Chapter 528

Above the Xuanxian there is the Golden Immortal, and above the Golden Immortal there is the Daluo Immortal.

There are a total of 12 golden immortals in Yuling Realm. Their path is different from that of Xue Zhicheng and Long Wenyu. These two are more like summoners, and they are one of the orthodoxy among Yuling.

This world of controlling spirits can be divided into two orthodox lines. One is like these two people, cultivating controlling spirits. As long as the number and strength of controlling spirits increase, you can get multiple strong ones. This is a more orthodox way of controlling spirits .

There is another way, that is to refine the imperial spirit into the body, gradually devour it, and turn the imperial spirit into one's own supernatural powers, so as to master the ability of the imperial spirit. This is called refining the spirit.

Most people follow the Taoism of Yuling, which is safer than the Taoism of Refining Spirits.

But in this way, many great powers did not return to the body, but it would become the weakness of Yuling itself.

But none of the Twelve Golden Immortals standing at the top of the spirit-controlling world took the road of controlling spirits.

It is also true that these twelve golden immortals are disgusted by the four guardian beasts of the Imperial Spirit Realm.

The beasts guarding the Sifang are the imperial spirits with the strength of the four great Luoxians. They guard the four directions of the Imperial Spirit Realm all the year round. Because of their special status, they only have the strength of the Great Luo Immortals in the Imperial Spirit Realm. It's just a golden fairy.

Tai Shangdao was also afraid that the four guarding beasts who could not leave the spirit realm did not capture the spirit realm. After all, Xuanzhen Realm did not have Da Luo Xian, and no one could beat the four guarding beasts.

Refining the spirit into the body is equivalent to completely turning the imperial spirit into a part of oneself, which is no different from death, and the way of refining the spirit begins with the first imperial spirit, and every imperial spirit will be refined by the imperial spirit master. in vivo, and then in culture.

Although it is said that in addition to the lineage of refining spirits, there have been golden immortals, but the orthodox lineage of Yuling still has a lot more people than refining spirits.

The first is the dissemination of news. Basically no one at the bottom knows what the orthodoxy of Jinxian is, and then the orthodoxy of refining spirits is really dangerous. You have to do everything yourself, which is simply bitter.

The death of the Yuling is nothing more than a loss of resources. As long as the person runs away, it will be fine to train again.

But those who refine spirits go to battle by themselves, every battle is full of injuries, and if they are not careful, they will lose their lives, and once they embark on the spirit refining system, and the imperial spirit is refined in the body, they will not be able to walk the imperial spirit system , because the talent transformed by the refining spirit in the body will reject the Yuling, either the refining spirit will be destroyed, or the Yuling will die, one must be broken.

This is the fate of those who have Yuling and want to work part-time.

This is the opposition between life and death.

Xun Ruo carefully read the general news of the imperial spirit world: "There are twelve golden immortals, and four guarding beasts at the level of Daluoxian."

At present, in the entire vanguard force, there are only two Jinxian-level strengths, one is himself, and the other is Tiangongxing, which is composed of Daqun, Planet A, Three, and Seven, and a group of subjects of the Great Zhou.

The other basic combat power is in the stages of true immortals and mysterious immortals. If there are three to four golden immortals, Xun Ruo can still deal with it by virtue of his quantum commander system and Tiangong star, even In addition, the superposition of Shenzhao and Zhenshi Domain can grind the opponent to death.

But once the number of Golden Immortals reaches about six, or if the strength of Da Luoxian is guarded and shot, the entire vanguard force will be unable to beat it.

The entire Yuling Realm is a hard bone, the kind that can easily break Xun Ruo's teeth.

Before the parameters of the portal are fully adjusted, there is danger at every moment. If one is not careful, the car will easily overturn, and the whole situation will collapse directly. If he comes back at that time, it will not be Xun Ruo, it may be Jiang Jingning, or it may be Jiang Jingning. Zhuge Yi is gone, anyway, he can't be the defeated general.

Zhuge Yi managed the last expedition to the Red Flower Realm beautifully, but if this expedition to the Imperial Spirit Realm fell into his hands, he would really be ashamed to face others.

Although the Chihua Realm is the Middle Thousand Realm, and the Yuling Realm is the Great Thousand Realm, the strengths of the two are different.

But the strength of the expedition to the Chihua Realm and the current expedition to the Yuling Realm is also different, and it has even doubled by an unknown number of times.

Looking at the parameters of the portal, I estimated the time in my heart: "Three days, I don't know if the other party can react in these three days."

Xun Ruo still couldn't help muttering in his heart, he was hesitating now, whether to bury his head in the construction quietly or send people out to contact the aborigines of the Yuling Realm, and pretended to be a peace envoy to show that they had no malicious intentions and use this as a way to delay time Excuse?

He actually prefers the latter, but there is one thing he is not sure about, and that is whether going to contact the aborigines will expose his actions in advance and lead to the failure of his actions.

More importantly, he doesn't care about contacting the aborigines at all. The strongest aborigines who occupy the border with him are only the strength of Xuanxian. What he really wants to hold back are the twelve golden immortals and four golden immortals. Guard the beasts.

The others are no threat to him at all.

"Get in touch first, and release your goodwill. No matter whether you can delay it or not, you have to try it. Otherwise, who knows what will happen if you really have to wait for three days." Passiveness is not Xun Ruo's character, he likes to be active.

"Take a copy of Tianlongmen's spiritual art secret method as a carrot to stabilize some nearby sects that are ready to move, and wait until the parameters of the portal are adjusted." Xun Ruo's words were passed on, and someone was already preparing.

His primary goal now is to adjust the parameters of the portal. As for the aura virus that has spread out, who knows that they brought it?

Even if they knew, they would usually not act immediately, at least they had to observe for a few days, and the blank period of these few days was exactly what Xun Ruo needed.

It is not enough for those surrounding sects to just give benefits, and they need a big stick to deter them, so the strength of the people sent over must also keep up, otherwise the other party will think it is showing weakness, rather than sincere cooperation.

Only a carrot in one hand and a big stick in the other hand can make the opponent stop.

Small and medium-sized sects can be ignored, mainly large-scale sects, basically all large-scale sects have a Xuanxian sitting in charge, as for the sects with Jinxian sitting in charge, they are called holy places.

The Tianlong Gate occupied by Xun Ruo is also a large sect. There are not only a few large sects bordering on it, but there are several others besides the master of the Green Beast Pavilion who was almost killed. There are more sects, basically like ants.

On average, there is one small sect in every town, and even larger cities are occupied by medium sects.

The strength of these small and medium-sized sects varies, and they are fighting each other every day. Basically, new sects are established and old sects perish every day.

For resources, all small and medium sects are fighting, and these resources are nothing more than leftovers that are accidentally dropped on the ground by large sects such as Tianlongmen.

(End of this chapter)

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