Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 531 Procrastination

Chapter 531 Procrastination
Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The superficial brotherhood between the two is getting better and better amidst the nonsense. Maybe just wait for an opportunity to behead a chicken head and burn yellow paper to become a real superficial brother.

When it was about the same time, Deng Anxia, ​​who looked like he was drunk, took out a document and said with his tongue out, "Brother, you drank this meal, and almost didn't delay my business, come on!" , This is my Holy Master Tianhai's document allowing you to replace Tianlongmen, but there are some requirements, take a look."

Song Wang, who also looked like he was drunk, took the document: "Don't worry, brother, you don't need to read the document. I have answered all the requirements, but you have to stay here for two more days before leaving, brother. Let the brothers under your hands honor you with all the things, and treat it as an apology for my disrespect to you yesterday."

"It's okay to stay for two more days, but filial piety is not required. You and my brother, why do you need these things." Deng Anxia declined very neatly, but he knew that Song Wang would definitely refute him.

"Where are you, brother, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully for you, brother, and make sure that you will be floating when you go back." Song Wang lived up to his trust and said so immediately.

"Since it's your wish, brother, I won't refuse, brother, but don't give it too much, as long as it's your wish."

"Brother, you don't know who I am, I promise to satisfy you, brother, it's just this document."

Hearing this, Deng Anxia looked at the document carefully, and patted his head: "Look at my brain, I'm confused after eating alcohol, I took the wrong document, this is your document."

If Song Wang hadn't bribed him, the quickness he promised just now would definitely make the other party suspicious, so he just declined.

As for not reading the document, it was true, but Deng Anxia felt that Song Wang had read it, and that he had reached the level of Xuanxian, and he could see it without opening it just by looking at it.

And Song Wang's words are also in line with the psychology of normal people. The resources required are too high, and this bargaining is also normal.

Deng Anxia also knew that this document was used by him to ask for directions, so naturally it could not be the final reserve price, but it was just taken out for hammering.

If Song Wang hadn't shown his strength before, maybe this document wouldn't have been discussed, but Song Wang's previous performance was so strong, and he had strength, plus the filial piety to the steps and wine, it was considered very interesting.

If he, Deng Anxia, ​​is really ignorant and refuses to back down even a single step, then this matter must be serious, maybe he didn't stay outside before, but now he has to stay on the wine table.

Song Wang finished the document again and put it on the table, but he still didn't read it: "I'm to blame for this, I let you miss the job, brother, and punish yourself with three cups, and punish yourself with three cups."

Saying that, Song Wangyang drank three cups.

Deng Anxia also responded with a smile: "Brother, you shouldn't do this. Drink more in the name of self-punishment three cups. I won't do it, brother."

This is considered a success. Although there are not as many resources as the first document, it is still quite a lot. On the basis of Tianlongmen's offerings, it has increased by about [-]%, and Deng Anxia has received nearly [-]% of the offerings. up.

The first document before was nearly [-]%, if I really used that document, I would really squeeze out a large sect, so I might not even be able to afford it.

The two of them drank until the sky was dark, and finally Deng Anxia seemed to be overwhelmed with alcohol, and was sent to the guest room by the two to rest.

"This is considered stable. The portal will be adjusted in another day tomorrow, and then let the other party float back directly." Song Wang was a little drunk.

How could drinking make them drunk, not to mention that he is pretending, even Deng Anxia is pretending, after the benefits are gone, naturally it is time to leave the banquet and wait for the benefits, there is no point in bragging with Song Wang.

By virtue of the constant nonsense on the wine table, Song Wang can be regarded as getting a lot of information about the Holy Land of Tianhai. For Deng Anxia, ​​this information is just a daily chore, but it is not a big deal for Song Wang and the entire expeditionary force. No small amount of information.

"Sleepy really sent the pillow. With Deng Anxia, ​​we don't know nothing about Tianhai Holy Land." Xun Ruo appeared aside at some point.

"That's right, with this delivery to your door, you can see who this so-called Holy Lord of the Sky Sea is." Song Wang also responded.

Keeping Deng Anxia, ​​on the one hand, is to stabilize the Twelve Golden Immortals and the Sifang guardian beasts, and release a friendly message to the outside world.

After the adjustment of the portal was completed, he directly searched Deng Anxia's soul, and obtained the detailed information of the spirit world from his memory for the next step.

Not to mention Deng Anxia as a mysterious immortal, even the golden immortal Xun Ruo, the Holy Lord of Tianhai, is actually not in his eyes. Even when the follow-up troops arrived, the twelve golden immortals were like that.

There are many people with similar strength to him in the Great Zhou Empire. Both he and Tiangong Xing are not afraid of the siege of three or five golden immortals, and they can even fight back. Not to mention Zhuge Yi, Jiang Jingning, Li Jinzhong, Wu Ping and others. All capable and equal people.

This is just the norm. There are also teams such as Fengsheng, Yunlan, and Wuli who work together as a team, and there are also many people in the berserk system that returns to Yintu to add points after fighting. These people may be single or not usually so strong. Once the death-defying outbreak broke out or the team cooperated, they were no less powerful than them.

Even one more point, those subjects of the Great Zhou with varying strengths can rely on the synchronous nature of the heroic spirits to form a more terrifying existence.

In Xun Ruo's eyes, the Golden Immortal was not enough, and it was only a threat from the four guardian beasts with the strength of the Daluo Immortal.

If it weren't for the presence of divine beasts guarding all directions, Xun Ruo wouldn't have had to wait for the follow-up troops. He had brought more people to push the Spirit Realm flat.

Subsequent portal adjustments don't need to be so cautious, it's fine to just build them generously.

Even without taking action, spreading the aura virus wantonly is enough for the spirit world to eat. If it weren't for the intentional restriction of the spread of the spirit virus in the past few days, there would have been a big problem in the spirit world. How could it be as calm as it is now? Intrigue with each other to snatch resources, the ground has been full of bones and peace for a long time.

A new type of aura virus targeting imperial spirit masters has been developed with the cooperation of a group of Dazhou subjects who specialize in spirit energy viruses. The ability to reproduce and proliferate is even more comfortable in this aura-rich world of spirit control. It will be released immediately after the adjustment of the portal, and it will start to wreak havoc on the world of spirit control.

Their goal is not only the spirit master, but also the aura of the entire spirit world. Only when the aura virus cleans up the spirit energy of the spirit world can it be considered a real conquest.

(End of this chapter)

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