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Chapter 535 Guarding the Divine Beast - The Sacred Tree of Heaven

Chapter 535 Guarding the Divine Beast - The Sacred Tree of Heaven
"Kong Yuan, lost."

The golden immortals in the remaining eleven holy places also noticed that something was wrong with Kong Yuan, and the attitude of everyone who had nothing to do with themselves changed quietly.

It's not that they want to support, but they are thinking about retreat just like Kong Yuan. If Kong Yuan has problems, they are the same, but they haven't spread to them yet.

But they all have a consensus, that is, the intruder this time probably has more than five golden immortals, the exact number is unknown, once these golden immortals besiege one of them at the same time, they will definitely not be able to escape, they will definitely Ended up in the same fate as Kong Yuan.

Of course, they were just thinking about retreating, and they were not really prepared to run away. You must know that not only Kong Yuan, but also the Celestial Sacred Tree, one of the four guardians of the Imperial Spirit Realm, rushed over.

It's just that the movement speed of the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree is simply indescribable in their eyes. As far as this movement speed is concerned, they all think it is a shame to the Great Luo Immortal.

Even golden immortals like them can span thousands of mountains and seas, and read all living beings in the world in a short time, but it turns out that the sacred tree of heaven has to walk by its roots, which is simply a shame.

However, it is precisely this that reassures the Golden Immortals of the Imperial Spirit Realm that every guarding beast has its own shortcomings. Although these shortcomings are not fatal, they also give them a way out for these local Golden Immortals. Don't worry about being crushed to death if you offend the other party, they can use these shortcomings to deal with the guarding beasts.

In the final analysis, it is just a guardian born from the world of imperial spirits. Although it is said to be a Daluo fairy, it is not perfect.

The slow moving speed of the Celestial Sacred Tree is the shortcoming. As for the long-distance crushing, it is not impossible, but as an imperfect Da Luoxian, if he makes a slight mistake, the entire continental shelf can be shifted, but the problem Does the Holy Tree of Heaven really care about this kind of thing?

Therefore, the golden immortals in the imperial spirit world guessed that it is very likely that the four guardian beasts will be a complete Da Luoxian after they are combined. Although these four guardian beasts are currently capable of killing them, from various perspectives, it is obvious that It is an incomplete body, and every guarding beast is likely to have its own plan just like them.

It is more likely that the Imperial Spirit Realm was unable to support Da Luo Xian, which made them unable to become Da Luo Xian, and even guarding the gods and beasts looked like dismantled Da Luo Xian.

This guess has been circulated among the Golden Immortals of the Imperial Spirit Realm from the very beginning, but there is no way to prove it.

When the Sacred Tree of Celestial Cang rushed towards the Expeditionary Army of the Great Zhou Empire in a funny way, the Expeditionary Army of the Great Zhou Empire also discovered the Holy Tree of Celestial Cang. The situation of the holy tree, although it feels very funny, but there is still a certain pressure in the face of that giant tree that is about the same size as Kunpeng.

First of all, the strength is stronger than Kunpeng, regardless of the similar size, but a leaf of the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree can make Kunpeng return to Yintu and add points again.

Then there are all kinds of imperial spirits that come under the coercion. Under the protection of the sacred tree of the sky, these imperial spirits can very effectively resist the invasion of aura viruses. Although they are not ineffective, their immunity has increased significantly. Unlike Yuling, who became a soft-legged shrimp when touched by the aura virus, at least he still maintained his combat effectiveness.

It's just that whether it's the Sacred Tree of Heaven or the other golden immortals, they only saw the threat of the Great Zhou Empire's expeditionary force, but they didn't realize the horror of the aura virus.

In their thinking, as long as the top combat power is killed, everything will be solved.

They thought very well, but this is not the case for the aura virus. The reckless spread of the Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army just killed some imperial spirit masters, but the real effect of the aura virus is to annihilate the aura, directly destroying their aura system. The roots have been dug.

At present, where the Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army has gone, it can be said that there is no aura at all, just like the magic-free zone. As for the issue of being suppressed by the world-suppressing domain, let’s talk about surviving in this aura-free zone full of aura viruses.

"Big Situ, how should we deal with the sacred tree that day? For now, we probably won't be able to withstand even one move from the opponent." Song Wang couldn't help but asked Xun Ruo, who was the coach.

They knew that the gap between themselves and the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree was huge, outrageously large.

In terms of wizard levels, that means they are seventh-level Huiyue wizards, while the Celestial Sacred Tree is an incomplete eighth-level Xiri wizard.

Fortunately, it is incomplete. If they were complete eighth-level Xiri wizards, how could they develop here? They would have invited Wu Mingkong a long time ago.

"Your Majesty, please take action. The Celestial Sacred Tree is no longer something we can deal with. It's just a little strange. Why did the Celestial Sacred Tree rush over? Obviously, with the strength of the opponent, it can directly annihilate our entire army tens of thousands of miles away. "This is where Xun Ruo's doubts lie.

They could all be killed suddenly at the beginning of the matter, why they came here slowly and sent the family members to play forward?

"Your Majesty, please take action? Is it a bit too arbitrary?" Song Wang hesitated. After all, it seemed that the matter had not reached the point of no return. This is the so-called not dying until the Yellow River.

"I've already reported it." Xun Ruo didn't explain, but replied, Song Wang could hesitate, but he couldn't. If he hesitated, the entire Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army might really be wiped out.

Song Wang didn't say anything, Xun Ruo was the coach.

"This Celestial Sacred Tree may have some plans. We need to be careful." Xun Ruo knew that with the strength of the Celestial Sacred Tree, he could do it without moving, so why would he do such a thing.

Naturally, he also got the guess from Kong Yuan's memory that the Celestial Sacred Tree might be an incomplete Da Luoxian, and it was based on this guess that he felt that the Celestial Sacred Tree was weird.

Even if it is incomplete, it can be used as the guardian of the spirit world to guard the beast. It is born with the blessing of the spirit world.

The Golden Immortals may not be able to tell, after all, they are just a single individual, but Xun Ruo is different. After the Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army entered the arena, many people with similar strength levels as him came. The investigation can be completely seen from the Sacred Tree of Heaven. Although the other party is an incomplete Da Luoxian, he can fully display the strength of a complete Da Luoxian in the Yuling Realm, and even with the blessing of the Yulingjie, it is possible Stronger than ordinary Da Luoxian, one step away from Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

"The combination of the four guarding beasts is probably not Da Luo Xian, but Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian."

(End of this chapter)

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