Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 540 The Reaction of the Mysterious Realm

Chapter 540 The Reaction of the Mysterious Realm
"What are you talking about, the world of imperial spirits has been blocked, and there has been a shift?" Hearing this, Xuanxian Wanchong couldn't help but be surprised by the Lingyang lotus that he had just seized from the lineage of the family.

"When did it happen, you don't know how to tell me."

Myriad Chongxuanxian hurried to confirm, and then found that it was true that the Yuling Realm was blocked, but there was no offset.

It was simply being bitten by something. The waiter's strength is not high, so naturally he couldn't tell. As a Xuanxian, he naturally saw the clues in Yiyang.

"No, you have to report to Lord Youyu."

In Xuanzhen Realm, Jinxian is called a god, Daluoxian is called Xianzun, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is called a saint.

There is no title at all for those under the Golden Immortal. The same level is called Daoyou, and the superior is called Senior.

Xuanxian Wanchong hurriedly came to Lord Youyu, and was about to report when she saw God Lord Youyu feeding the fish with a cold flame grass. Seeing this scene, Xuanxian Wanchong couldn't help but her eyes twitched, her heart burst into tears. What a waste of heaven and earth, this cold flame grass has already attached nine cold lines and a little flame, how can it grow without ten thousand years.

If it fell into his hands, he would definitely be able to practice a good insect food to transform the insect king in his body, but now he was torn off by the fish god and fed to Jin Jin in the pool, which is a pity.

It's just that he didn't dare to say too much. In his eyes, it was a treasure, but in the eyes of Yuyu Shenjun, it was probably just an ordinary object.

"You little bug, what are you doing here?"

"Report to the Divine Lord that there has been a major change in the Spirit Realm." Wan Chong Xuanxian hurriedly reported what he saw in the Spirit Realm.

After Yu Yushenjun knocked on the golden brocade that was about to beg for food again, he said calmly, "What was it eaten? Does it look like the Chihuajie where Feng Sheng disappeared?"

Myriad Chong Xuanxian couldn't help being stunned, it seems that they are really similar, if not for the reminder from God Youyu, he would not have discovered the similarities between the two.

If you compare it, the Chihuajie seems to have been eaten by something, otherwise it would be impossible to disappear out of thin air. This situation is so similar to the situation that the Yulingjie is suffering now, it seems to be a replica.

"Could it be that Shenjun meant that the two were done by the same person."

"Maybe it's not a human being." You Yu Shenjun's attitude was a little loose, and he didn't seem to care at all.

"Then how should we deal with it?"

Between the question and the answer, Myriad Chong Xuanxian didn't dare to say a single suggestion, just asked, and then followed suit.

Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes is very applicable to the current situation. After making a suggestion, if You Yushenjun decides, it's okay if it succeeds. If it doesn't work, he will be blamed.

"Can you enter the Spirit Realm?" You Yu Shenjun tore off another piece of cold flame grass and threw it into the pool, asking unhurriedly.

Xuanxian Wanchong shook his head: "The blockade that seals the Realm of Yuling is too high-end. From a simple view, there are supernatural powers of the universe, and it is even more suspected of being sealed by a formation."

"You still lack a magical power of time dao, and the universe dao and time dao are connected with each other to form an even more terrifying supernatural power. Time and space circulate each other. Even if I go in, I'm afraid I will never return." You Yu Shenjun naturally knows the situation of Yuling Realm, and he has observed it just now when Myriad Chongxuanxian came to report.

"Could it be Da Luoxian?" Myriad Chong Xuanxian didn't see it as thoroughly as Youyu Shenjun, and was very surprised to be broken by such a little bit. The first thought was that there was an unknown Da Luoxian who attacked Yuling Realm up.

If it weren't for Da Luoxian, how could he be able to defeat the four guarding beasts in the world of imperial spirits?

That's right, Wu Mingkong's method can't affect the Xuanzhen Realm across borders. It is said that it burns the existence of the Celestial Sacred Tree, but it actually extracts the concept of the Celestial Sacred Tree from the bottom-level rules of the world of the Yuling Realm. , so no one in Yuling Realm knows about the Holy Tree of Heaven.

Wu Mingkong is attacking the Yuling Realm, and has nothing to do with the Xuanzhen Realm, so the Xuanzhen Realm still knows that there are four directions guarding the Divine Beasts in the Yuling Realm.

"Perhaps so, but you don't have to worry, even the small spirit-controlling world is guarded. My Xuanzhen world has such a background, and I am not afraid of a big Luoxian. If I dare, I will definitely let him come and go. "Yu Yu Shenjun knows that the Xuanzhen Realm has lost the Great Luo Immortal and the Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortal, but he is not afraid of those foreign Da Luo Immortals.

Taishang Dao, Penglai Sect, and Kunlun Sect have been operating in the Xuanzhen Realm for an unknown number of years. When he practiced, the three sects had been standing for an unknown number of years.

The things that have been settled in the past years here are extremely terrifying. As far as he knows, there are dozens of magic weapons that can be compared to Da Luoxian, not to mention that the Supreme Dao Court they live in itself is the Supreme Dao Court. The magic weapon refined by the Lord of the Supreme Dao, the ordinary Da Luoxian would not be able to shake the Taishang Dao Court at all, but would be seriously injured by the Grand Formation of the Supreme Dao Court.

Although there are no tigers on this mountain, monkeys have to weigh themselves if they want to be called kings. Those golden fairies who want to test them have to coerce the public secretly, so as to prepare for the liquidation that they don’t know if they will come in the future .

Myriad Chong Xuanxian also understood the meaning of Youyu Shenjun, it was very simple and clear, that is, he couldn't beat him, if you want to fight, you will fight.

"Thank you Shenjun for your reminder, I don't know what else Shenjun has to say." He has done what he should do for Immortal Wanchong, which means that I have nothing to do and I have to leave.

"It's nothing serious, let's go." Youyu God Lord is fine, and it's not easy for him to practice if someone is here, since he knows how to go on his own, he can save himself making excuses.

"Yes, Lord God."

Immortal Myriad Chong left after speaking, God Sovereign Yuyu naturally did not go to courteous, just like Mystic Myriad Chong did not value real immortals, God of Youyu naturally would not drag Xuanxian to chat with him.

Mentoring the younger generation is not about supporting those who have already become immortals. They have already become immortals, so there is no need for him to support them. The ones who really need to be supported are the casual cultivators who have not yet become immortals. That is called investment. Those who have become immortals basically joined Power, at best, can be regarded as icing on the cake, that is called the exchange of interests.

The kind of cultivators who have not yet become immortals, are loose cultivators, and live a miserable life are called giving charcoal in the snow, and it is a kindness.

The casual cultivators who become immortals in the future are naturally their own people, even hardcore.

Everyone has their own calculations, and these calculations will eventually become personal benefits.

Myriad Chongxuanxian also went back to prepare. You Yu Shenjun didn't explicitly say that you can ignore this matter, but it was quite vague and left a hand, so he had to go back and prepare for the battle. an explanation.

If something really happened, no one would go to Lord Youyu to explain it, only him to explain it. After all, Lord Youyu has the strength of a golden fairy, he is just a mysterious fairy, you have to pick the soft ones, don't look for him If you want to explain, do you still dare to find Lord Youyu?This is how desperate it is to do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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