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Chapter 532 Formal Admission

Chapter 532 Formal Admission
Headache, this is what Deng Anxia felt the first time he woke up. Along with the headache, he felt weak and stiff in spirit power. He couldn't help but feel alarm bells ringing in his heart for a while. How could he not understand? It's overcast.

Unexpectedly, after the conditions were negotiated, the other party actually backtracked.

Struggling to get up, he rushed out, but saw a scene he would never forget in his life.

The curtain that covers the sky and the sun spans the entire sky, and terrifying things come out of the curtain one by one.

"So that's how it is, that's how it turns out, they are not wandering forces in foreign lands at all, they are just invaders like Xuanzhen Realm." Deng Anxia understood the cause and effect in an instant, it was no different from luring wolves into a house.

He saw a lot of golden immortals, whose strength was no less than that of the Lord Tianhai, and even the golden immortals with even more terrifying auras had already guarded various places.

Deng Anxia was not the first to know.

When the parameters of the portal were adjusted and the expeditionary army of the Great Zhou Empire officially entered the arena, Kong Yuan, the nearest Tianhai lord, noticed it. His face was so gloomy that water dripped out. He didn't expect the other party to be so courageous. He dared to invade openly, and it was still on his territory.

Originally, when the expeditionary army entered the arena, Kong Yuan wanted to go and teach them a lesson, but when the aura of Jinxian's strength burst out unscrupulously, he fell silent. This past is really gone forever.

Kong Yuan is the first one, and the second one is the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree, which guards the gods and beasts in the north, a sacred tree that has survived for an unknown number of years. As the imperial spirit of trees, it is powerful, but its movement is a huge problem , especially its huge size, it is still unknown whether it can move or not.

It's just that it won't just sit there waiting to die like Kong Yuan. With a shake of its body, the Yuling parasitic on it will start to work.

Kong Yuan can run if he can't fight, and he can even leave the world of imperial spirits, but the holy tree of heaven can't. The four guards cannot run away, this is their mission.

After the Heavenly Cangsacred Tree passed, even the remaining three guarding divine beasts also noticed the situation here, but they did not take action. What's the relationship? This comes from the territorial division instinct among the imperial spirits.

The second is because judging from the burst of breath, it is only a golden immortal. No matter how many golden immortals there are, they are no match for Da Luoxian, so there is no need for the remaining three guardian beasts to do anything.

Kong Yuan also thought this way, he made up his mind not to make a move, and even hid for this reason.

With the existence of the Celestial Sacred Tree, why should he take risks? As long as the Celestial Sacred Tree wins a big victory, he will definitely have to go back. Although he will clean up the remaining mess, there are still many benefits. don't want.

But even so, Kong Yuan also feels distressed. Although it is said that this is the benefit of picking up in vain, it is just to comfort himself. Sex is still just a part.

But both Kong Yuan and Tiancang Sacred Tree underestimated the insanity of the Great Zhou Empire. They didn't want to colonize, but they wanted to turn the entire Yuling Realm into food for Wu Mingkong. For the Great Zhou Empire, it is really just some foreign objects, and it can be destroyed directly.

Kong Yuan wanted to hide, but the Sacred Tree of Heaven allowed it, but the Expeditionary Force of the Great Zhou Empire refused.

Kong Yuan, who had already packed his things, was about to leave. The Realm of Yuling couldn't stay any longer. In any case, he had to wait until the battle was over and the Sacred Tree of Heaven won before returning.

In Kong Yuan's eyes, the Celestial Cang Sacred Tree is invincible in the world of imperial spirits. Unless there is a Daluo Immortal on the opposite side, it will be useless to have any number of Golden Immortals.

But once the opponent has a big Luoxian, the guarding beasts of the remaining three big Luoxians will also attack together, that is to say, unless the opponent has more than four big Luoxians, the Royal Spirit Realm will win.

If the other party really had more than four Da Luoxians, then why would he hesitate, and he had to run even more quickly, and he might be trapped in it later.

That is to say, his Tianhai Holy Land faced the Great Zhou Empire's Outland Expeditionary Army directly, and he could feel the horror more intuitively. The other eleven golden immortals might laugh at his timidity and take the opportunity to embezzle his property.

But Kong Yuan doesn't care, resources are very important, but it is more important to have life to enjoy resources.

Although it is shameful to escape, it is very useful. He is a master of spirits, and he is not a practitioner in the Xuanzhen world.

What's more, spiritual masters are a group of self-interested people, how could they know that they will die, and still go all out?
"I hope that after I come back, Yulingjie will be fine, and don't become someone's dinner." Kong Yuan couldn't help sneering, and he was going to use the Zhongqianjie and Xiaoqianjie controlled by Yulingjie to go all the way to a place. He didn't know what the Great Thousand World he discovered by accident, but at least it was safer than here.

With their strength, there must be a lot of retreats, not to mention him Kong Yuan, even the other eleven golden immortals must also have such retreats, in order to prevent the demise of the spirit world. shelter.

A refuge with the strength of a Golden Immortal must be very welcome.

Kong Yuan took out a beacon, which exudes the breath of spatial fluctuations like a blade of grass. This is because he stored the coordinates of the Daqianjie he discovered before on the Crossing Grass to guide him in the direction.

The invisible power of space was activated instantly, ready to teleport him to the first Middle Thousand Realm for the first node jump, but the next moment, his face became very ugly.

He didn't leave, but was still in the spirit world.

It wasn't because the teleportation failed, but something that made him even more unacceptable.

That is to say, the whole world of controlling spirits has been blocked, and no one can leave or come in. The whole world of controlling spirits has become a huge cage.

This made Kong Yuan understand that the other party came prepared and planned to wipe out the entire Yuling Realm.

It's just that he couldn't help being surprised. If this is the case, wouldn't he have alarmed the other party if he failed to escape just now? If the other party fluctuates along his space, wouldn't he be able to locate his existence in an instant?
Just as Kong Yuan thought of it, he turned around and wanted to leave, but he saw an extremely dazzling beam of light coming towards him. This beam was very pure and wanted his life.

At this time, it was already too late for him, the light beam was close at hand, so he could only fight hard, maybe he still had a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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