Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 530 The way to maintain stability

Chapter 530 The way to maintain stability
Deng Anxia sat on the Xingluo Giant Eagle with a bit of arrogance and flew towards the original site of Tianlongmen. As a representative of Tianhai Holy Land, he went to the strength outside the territory to agree on the share of offerings. In addition to adding [-]%, if he can knock more, then he will be the rest.

"That idiot Zheng Lun actually wants to use the Holy Lord's tiger skin to cut off the Tianhai Holy Land's fortune. It's simply stupid." Deng Anxia is very disdainful of the person who proposed this before. You can squeeze it desperately, but You must not just look in front of your eyes, he knows very well the mind of Kong Yuan, the Holy Lord of Tianhai, to turn a source of wealth into a one-time resource, or to plan for himself, and really think that the Holy Lord of Tianhai is a fool.

As a result, not only did this fat job fall on him, it also caused the proposed Zheng Lun to be alienated by the Lord Tianhai.

Glancing at the chaos on the old ground of Tianlongmen, a large group of people wearing strange armors frantically caught the scattered Yulings, and couldn't help but sneered: "Everyone can wear armors, it looks quite rich, I can do more Knock a little."

It's just that what he didn't realize was that those who captured Yu Ling glanced at him without any trace, and then didn't say anything.

Heading towards the mountain gate of Tianlongmen, he soon saw a group of people waiting for him from a distance.

As a Profound Immortal, coupled with his status as the deacon of Tianhai Holy Land, he naturally dismissed it, let alone his own strength, coupled with his status as the deacon of Tianhai Holy Land, he is the third-rank official in front of the prime minister's door , How could it be possible to lose one's own identity.

The Xingluo Giant Eagle landed, and Song Wang hurried over to meet it.

"It's you who destroyed the Tianlongmen?" Deng Anxia sat on the Xingluo Giant Eagle, with a mocking tone in his tone.

Song Wang is also a Xuanxian, so he was the only one who came forward, and no one else came forward. If there are too many powerful people who come out, they will be jealous of the other party.

"I'm here for the first time, I'll wait"

"I'm asking you, did you destroy Tianlongmen?" Deng Anxia said coldly without raising his eyes.

To cross the river, dragons have to kill the opponent's prestige, otherwise they would dare to be unscrupulous if they really thought that they had destroyed a Tianlongmen.

"Exactly." Since the other party didn't like politeness, Song Wang didn't want to be polite to him.

"Do you know that Tianlongmen is under the command of my Tianhai Holy Land, and you are doing my Tianhai Holy Land a disgrace by doing this." Deng Anxia directly put down a big hat and took a favorable position.

"Then I don't know what advice this person has." Song Wang's words were straightforward, but Deng Anxia was offended.

"You bind your hands and feet, and go to Tianhai Holy Land with me to be a coolie for a hundred years, and I will spare you and this group of people." Deng Anxia's tone was cold with a hint of amusement.

His goal has been achieved. Every time a force from outside the territory enters, he has to do this first, first drag the strongest of the opponent to the Holy Land of Tianhai, and then slowly clean up the opponent's forces. damage the opponent's foundation.

"Hey, what you said is a bit arrogant. I don't know any Tianhai Holy Land. Even if Tianhai Holy Land can be destroyed, I will avenge you, but is it worth it?"

Deng Anxia's neck felt cold, and a long sword lay across his neck. At some point, Song Wang came behind him, and his tone was extremely flat.

"One more thing, if you want to try whether your spirit technique or Yuling is faster or my sword is faster, you can try it, maybe you can escape faster." Deng Anxia immediately stopped the small movements in his hands, because He felt a line of blood drawn from his throat.

There is obviously some kind of will in this bloodline, once he escapes, Song Wang's sword can follow the will in that bloodline to pierce him through his throat.

Although he was already a Xuanxian, the throat and other vital points no longer existed, but this sword would definitely be left behind, and he was not sure of escaping from Song Wang's speed.

Since he didn't react at all just now, Song Wang had already held him hostage.

His arrogance is pretending. He is not stupid. He knows that he has kicked the steel plate. Under normal circumstances, the hard one comes first. When you have potential, let's be soft and reasonable.

The unlucky ones who kicked the steel plate were the deacons who came down to do errands, but it was Kong Yuan, the sage of the sky sea, who benefited. The stronger the power under his command, the more resources the other party can offer.

"Haha, brother, I laughed. Brother, I was just following orders. What happened just now was a last resort. Please forgive me, forgive me." Deng Anxia immediately changed his face and smiled heartily, but Song Wang didn't seem to let anyone go at all.

"Brother, you don't know. It's you who fight and kill when you disagree. That's why I'm so tough, brother. If I'm not tough, wouldn't everyone be like you? I'm also bitter, brother." Ah." Deng Anxia couldn't stop pouring out his bitterness, saying how difficult it was for him, only a June blizzard was short of proof.

Is this nonsense?Very bullshit.

Song Wang didn't believe a word, but put his sword away: "Brother, I've suffered for you, I blame my brother for not having eyes, I didn't see your suffering, come on, go in and have a drink with you, I'm right Sorry."

Grabbing Deng Anxia's hand, Song Wang also had a look on my face, and pulled Deng Anxia straight in.

Let's stabilize the so-called Holy Land of Tianhai first, and after the portal is adjusted in two days, treat him to drink and then treat him to good fruit.

Deng Anxia couldn't help but feel relieved. When he met someone who was knowledgeable, if he met someone who was not, he could only ask Tianhai Holy Land to avenge him. And people used his death as a reason to make a fortune. It was like a mouthful of fat for everyone except him who lost his life.

"Brother, it's good that you understand, brother, offending people, meeting you, brother, is also my blessing." Deng Anxia naturally followed with a smile.

If you don't get the benefit of the hard part, then you can make up for it from the soft part. The soft knife cuts the flesh.

"Don't dare to take it, it's my brother, you are reasonable, and Longmen is not unreasonable that day. As a newcomer, I just started at Longmen that day, and didn't say a word to me. Everyone rushed towards people like me without fear of death. , I can only fight back."

"That is, Tianlongmen has always been arrogant and domineering, and I don't like it. It's a pity that I am in the Holy Land of Tianhai, and I can't maintain the righteousness of the world at will. I would like to thank you, brother, for removing the cancer of Tianlongmen. Brother, I am very happy .”

The two of them just opened their mouths anyway, no matter how outrageous it is, let's bring up the atmosphere first.

In short, the two have their own thoughts, and on the surface they share similar tastes, but secretly they have their own plans, and I don't know what they are planning in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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