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Chapter 539 Anxious Battle Situation

Chapter 539 Anxious Battle Situation

The interstellar universe empire is not terrible, what is terrible is the interstellar universe empire with great unity, endless bombing and united subjects, no intrigue, and supplies catch up in an instant.

In just a few days, the entire Yuling Realm has already fallen to more than half of the area.

When life and death are in danger, there are naturally countless talents in the world of imperial spirits. It is not unreasonable for heroes to emerge in troubled times, but the consistent monopoly of self-interest has already been deeply rooted in the bones of all spiritual masters.

There are Tianjiao who fight bloody battles, and naturally there are moths who embezzle resources and delay their legs, and even want to surrender the city.

It is a pity that the Great Zhou Empire does not currently accept the business of surrender, but you can surrender on your own. The procedure is as follows.

First let the aura virus infect yourself, and then survive the symbiosis with the aura virus, and then wait for the aura virus to completely occupy yourself, make yourself a heroic spirit and accept the baptism of the thinking network, then you can go to receive a Sanxian cultivation base to join the expedition to the imperial spirit world Great job.

This difficulty is a bit high, and there are not many people who have completed the first step in this program, and they will get the lunch.

Especially after Wu Ping had kindly talked with Bai Hongyuan, the Golden Immortal of the Red Realm Holy Land, about the joining process, the other party was not happy at the time, and it was impossible for him to co-exist with the aura virus.

Bai Hongyuan felt that he was sincerely taking refuge in him, but the other party actually fooled him like this, and couldn't help but become even more annoyed.

But Wu Ping explained seriously that there is no such business as surrendering now, and there is only one way to join them. The current policy of the Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army is that no one will be left behind, and even the ashes will be thrown away for you.

Those Golden Immortals who wanted to join because they couldn't beat them couldn't help feeling chills. According to their assumptions, as long as they were willing to surrender with their strength, the other party would definitely accept it. Unexpectedly, the other party not only refused, but also wanted to kill them. It made them terrified.

Based on their conditions, they would not panic even if the Supreme Dao of the Xuanzhen Realm came in, as long as they surrendered, although the salary was not as high as it is now, at least they still have their lives.

But the Great Zhou Empire actually didn't want anything, as long as their lives, which made them have to work hard. If they didn't work hard, even the ashes would be thrown away by the other party.

But it seemed like he couldn't do his best, so Bai Hongyuan just asked, and Li Tie's dragon claws grabbed his neck. Fortunately, the talent for refining and mobilizing in his body saved his life, otherwise, this claw would have fallen. Just now, the space was clawed with five claw marks, and it hasn't disappeared until now.

Before he could catch his breath, Zhong Ying shot a bone-like arrow towards his face, which made him twist his body at an abnormal angle before he managed to avoid it.

Then he was hit by Wu Ping's negative energy, and his internal organs seemed to be plunged into ice. Fortunately, the spirit refining gave him the power to quickly wipe out the negative energy in his body, and he came back to his senses.

He is in good condition, Lin Xing from Huangji Holy Land next door is being hanged and beaten by Da Sima, Da Sikong, and Da Situ, if he can still catch his breath, Bai Hongyuan would have thought he was dead.

What was even worse was Qiu Chizhou of the Divine Ring Holy Land who was being targeted by the Ten Eunuchs. The group of ten eunuchs headed by Li Jinzhong, who was transformed into a man from heaven, almost killed each other.

The ten permanent attendants are not all practicing the "Course of Heaven and Man" like Li Jinzhong, but a system created by the ten most powerful eunuchs. There are not only intelligent brain literati, but also mechanical array mages, thousand-handed spirit masters, etc. etc., a collection of various systems and occupations in various aspects.

There is even a pure fanatic priest, Zhao Xia, who believes in Wu Mingkong, and can even directly guide Wu Mingkong and the Great Zhou Empire to perform a divine surrender, and his strength is top-notch.

Although he doesn't have magic skills, as long as the gods descend to lead Wu Mingkong and the Great Zhou Empire into his body, no magic skills are needed. He raises his hand and puts the hammer up, but anyone who is hit by the hammer will basically be disabled, even if he is a golden fairy. There were no more fatal injuries to his body, and he was dazed for a long time after being hit by a hammer.

This is very dangerous, especially once Li Jinzhong's speed entangles the opponent, not to mention Li Jinzhong's attack power, once he is entangled, Zhao Xia may die suddenly on the spot when he gets close to the opponent with a hammer.

Jinxian Qiuchizhou from Shenhuan Holy Land was hit with a hammer, and he still hasn't slowed down, and he can't even escape. While running desperately, he tried to break free from the attacks of Li Jinzhong and various formations and spiritual techniques. Also always pay attention to whether Zhao Xia will suddenly jump out and give him a hammer.

But even so, it was very difficult. He couldn't see every sword of Li Jinzhong clearly. Basically, he could only defend against one of a hundred swords, which caused him to have sword wounds all over his body. Extremely slow.

There are ten permanent servants watching him outside, and from time to time he will be hit with hundreds of swords, and the aura virus inside is constantly invading deeply, which makes him exhausted physically and mentally.

However, compared with the Jinxian Lin Xing who was hanged up and beaten in the Holy Land of the Absolute Emperor, he felt much better mentally. At least he was not so miserable, and he couldn't even fight back. He could fight back a few times.

Faced with this situation, they only regret that they should not have destroyed the opponent in time when the Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army just entered the field, which led to the current situation. One, the premise is that they can survive today.

What was even more dissatisfied was Kong Yuan, who was so neat and tidy that he couldn't even transmit any information, which made them wrongly judge the expeditionary force of the Great Zhou Empire.

It's just that when Kong Yuan is gone, even if there is information and a correct judgment is made, it will be too late.

The only way to delay this invasion is to destroy the portal before Xun Ruo adjusts the parameters of the portal, so that Wu Ming will be able to airdrop the rat-susceptible weapon, and he will start the strategy of the imperial spirit world when he becomes stronger.

It's a pity that the other party was too confident, thinking that it was just an ordinary outlander wandering force who settled in and could make a fortune.

What's more, they didn't expect Wu Mingkong to be a hanger. Not only did he hold down three guarding beasts by himself, but one of them was directly disposed of by Wu Mingkong. Until now, no one knew that there was another beast named Tiancang Sacred Tree. The existence of guardian beasts.

At this moment, the entire world of controlling spirits has fallen into the autumn of life and death, and it seems that it is hopeless.

When the spiritual energy virus annihilated the spiritual energy of the entire Yuling Realm, and the Zhenshi Domain included the Yuling Realm into the territory of the Great Zhou Empire, it was too late.

Now, all this is going on in an orderly manner, all the imperial masters can only watch all this, there is no way to stop it, and they can only use spiritual skills to continuously strengthen the spiritual barrier to survive, praying that the Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army will be later Arrived to carry out a horrific act of massacre against them.

(End of this chapter)

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