Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 542 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 542 Martial Arts Contest ([-])

The finishing work is very simple, probably just wipe your mouth after eating.

All kinds of imperial spirits were also kept in captivity, and began to be assigned to various laboratories for research. A series of unique technologies such as spiritual art classics were also classified and summarized and uploaded to the thinking network for backup.

The Great Zhou Empire Expeditionary Army is officially disbanded. What should everyone do? The most rewarding ones are the group of Reiki Virus players who formed the Reiki Virus Research Institute. As long as there is targeted research, new results can be obtained.

Secondly, the actual combat effect of Tiangong Star has also appeared, and the group of mechanical system people is also full of people.

Finally, the Great Zhou Empire likes to mention new races and new occupations.

Wu Mingkong couldn't do it anymore, he just paddled the whole time as a bastard, except for harvesting four guarding beasts that he had reverted to the level of wearing open crotch pants. It came from the sheep, there was too much here, and when he ate Yulingjie, he lost a big piece.

Fortunately, Wu Mingkong didn't care too much about it. He planned to transform it into four elephants, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, and put them as guards in the Kingdom of God.

White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu are easy to deal with, but Qinglong is a bit difficult to deal with. After all, the Celestial Sacred Tree doesn't look like a dragon. It's just a snake, even an earthworm. It really doesn't work as long as it's long Wu Mingkong also recognized it, but this thing happened to be a tree, which really tested Wu Mingkong's skills.

Fortunately, it’s just a little bit more difficult, isn’t it just a tree, genetic programming, blood replacement, plastic surgery for the sacred tree of heaven, tree dragons, and grass dragons are all dragons, as long as they grow into dragons, Wu Mingkong will let it go It has become a blue dragon.

After Wu Mingkong finished dealing with all these things, it had been more than a month, and he hadn't fought the Yulingjie for that long, and it took longer to deal with the funeral of the Yulingjie than to kill the other party.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It only takes one move to kill a person, and the white matter is not only complicated, but also the first seven. It is normal for a longer time.

[Keywords used: harmony, friendship]

[Building a copy...]

【Copy construction completed】

Copy: Martial Arts Fight

Difficulty: Not selected
Target: unknown

Reward: 2 dungeon points
[Please select the difficulty of the instance: Easy, Normal, Difficult, Nightmare, Martial Saint]

"Martial Saint Difficulty."

[Difficulty has been determined, please choose your identity]

Young Lin
Not to mention why using the two key words of harmony and friendship would produce a bloody dungeon like Martial Arts Fight, Wu Mingkong wanted to complain about those two identities.

"Are you swallowing my two identities, just put these two identities together, are you going to let me go in the Northern Expedition or help the Han? If I go in, won't I go to the Three Kingdoms of Gods and Demons? If it's really a god The Three Kingdoms of the Devil, let alone the Northern Expedition or Fuhan, are you willing to give these two identities with my IQ?"

Wu Mingkong is really a bit of a fool, after all, the last dungeon was the transformation of Liaozhai, it is possible if there is a Three Kingdoms of Gods and Demons, but his IQ and military strength will not be able to touch the two identities of Wolong or Youlin, right? It's not too much to give to a ghost god Lu Bu, Qu A young general, or a god general killer Ma Zhong.

After Wu Mingkong finished complaining, he looked at the summary of the copy and thought it must not be the Three Kingdoms of Gods and Demons, otherwise it would be nonsense to call it the difficulty of Wu Sheng.

"Wolong, you Lin is inferior no matter how you look at it."

Take it easy, if you really want to enter the Three Kingdoms of Gods and Demons, no matter if you meet Liu Bei or Liu Chan, you can win if you get the royal power granted by heaven.

[Target of the dungeon: Young Lin Yujie, unparalleled in the world]

"Wait for me, I chose Wolong, why is the target of the dungeon young Lin?" Before Wu Mingkong finished complaining, he entered the dungeon.

When Wu Mingkong came back to his senses, he was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt.

The goal of the dungeon is also very simple literally, that is to let Young Lin grow up, and then fight all over the world invincible, probably.

"No memory yet?" Wu Mingkong found out that the dungeon system was faltering, and the dungeon did not give memory for three consecutive times. Is it because he was too strong to implant the memory into his brain?

The power of the mind quietly collected the memories of everyone nearby, Wu Mingkong couldn't help shaking his hands.

"It's the meaning of Wolong's fucking meaning."

Wu Mingkong's Wolong is not Zhuge Liang's Wolong. His Wolong means the real dragon lying on the bed, which is the beginning of the serious waste material flow.

He is not a crouching dragon for no reason, he was beaten like this.

He used to be a martial artist of the second rank Zhou Tian, ​​but he was ambushed by someone during his practice. The attacker was even stronger than him. Not only did he break his dantian, but his bones were also shattered. The identity given by the dungeon is called Wolong, and the dungeon still calls itself, not a title. A cripple called Wolong, wouldn't it make everyone laugh.

As for who beat the previous Wu Mingkong into Crouching Dragon, Wu Mingkong naturally knew it. Although he didn't remember it, someone had it.

"Body training, Zhou Tian, ​​Chi Po, Vajra, Yin God, Pure Yang, True Meaning, Martial Arts, Tong Shen, nine ranks of martial arts, one rank one ascends to heaven."

This is not the point, the point is his identity. According to the memories of the common people, the Wu family is the largest of the four major families in Pan'an City. Even the city lord has to give them face, but it is a bit unlucky. When both parents died, it was all up to the housekeeper to keep their status.

Wu Mingkong's harmony and friendship should be reflected here. The housekeeper, Wang Wen, is loyal and never oversteps.

This is the Wufu in the memory of normal people, but in the eyes of the slaves, it is different.

Especially the butler Wang Wen remembered that Wang Wen was a seventh-rank true intention warrior, and later fell to a sixth-rank pure yang warrior due to injury. One is the general of the Xuanjia Army who holds military power in the Great Cang Dynasty, and the other is the eldest princess of the Great Cang Dynasty.

As for Wang Wen, the Xuanjia Army retreated, so he was so loyal.

Wu Mingkong just wanted to say, is it not good for you and your husband to throw your son into the countryside as a bastard at such a great age?

"It's an interesting mansion, except for the boss, it's all undercover."

Forget about these flaws, the next thing is the real point, Wu Mingkong has a younger brother.

The name is Wu Lin, and Wu Mingkong can immediately see the extraordinaryness of this younger brother at a glance through his encounters since he was a child, and then he can be sure that this guy is You Lin.

Among other things, he recognized his name and identity.

(End of this chapter)

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