Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 554 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 554 Martial Arts Contest ([-])
Inside and outside a city wall, it is a completely different scene.

There was not a drop of rain outside the city, but the whistling sound brought by the strong wind and heavy rain inside the city made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Ran entered the city, braved the wind and rain and went straight to the Lihua Tower, seeing the mess everywhere, his face became even uglier, what happened in Pan'an City.

"Three martial artists with seventh-rank true meaning, and the lowest remaining one is fourth-rank Vajra. I didn't expect so many people to want to kill me and my elder brother. I wonder if you can explain to me that my two brothers have never left. Passing through this small Pan'an City will offend so many people."

A thunderstorm fell, and Wu Lin stepped out of the thunder with a nine-section staff in his hand. The wind and rain all over the sky avoided him as if he was worshiping the king.

"Wu Lin." After Xiao Ran saw Wu Lin's face clearly, his expression was serious.

The same is true for Ke Mulie and Zhuang Jian who followed closely behind. They never expected to see such a scene after entering the city.

"We Mobei people kill the son of a martial fanatic, do we still need a reason? His hero, my enemy bandit, you should ask Commander Xiao and Elder Zhuang why they killed the son of the general guarding the frontier." Ke Mulie came here I came here with the will to die, and now it seems that the scene is a bit wrong, just to provoke, no matter whether it can be done or not, everyone present will have a thorn in the side.

"Commander Xiao, Elder Zhuang, give me a reason." Wu Lin wrapped the thunder in his hands, emitting electric friction and matching it with the rumbling thunder in the clouds.

"Wu Kuangzhu killed my whole family, is that enough?" Zhuang Jian's voice was a little hoarse, although he was silent all the way, as a seventh-rank true martial artist, he was willing to lead the team, and it would be impossible without blood and deep hatred.

Wu Kuangtu couldn't kill, in order to get revenge, he could only be despicable, Wu Kuangtu made him suffer all his life, and he wanted to let Wu Kuangtu taste the pain of losing his son, even if Wu Kuangtu didn't care at all, at least He felt better.

In the alliance of aristocratic families and sects, those who are willing to come are basically more or less hostile to Wu Kuangfu.

Wu Kuangtu has offended too many people along the way, and there are more people in the Jianghu who want him dead than in the court.

"As for this Commander Xiao, their reasons are very legitimate. Although I don't admit it, they have a reason anyway. Wu Kuangzi guards the frontier. You can't kill my two brothers because of a personal enmity. Isn't it a bit big for a private enmity to lead the Imperial Army? ?” Wu Lin looked at the last person.

"The emperor's life is difficult."

Xiao Ran's tone was quite helpless, among the three forces, they were the most embarrassed.

"I understand, I understand, you all have your own concerns, but we brothers deserve to die, but I don't agree with what you said, since you want us to die, then I can only let you go one step ahead." Wu Lin said The murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and the strong killing intent made the thunder in the sky even more violent.

"Let's hold Wu Lin, and the rest of us will kill Wu Mingkong first." Xiao Ran shouted, abandoning his horse, his whole body rushed out like a streamer, his whole body was filled with true energy and blood, and with a shake of the spear in his hand, his whole body was like A white line pointed directly at Wu Lin.

Although I don't know why Wu Lin, who is just a second-rank Zhou Tian, ​​has a power comparable to that of a ninth-rank true meaning, but now he can't take care of these anymore.

Ke Mulie also brazenly pulled out the golden knife bestowed by Mobei Khan from his waist, his whole body was like a lone wolf, even Zhuang Jian had his long sword out of its sheath, his feet were a little bit, his figure was blurred in the wind and rain.

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, Wu Lin's eyes became more murderous.

"Drive away lightning and strike electricity."

On the nine-section stick, Huang Tian's real dragon turned into a substance, and the thunder light flowed in Wu Lin's eyes, and a violent thunder rushed out from the whole body towards the four directions.

Before the three could react, they were struck by the violent thunder.

From the spear of Xiao Ran, who is the leader, an indomitable momentum gushes out. This is his spear intent, and it is his unique will that has been condensed from decades of spear practice.

Throwing the spear means that he is desperate.

Ke Mulie endured the raging thunder in his body, and the qi and blood on his body directly permeated his skin. He burned all his true qi and remaining lifespan directly, and his hair gradually turned from black to pale.

He is different from Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran can keep his hand, but he has the hope of the entire Mobei Golden Tent, and he has only one goal, which is to kill Wu Lin and Wu Mingkong.

Forcibly resisting the injuries suffered by Wu Lin's Kuang Lei, the speed was even a few positions faster than the spear thrown by Xiao Ran forcefully.

Compared with the two, Zhuang Jian is different. Although he wants to take revenge, he cherishes his life even more.

The moment he was struck by the violent lightning, his whole body was shaped like a wild goose. He retreated tens of meters in just a few breaths. Although he was also injured, it was the lightest.

A loud noise resounded in Pan'an City, and the long spear with spear intent was knocked away by a hidden weapon shot from nowhere.

The hidden weapon was so powerful that even the true energy and spear intent on the spear couldn't stop it. The long spear was split into two pieces from the center, and the original strength was canceled out in an instant.

Judging from this hidden weapon technique, at least decades of immersion in kung fu is required, otherwise it will definitely not be able to achieve this level.

"Wu Kuangzhu sent someone here?" Not only Xiao Ran thought so, but even Zhuang Jian, this loud noise made everyone fall into a vacillation except for the Mobei alien team.

But the group of Mobei aliens are not only not afraid, but even more excited. This shows that Wu Kuangtu still values ​​these two sons very much. As long as they kill them, it will be enough to make Wu Kuangtu fall into anger.

"Tsk tsk, a bunch of idiots." In the dark, Wu Mingkong, who was sitting in a wheelchair, put away the magically modified Barrett in his hand, and couldn't help but teased.

Who told Xiao Ran to be unruly, everyone is fighting melee and you have to use long-distance, so don't blame Wu Mingkong for being rude.

As for Wu Lin's long-range attacks all the time?
Don't make trouble, Wu Mingkong has always been shameless, how can a shameless person's double standard be regarded as double standard, at best it can only be regarded as showing his own character.

What's more, Wu Mingkong has worked so hard to rely on all kinds of shamelessness and cheating to survive. With this status, he can't formulate rules?

Anyway, now not only is he the player, but he is the referee, and he is also the one who makes the rules, so there is no problem with double standards.

Holding the golden knife in his hand, Ke Mulie rushed through the heavy wind and rain, and he was about to get close.

But Wu Lin didn't panic at all, you know, he is known as the Taiping True Dragon, and he has the martial arts "Five Elements of Heaven and Earth" in his hands.

Ke Mulie swung his long saber towards Wu Lin's neck. If the saber hit Wu Lin, in his eyes, Wu Lin's body and head would definitely be separated.

"Building wood to last forever"

Ke Mulie heard a sound of spring thunder, but he saw Wu Lin waving his hand in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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