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Chapter 536 Burning Existence

Chapter 536 Burning Existence

"Exit the spirit world, invader."

The Sacred Tree of Heaven is not huge, but whether it is Xun Ruo, Tiangongxing, or the entire expeditionary force of the Great Zhou Empire, they are all presented with unbearable pressure when facing the Sacred Tree of Heaven.

And it was the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree that suppressed the coercion of its own Great Luo Immortal, but it still made the entire Great Zhou Expeditionary Army feel the horror coming to its face.

This is a creature from a higher position.
Oh, no, it is purely the psychological pressure brought about by the strength of Da Luoxian. As a subject of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Wu Mingkong's alternative incarnation, in fact, they are essentially immune to this so-called coercion. It wasn't for them alone, but for the entire Great Week together, including Wu Mingkong.

The so-called pressure is actually scaring oneself, which can be regarded as a shortcoming of Heroicization. While maintaining oneself, it is also easy to be influenced by oneself, and there will be various emotions.

Wu Mingkong's current strength is not very clear, and he doesn't know what level he is now, probably above the Great Luo Immortal, but not the Hunyuan Da Luo Immortal?
Or is it a complete eighth-level Xiri wizard, almost a ninth-level true spirit wizard?

His strength has always been vague, basically there are two types of enemies he can beat and those he can't beat.

The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree on the opposite side was divided by him into the beatable area.

"How about this, you join us, this way we don't have to quit the Spirit Realm, and you don't have to worry about it." Wu Mingkong invited the other party very sincerely.

When Xun Ruo asked for help, Wu Mingkong came over, but it was not the sandwich Wu Mingkong, but an avatar.

His sandwich Wu Mingkong couldn't get in, the teleportation array couldn't bear Wu Mingkong's size, it would definitely collapse if he got in, and it would definitely trigger an emergency response from the Spirit Realm after he got in, maybe he'd have to stumble.

It's the same when throwing an avatar in. Wu Mingkong controls it remotely, and the opponent is not a complete Daluoxian. Even if he can display the strength of a complete Daluoxian in the Yuling Realm, what is incomplete is still incomplete.

One avatar is enough, what's more, this avatar is just a remote port of Sandwich Wu Mingkong, he can use this remote port shamelessly to display his full strength, instead of a single avatar strength.

"I warn you one last time, intruder, exit the Realm of the Imperial Spirit." The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree ignored Wu Mingkong's words at all, and instead repeated the warning again.

Wu Mingkong wondered if he was sick, and then made a bold move.

If the persuasion fails, the only thing to do is to deal with the other party. As for persuading him again?

It's better to wait until the beating is half dead before persuading, this way the effect is good, otherwise the other party will definitely not listen to the persuasion.

One by one, the Guixu were densely stacked on the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree, and the even bigger Guixu tore through the sky, pulling everything on the ground with its terrifying devouring force.

The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree was not only submerged by countless Guixu, but also enveloped in the Guixu that swallowed the sky. However, due to its strength and being rooted in the land, it was not pulled into the sky for a while. Return to the ruins.

But its family members and imperial spirits were not so lucky, and they were devoured in an instant by being returned to the ruins unsuspecting.

Wu Mingkong's despicableness simply shocked the Sacred Tree of Heaven. It has lived for countless years, and it was the first time it met someone who didn't talk about martial arts.

Why did you persuade to surrender only once, not more times?

The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree shook its body, and leaves fell from it one by one, like autumn.

At this time, the expression of the Sacred Tree of Heaven changed. It was nothing to be attacked, but Wu Mingkong's sneak attack was a bit insidious.

The current Guixu devours not only energy and matter, but also time and space. What makes the Sacred Tree of Heaven even more disgusting is that it also devours concepts.

Once the concept of the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree is devoured, it will be completely gone in the Spirit Realm, leaving only the three great beasts guarding it, as if it had never appeared before.

"Yo, I found out, but it's a bit late."

Wuming Air Conditioner smiled, twisted his hands, and pulled out a thin line from the huge body of the Tiancang Sacred Tree. This is the convergent line of cause and effect and concepts, including a series of constructions such as growing up in life and human relationships. Proof of the existence of the holy tree in the spirit world.

The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree saw the thread that Wu Mingkong pulled out from its body. Although it didn't know what it was, its instinct told it that it was very important.

"The law of human relationship has built your relationship and your existence. Once these things disappear, you will be forgotten by everything, including the world that cares about you." Wu Mingkong twisted the thread, and there were countless people in the thread like a net. cause and effect.

There is no karma and no luck in Yuling Realm.

Originally Wu Mingkong should adapt to the rules of Yulingjie, but now Wu Mingkong is different, he let the world adapt to him.

He felt that the human emotions and laws of the Celestial Sacred Tree can form cause and effect and construct concepts, so he integrated this line that controls all the existence of the Celestial Sacred Tree from the timeline of the Celestial Sacred Tree.

This method is the eating method that Wu Mingkong learned from the existence in the ghost fox in the night talk that feeds on concepts, rules, and civilization. It is energy-saving, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.

It's just that he is a bit weaker, and he can't feed on the whole world like the other party. He can only eat individuals in this way, and civilization can't eat it.

As far as the spirit world is concerned, no strong individual can compare with the civilization of the spirit world.

The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree watched the thread in Wu Mingkong's hand start to burn little by little, and it realized that it was missing, not the lack of body and soul, but a deeper lack.

In such an instant, it lost its own time from the seed to the next 100 years. Now its tree life starts from the age of [-], not from the germination of the seed.

This kind of lack is particularly terrifying, subverting the normal law, not only that, as it burns, it gradually forgets a lot, no, it's not forgetting, but it has no experience.

It has never been experienced before, how can we talk about forgetting and existing.

The figure of the Celestial Sacred Tree gradually became blurred in the ruins. It seemed that there was a mistake, and the entire Royal Spirit Realm could not recognize the Celestial Sacred Tree.

Because it has no origin and no heels, it looks very abrupt in the eyes of the entire Yuling Realm.

Wu Mingkong's action is not only aimed at the Sacred Tree of Heaven, but also at the world of imperial spirits. The existence and concept of something is deeply recorded in the world. Wu Mingkong's move is not only to burn the existence of the Sacred Tree of Heaven , and even dug a hole in the underlying rules of Yulingjie.

In particular, the sacred tree of heaven is also one of the guardian beasts designated by the imperial spirit world, which itself is highly valued by the imperial spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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