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Chapter 537 An Incongruous Vacancy

Chapter 537 An Incongruous Vacancy
When the thread in Wu Mingkong's hand burned out, the figure of the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree completely faded from the blur, and the whole tree just disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Both the Spirit Master and the Spirit Realm have lost the existence of the Celestial Sacred Tree.

Even the original guardian beasts of the four directions have become the guardian beasts of the three directions. No one wonders why there are guards in three directions, but one is missing.

And some people or imperial spirits who have had contact with the Celestial Sacred Tree have nothing strange about the disappearance of the Celestial Sacred Tree. Although there will be a large number of strange vacancies when recalling the memory, they will not have any problems with these vacancies. anything odd.

Wu Mingkong's move naturally included the subjects of the Great Zhou Empire, but with the existence of the thinking network, this vacancy was instantly covered, so they still knew the existence of the Great Zhou Empire.

Looking at the seed that was only the size of a grain of rice in his hand, who would have thought that this would be the Celestial Sacred Tree of Da Luoxian level. Now the Celestial Sacred Tree has been turned into a seed again because of Wu Mingkong, but its strength is still there.

"On my hand, I have the demeanor of the old sun god Ron who constricted the timeline." Now he realizes that he has underestimated the old sun god Ron. Confining his own timeline, maybe he already has it. Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's strength is not limited to Da Luo Xian.

The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree was burned into existence by Wu Mingkong, and what was burned out was the seed in his hand.

Throwing them into his mouth and chewing them, Guixu turned into nothingness one by one, leaving only a broken space above the sky and a regular turbulent flow that was gradually being smoothed out to prove that Wu Mingkong had been here.

The Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army was alright, but everyone in Yuling Realm and Yuling were dumbfounded.

It seemed that someone had met those foreign invaders just now, but why did they have no memory of who it was?

Is there someone?

Whether it was the remaining eleven golden fairies or the three guardian beasts, this thought flashed through their minds at the same time.

Looking at the devastation, they can be sure that there is someone, but they have no impression of who it is, and they don't even remember it.

It couldn't be that the huge Guixu just now was fighting wits and courage with the air. Although the reason was nonsense, they still couldn't know what was fighting the foreign invaders just now.

How can you remember things that don't exist? It's not amnesia. If you have a chance to remember the amnesia, you will naturally have no way of knowing the existence of the Celestial Sacred Tree. Even the Imperial Spirit Realm doesn't have the Celestial Sacred Tree. The existence of this guardian animal.

Speaking of the absence of the Celestial Sacred Tree, I feel aggrieved, but if a normal Da Luoxian comes here, I dare not say that I will win, at least I can fight for hundreds of years, but unfortunately I met Wu Mingkong, who is hanging on the wall.

He didn't talk about martial arts sneak attack, and then used a trick that didn't exist in Yulingjie to make a foul combo. Before the opponent could react, Wu Mingkong had already firmly restrained him.

Even if he wanted to fight back, he was dealt with by Wu Mingkong without the time.

"If you think about it carefully, I'm also someone who can leapfrog the ranks to kill the enemy." Look at Wu Mingkong's current level, the master level martial artist, the seventh-level Huiyue wizard, and the inner alchemy middle pass three-layer Qiankun Jiaojing ascetic.

The highest level is the god wizard, especially the martial artist, who has basically never moved. The master level is still brought up by the luck of the four monarchs, otherwise it is still the celestial phenomenon level.

He is now thinking whether to clear the level of the god wizard and re-train the world wizard. For him, the god wizard is already at the full level, and it is a bit difficult to break through the eighth level of the sun wizard, although he is now His strength can be regarded as almost reaching the ninth-level true spirit wizard, but in fact he is still a seventh-level Huiyue wizard, and his combat power cannot represent his level. Where is Wu Mingkong's level upper limit?

And maybe if he walks the path of the world wizard again, he may have a new operation of inner alchemy, maybe he will be able to break through the first level of the third level of Shangguan, the ten-month child-raising, and he will become a fairy.

That's not right, Jindan seems to be a fairy, and Wu Mingkong is a little confused, but it's okay, whether he becomes a fairy or not is a trivial matter, and when he breaks through the first stage of the upper level, he will have the confidence to call himself a real person.

Wu Mingkong was still confused about the division of inner alchemy.

After Wu Mingkong dealt with the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree, the Great Zhou Empire's expeditionary force had no obstacles, and the spread became even more frenzied, constantly eroding the entire spirit realm.

In this case, the remaining three guarding beasts should come to support them, but there is a strange idea in the subconscious that restrains them, that is, there are guarding beasts here, and you cannot cross the boundary.

The subconscious is like this, but the memory remembers that there has been no guarding the beast in that place.

This made them hesitate extraordinarily, and they didn't know what to do. This was a residual effect, and it would disappear after a long time.

The golden fairies are also hesitating, the Holy Land of Tianhai is gone, whether they want to resist the invasion of the expeditionary force from outside the territory, but the opponent has not yet hit them here, no one wants to be the first to stand out, let alone they feel that there seems to be a What can resist the other party.

They just want to reap the benefits of fishing, and don't want to fight in person. After all, the longer they live, the more they fear death, especially since they already have high positions and the strength of Jinxian, they don't want to take risks.

Because the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree was burned by Wu Mingkong, there was a sense of incongruity in the whole world of controlling spirits, especially those high-level people.

This sense of incongruity is constantly magnified under their strength, making them always feel that there is a thorn in their hearts, causing them to be suspicious, but they can't find out what the thorn is and where it is.

With such a delay, the fighter plane was delayed, and a steady stream of Dazhou subjects came out of the portal, constantly attacking the territory, and the area where the aura virus ravaged became larger and larger.

One by one, the Small Thousand Realm and the Middle Thousand Realm under the command of Tianhai Holy Land were excavated, different imperial spirits were captured, and each imperial spirit master died under the aura virus.

It only took about half an hour, and when everyone came back to their senses, the entire Tianhai Holy Land had been completely occupied by the expeditionary forces of the Great Zhou Empire, and it had become a bridgehead and a strong fortress for the Great Zhou Empire to attack the Yuling Realm.

At this time, both the Golden Immortal and the Guardian Beast have reacted. If they don't fight back, the Realm of the Spirit Realm will really be occupied by the other party, and they will all be reduced to colonists.

It's better to be a colonized person, the opponent obviously doesn't want to live, guarding the beast may still survive from the aspect of the opponent's capture of the imperial spirit, but Jin Xian, who is the imperial spirit master, definitely can't live, from Kong Yuan's The situation can be obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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