Chapter 541
Not to mention that the Xuanzhen Realm gave up the Spirit Realm because of Wu Mingkong's blockade of time and space, and the current Spirit Realm is collapsing little by little.

The Yuling Realm was completely defeated, all eleven golden immortals were captured, and Yuling was basically confiscated.

This time, the Realm of Royal Spirits was not as lucky as the Realm of Chihuahua. Back then, the aura virus in the Realm of Chihuahua was immature and there were still ordinary people, so there were still survivors.

There is not a single living person in today's Imperial Spirit Realm, and no one can survive the extremely low symbiosis probability of the aura virus to transform into a heroic spirit and embark on the surrender process.

When the world-suppressing domain completely covered the entire Yulingjie, and the aura virus wandered wantonly in it, annihilating every ray of aura, and the entire Yulingjie had fallen into an extremely decadent situation.

There are only three guarding beasts left in the gap between time and space that Wu Mingkong has brought closer.

The three guardian beasts were suffering too. They were held back by Wu Mingkong the whole time, and nothing was done. The world of imperial spirits was gone.

More importantly, they are now also difficult to protect themselves. They are constantly being pulled into Wu Mingkong's body in the Yulingjie.

This is not only the reason of Wu Mingkong, but also the reason of the Yuling Realm. Under Wu Mingkong's encroachment, the Yuling Realm has gradually become unable to support the cultivation of the three guarding gods and beasts Da Luoxian, and is gradually withdrawing capital.

Once the Yulingjie withdraws its capital and uses these resources to fight against Wu Mingkong's encroachment, it will really be hopeless, not only the three guardian beasts, but also the entire Yulingjie.

Even the internal immune system has been removed for emergency use, which is no different from drinking poison to quench thirst.

Fortunately, Wu Mingkong is very caring. He didn't dismantle his internal immune system for the sake of the spirit world. With this advantage, he pulled out the existence of one of the guarding beasts in a blink of an eye. The Nether White Tiger was burned into existence by Wu Mingkong just like the Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree.

It was also in this blink of an eye that the remaining two avatars froze for a moment, and the remaining Qingtian Giant Ao and Yuhuo Phoenix took advantage of the situation to escape Wu Mingkong's entanglement.

It's a pity that the Spirit Realm is not strong enough, and Wu Mingkong is fighting at home again, taking advantage of the situation, the two guarding beasts were caught back by Wu Mingkong in an instant.

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to go after all the small thousand worlds and middle thousand worlds under Yulingjie's command are dug out." Even the Chihuajie has a small thousand world under its command, and Yulingjie naturally has external strategies, although there is no mysterious There are so many Taoists in the real world, but there are still many, otherwise how to support oneself, it is definitely not enough to rely on one spirit master, even if the spirit master is a great world, it is definitely not enough for so many spirit masters.

The existence of the Nether White Tiger completely disappeared in the Realm of Controlling Spirits, which caused a sense of incongruity in the hearts of Qingtian Juao and Yuhuofenghuang, but this sense of incongruity was suppressed by them. When you are not careful, you may be killed by Wu Mingkong in an instant.

But this was their overthinking, Wu Mingkong wouldn't be so reckless.

You must know that Wu Mingkong just restored them to their infancy. For example, the sacred tree of heaven has become a seed, and the white tiger of the nether world is now a cub without opening its eyes.

This is a precious sample. Previously, Xun Ruo judged that the combination of the four guarding beasts might be the Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian. It can't be Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

And now that there is no blessing from the spirit world, who knows what kind of strength it will be. Most of the strength of the four guarding beasts comes from the blessing of the spirit world. Otherwise, Wu Mingkong would say that guarding the beasts will be the internal immune system of the spirit world. .

Their main duty is to maintain and protect the order and security of the Spirit Realm, so that the entire Spirit Realm can flourish, and they can be regarded as a different kind of god.

"The tiger has become a cub, the tree has become a seed, so both will become eggs." Wu Mingkong guessed maliciously.

After all, whether it is tortoises, sea turtles or soft-shelled turtles, they are all egg-laying, and the turtle-like face of the giant giant turtle must also be egg-laying.

As for the phoenix bathing in fire, Wu Mingkong has never seen a phoenix, but from the situation of birds and various myths and legends, it is basically certain that this phoenix should also lay eggs.

Get slapped in the face if you guess wrong?

Then get beaten. Anyway, Wu Mingkong has been shameless for a long time, and this thing is of no use to him. He wants to be shameless and shameless at the same time.

After gaining the experience of the first expedition to the Chihua Realm, the expeditionary army of the Great Zhou Empire was extremely efficient in excavating the Small Thousand Realm and the Middle Thousand Realm under the Yuling Realm.

It is also possible that the equipment is more advanced. Basically, it is to open the door, throw the aura virus inside, then close the door, and rush in to harvest when the time is right.

As the small and middle thousand worlds were captured one by one, the resistance of the Yulingjie became even weaker. Now Wu Mingkong didn't need to pull it, the Yulingjie couldn't stop slipping into his mouth.

In that short amount of effort, Wu Mingkong easily turned the Giant Ao into an egg, and now there is only a burning phoenix struggling to support it.

After Wu Mingkong cleaned up the Giant Ao, he pulled out the existence of the burning phoenix and burned it logically, and instantly reverted.

It's just that the shape after the retracement was somewhat beyond Wu Mingkong's expectation. He thought it would be an egg like the Qingtian Giant Ao, but he didn't expect it to be a ball of flames.

This made Wu Mingkong a little surprised. It turns out that your phoenix on fire is not born from eggs, but from elements.

Unexpectedly, it makes sense.

When the four guarding beasts were all disposed of by Wu Mingkong, the entire Spirit Realm immediately lost its four pillars, especially the Spirit Realm had not yet withdrawn its capital, and all the blessings on the guarding beasts were taken away by Wu Mingkong. There was no Mozi left, which caused Yuling Realm to collapse completely. Not only was the income and expenditure unbalanced, but people also ran away with money.

Coupled with the dissipation of spiritual energy, the decline of Yuling Realm became even more serious, that is, without the world's will and luck, otherwise Wu Mingkong would have had another meal.

The huge shadow is gradually incorporating the Realm of the Spirit, and this time, it is already powerless.

Even if you want to save the collapse of the building, there must be something alive to stand up and save it. Even if there is something alive now, either the Yuling has been captured, or it is hiding in the undiscovered Xiaoqianjie or Zhongqian There is nothing left to stand out in the world.

When the shadows included a corner of the Spirit Realm, the terrifying sound of chewing resounded from the other end of the portal to the entire Spirit Realm. The food had already been served, and eating had officially begun.

(End of this chapter)

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