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Chapter 529 Golden Immortal Residence, Heavenly Sea Holy Land

Chapter 529 Golden Immortal Residence, Heavenly Sea Holy Land
"A new force, or does it come from outside the domain?" Kong Yuan squinted his eyes and watched the latest news. As one of the Twelve Golden Immortals and the ruler of the Tianhai Holy Land, the Tianlongmen was originally a member of his jurisdiction. Every year, he has to offer offerings to the Heavenly Sea Holy Land.

"Holy Lord, what should we do with it?"

"Disposition?" Kong Yuan glanced at the person who spoke, he naturally knew what the other person was thinking.

This person is obviously interested in Tianlongmen's resources, and he just wants to use him to clean up this new force, and then use this to gather resources.

This is typical of self-interest at the expense of others, and it’s fine to harm others. Those who dare to harm Kong Yuan must not be impatient.

The man was glanced at by Kong Yuan, his hairs stood on end, his whole body was uncomfortable, the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down, he looked extremely embarrassed.

He also knew that he was in a hurry, and was dazzled by the resources, so he couldn't choose what to say.

"Go and suppress it, and let that force add another [-]% to the offering made by Tianlongmen." Kong Yuan said in a flat tone.

Kong Yuan is not stupid. The long flow of water and one-time harvest will naturally bring great benefits. As long as the other party provides resources, this is an old hen that can lay eggs, and there is no need to feed and invest.

If this is killed, it will not only consume unnecessary resources, but will also lose long-term dividends, which is of no benefit to him.

But for the proposer, that's good.

It was his Tianhai Holy Land who did it, and these people could bite off a small piece of meat with their prestige.

"Yes, Holy Master." The other person also replied with trepidation. That person's proposal was unsuccessful, but he got a good deal. When he goes to suppress it, he can get a lot of benefits.

Watching people leave, Kong Yuan couldn't help sighing: "Xuanzhen Realm is staring at the outside world, and there is such a change, these people still only think about my resources, they are really not human, if they don't need these people, You have already been dealt with."

He naturally saw that Xun Ruo and his party were not in the same group as Xuanzhen Realm, and that Xun Ruo and Tiangong Xing were well hidden. If Xun Xun makes friends with large sects, it can be regarded as a kind of show of favor, and it is regarded as crossing the river.

Every year there will be so many forces coming to Yuling Realm, but this time it is bigger.

Kong Yuan didn't care whether he was a dragon or not, as long as he offered resources, he didn't care who did what.

With resources, his strength can be stronger and he can suppress everything.

It's a pity that he missed it this time, and blamed Xun Ruo for hiding it too well.

If it is discovered that there are golden immortals in the group of the Great Zhou Empire, this matter will definitely not be so simple. Not only Kong Yuan will make a move, but the remaining eleven golden immortals will also make a move.

The cake in Yulingjie is only this big, and one more golden fairy means one more person to divide the cake, which is something they can't bear.

Resources are the most important thing in the whole world of controlling spirits.

This is the evil result brought about by the high-level monopoly. The entire Yulingjie is like an upside-down pyramid, and it is the small group of people standing at the top of the pyramid who occupy the richest resources at the top of the pyramid.

The further down, the scarcer the resource allocation.

"In some areas, the imperial spirit has symptoms, and the imperial spirit master died, suspected of the plague?" Kong Yuan read the following news, and he didn't take it seriously.

It's normal, people from outside the domain have a little bit of this kind of plague, which is due to the rules. It will be easier to wait for a period of time for the Imperial Spirit Realm to assimilate this group of outsiders.

Every time a foreign force enters, a similar situation will occur, and it will disappear after a while, and some people will die, and a lot of new resources will be freed up.

All benefit, except those who are dead.

Don't look at dead people, freeing up resources, but these are not real benefits.

The real benefit is that foreign forces will not only bring new varieties of spirits and resources, but also because the world of spirits will benefit from the incompatibility of the rules, and there will be many treasures of heaven and earth. Born, these treasures of heaven and earth are even useful to those who have reached the strength of Jinxian.

Every Golden Immortal wants to become a Daluo Immortal, after all, being pressed by four imperial spirits on their heads is not good for anyone, especially those four imperial spirits still make trouble for them from time to time.

They all want to turn these four imperial spirits, who are known as guarding the beasts in all directions, into their own refining spirits after becoming golden immortals. , Maybe you can even peep into the legendary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who transcends everything.

It's a pity that their strength seems to be restricted by some invisible barrier. After reaching the Golden Immortal, they are basically unable to move an inch. There is a qualitative change in the strength of the soul, and it can only be stacked with spiritual power and the talent brought by refining the spirit.

They know that they must be missing something, but they don't know what it is.

The four guarding beasts must have known it, after all, their own strength is that of Da Luo Xian, although they can only be in the Realm of Yuling.

The Xuanzhen Realm must also know that there are not only Daluo Immortals in the Xuanzhen Realm, but also three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians who have already transcended. All the Yuling Realm thought that they fought back and forth with the Xuanzhen Realm. But in fact, only the Twelve Golden Immortals knew, it was simply that the opponent's Da Luoxian and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian disappeared suddenly for some reason.

Yulingjie and Xuanzhenjie were regarded as rumors, but they knew it was definitely not a rumor, otherwise Yulingjie would have disappeared long ago.

The Xuanzhen Realm feared that they had four guarding beasts that could not leave the Spirit Realm, and the Spirit Realm did not dare to counterattack. They had a total of twelve Golden Immortals, and the Taishangdao, Penglai Sect, and Kunlun Sect randomly pulled out one family. The golden fairy in it has to add a zero to the end, and it may even have to be doubled.

People can't wait for them, the twelve golden immortals, to counterattack the Xuanzhen Realm, and then they will kill you all in one go.

Although the Yuling Realm seems to be in a stalemate with the Xuanzhen Realm now, there is no detached Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in the Yuling Realm for a day, and the entire Yuling Realm is lower than the Xuanzhen Realm, not to mention, there are still people who are in a stalemate with the Yuling Realm Not Xuanzhen Realm, but Taishangdao.

Although Taishangdao was in a stalemate with Yulingjie, they still opened up wasteland everywhere and captured various three thousand worlds, and he did not have the background of the other party in Yulingjie, so he was restrained and could only sneak around Plunder some Small Thousand Realms and Middle Thousand Realms.

Under the ebb and flow, the Spirit Realm is actually in danger, and their behavior is much more ruthless than the Xuanzhen Realm. They are basically destructive and plundering, completely ignoring the follow-up development and management. This is also the difference between them and the Xuanzhen Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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