Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 543 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 543 Martial Arts Contest ([-])

Thinking of Wu Lin, Wu Mingkong is simply lying. Let’s not talk about why he was dug away and read as the bone of the god of war. In fact, the sternum is still alive. How can your parents be so stupid? Dare to do it, and the two parents didn't move after doing it, are you sure it's his own?

How much the husband and wife have neglected these two sons.

The second is that the engagement was just divorced yesterday. This is secondary. The people are different, and this time the three-year contract is gone.

In the end, the cultivation has been stuck in the first-rank body training. You must know that Wu Lin's aptitude is set to be more evil than Wu Mingkong. It only took a month to complete the body training. It will disappear for no reason.

This matter was ridiculed secretly by many people, of course they dared not say it openly, Wang Wen, but the Xuanjia Army has retreated, and those who dared to gossip and provoke troubles are gone, you must know that the Wufu is a pan The head of the four major families in Ancheng.

According to Wu Mingkong's judgment, it has only been two days since the grandfather woke up, so Wu Mingkong has to hurry up, otherwise his identity as the grandfather will be replaced by someone else.

"Brother, I'm here to see you." Wu Lin's voice came from outside the door.

Wu Mingkong knew that this Wu Lin would visit him every day, and it was about the same point today.

"come in."

Wu Lin opened the door and walked in. A man who looked gentle and scholarly, he was not at all overwhelmed by the ridicule of the world.

"Brother, are you feeling better today?" Wu Lin asked as usual.

"It's okay, but I feel that there's something wrong with my heart beating recently. I always feel that it is lazy to sleep when I sleep in the middle of the night." Wu Mingkong said after covering the gap in the quilt.

Wu Lin's eyeballs protruded from this scene, and he didn't even notice that Wu Mingkong said that his heart was lazy in the middle of the night.

"Brother, you can move now." The voice woke me up so much that Wu Mingkong was a little speechless.

"Look at what you said, why can't I move." Wu Mingkong said, reaching for a piece of fruit from the bedside table and chewing on it, not knowing who put it where.

With this situation, Wu Lin is even more ridiculous, you are not blind, why is this as if you can see it.

According to the setting, Wu Mingkong was actually beaten blind the night he was beaten into a crouching dragon.

"Brother, you couldn't even move your fingers yesterday, but you can do it today," Wu Lin said in surprise.

Wu Mingkong felt that the injured fruit was a bit sour: "Well, people's physiques can't be generalized, just like me, I'm not bragging, this fruit is a bit sour, is there any sweeter one?"

Halfway through the conversation, Wu Mingkong really couldn't stand the fruit anymore, the more he ate it, the more sour it became, and he didn't know if it was ripe, so he could only ask after swallowing it in one gulp.

"You wait, I'll go find Steward Wang." Wu Lin ran out excitedly.

Wu Mingkong was also helpless, it was so exciting when he moved, it seems that this Crouching Dragon is really lying.

Thinking about it carefully, the husband and wife in that setting are too useless. With that identity and strength, just order some panacea, and the original Wu Mingkong doesn't have to lie in bed for so long.

The appointment is to bury the two sons.

From Wang Wen's memory, the male party is a general of the Xuanjia Army, a martial artist of the ninth rank, and the female party, Mu Yun, the eldest princess of the Great Cang Dynasty, is also a rank-[-] martial artist.

With this identity, this strength, especially the man's name, the protagonist's life is guaranteed. With such a crazy name, he will either be beaten to death or someone else will be beaten to death.

Wu Mingkong felt that what happened to these two brothers was actually caused by their parents.

Get up and get ready to go for a walk, and think about how to train Young Lin, whether to go to the magic reform or take a more upright path to pretend to be forceful.

"Forget it, let's ask him if he should be the emperor first." Wu Mingkong thought about it, or he should continue to do the great cause of rebellion, seeing that Wu Lin is also a master of great talent and strategy.

"Young master, you can really stand up now." Wang Wen looked like he was 50 or [-] years old, but he was very strong.

Wu Mingkong took a look and said: "Yes, when I woke up in the morning, I felt that I couldn't lie down anymore, and if I lay down again, I would sleep with me for the rest of my life, so I got up."

This explanation, but any normal person would not believe it.

"So that's how it is." Wang Wen didn't believe it either, but he couldn't hold back that the other party could make up his mind, and he figured out the cause and effect for himself, so Wu Mingkong would save trouble.

Wu Lin was carrying a bag of fruit that he didn't know what it was: "Brother, the sweet fruit you want."

Wu Mingkong took the fruit and looked at it carefully.

Well, in fact, he has no eyes, and looking at everything is fake: "Brother, I think you have the qualifications of a great emperor."

By the way, he helped Wu Chongxiao's rhetoric again. Wu Lin didn't feel much about these words, but Wang Wen's eyes flashed.

"Brother, stop joking. I don't have the qualifications of a great emperor. I can't even break through the second-rank Zhoutian. How can I talk about the qualifications of a great emperor?" Wu Lin couldn't help laughing at himself.

"I said you have it if you have it, and you have to have it if you don't. I have rich experience in this area." Wu Mingkong thought about it from this meaning, and the other party should have this meaning.

"Eldest young master, stop joking, the second young master can't stand it." Wang Wen stopped Wu Mingkong's next words.

"Steward Wang is right. Brother, if you say that, don't you have the qualifications of a great emperor?" Wu Lin also felt that Wu Mingkong was talking nonsense again, and he was used to it. Anyway, Wu Mingkong had this virtue before.

Wu Mingkong's face was serious: "I don't have the qualifications of a great emperor, I have already used that thing, you and I will start practicing martial arts tomorrow, forget it, don't do it tomorrow, just follow me now, Steward Wang, you can do whatever you want. "Where does he have the qualifications of a great emperor, he has realized all this stuff, and now he is the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperor of heaven and the will of the world.

Before Wu Lin could react, he was dragged away by Wu Mingkong.

Looking at the figures of the two leaving, Wang Wen couldn't help but look a little dignified: "Could it be that the young master has been hiding clumsily before, did he discover something and was ready not to hide?"

Regarding Wu Mingkong's performance just now, Wang Wen didn't think that Wu Mingkong really got better overnight. It was very likely that the injury didn't affect Wu Mingkong at all, but used it to hide behind the scenes.

More importantly, Wang Wen couldn't see through Wu Mingkong's martial arts realm. No matter how he looked at it, he was an ordinary person, but how could an ordinary person allow Wu Lin to be dragged away without any resistance at all.No matter how bad Wu Lin is, he is still a first-rank martial artist who has perfected his body.

"I didn't expect that the general and the princess not only had the qilin children who were born with the bones of the god of war, but even the young master had such a palace." Wang Wen was relieved, but when he mentioned the bone of the god of war, his face could not help but gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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