genes, and Cells", everything went wrong. It was obvious that he was a cultivator with a bit of technology at the beginning, and a martial artist at the second. Know.

(End of this chapter)

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