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Chapter 555 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 555 Martial Arts Contest ([-])
Ke Mulie saw that his golden knife was blocked by the thunder connected by the five-color streamer, and then his chest suddenly hurt. He only felt that the liver and gallbladder in his body were cracked. A record of Jianmu Evergreen was broken up again.

"Stay away from the fire"

"Thick soil load"

"Gengjin Dry Bones"

"Shang Shan is like water"

The five elements in "The Five Elements of Heaven and Earth" were all smashed into Ke Mulie's body by Wu Lin in an instant. At this time, Ke Mulie only felt the surge in his body, the pain that could not be stopped in his internal organs, and he couldn't even hold the golden knife in his hand. stable.

Above the five sense organs, among the seven orifices, a line of blood dripped from Ke Mulie's face into the muddy water, spreading out like a blood flower.

"Unexpectedly, Wu Kuangtu actually has a son who is more talented than him. He really missed his mark." Ke Mulie's body was filled with dead silence, it seemed that he was about to die, and he was about to die.

Wu Lin did not speak, but folded the golden knife in Ke Mulie's hand with one hand and pulled it. The golden knife drew a bloody line on Ke Mulie's neck. When Wu Lin let go, Ke Mulie's body fell powerlessly , the blood line on the neck gradually enlarged until Ke Mulie's head rolled on the ground.

"He deserves it too." Wu Lin doesn't recognize Wu Kuangtu, the so-called father, let alone Wu Kuangtu, the eldest princess Mu Yun doesn't even recognize him. No one came to help.

"Unexpectedly, you are even crazier than Wu Kuangfu. It seems that Wu Kuangfu has someone to succeed." Xiao Ran took the spear from his hand, and his expression completely regarded Wu Lin as an enemy.

Ke Mulie and him were both rank-[-] true martial artists, and they even had a longer lifespan, but they were killed by Wu Lin casually in such an understatement.

This is not a second-rank Zhou Tian, ​​I am afraid that he is only one step away from a martial artist who can enter the eighth-rank martial art. He is just a young man who is less than double ten. With such terrifying strength and talent, another martial artist is not joking. that's it.

For this reason, Wu Lin must be kept here, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'm not crazy, I just want to live a peaceful life, it's very simple, but you have to respond to such a simple request." Wu Lin's tone was very calm, but under the continuous thunder bombardment, it was not convincing at all.

This is the end of the matter, there is only a battle to the death.

Xiao Ran raised the spear in his hand and charged towards Wu Lin again.

It's just that Xiao Ran wanted to wipe out the threat of the Great Cang Dynasty, but Zhuang Jian didn't think so. His whole body was a bit smaller, leaving only afterimages, and he walked towards the gate of Pan'an City.

He cherished his life very much, did he really stay and fight for his life?

If he wanted to take revenge, he would have gone to the frontier to assassinate Wu Kuangren long ago, so how could he still be dragging his feet until now.

He wants to go, but some people don't want him to go.

In the dark, Wu Mingkong set up a modified version of Barrett.

There was another loud bang, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, Zhuang Jian's head exploded into pieces, and his headless body still kept rushing forward and hit the ground, splashing a large puddle of muddy water.

The muddy water was dyed red in just an instant, and it looked extremely permeable.

Everyone was terrified, Qipin Zhenyi just died like this, and he didn't even know how he died, so he was blown out of his head in a daze.

Wu Lin understood that it was probably his elder brother who made the move. Although his elder brother looked dishonest, he was serious in doing business.

"Death match, death match, there is no reason to go out." Wu Mingkong took Barrett back in the dark.

He is actually not a narrow-minded person. If you play according to the rules he made, Wu Mingkong will not let people die like this unreasonably. He still has a bottom line, at least the way of death will not be so cruel.

As for living?How is it possible, the other party wants his life, how could Wu Mingkong let a person walk out of this Pan'an city alive, he is not narrow-minded, but he is not stupid, Wu Mingkong who wants to kill him can only send them away first It's time to hit the road, regardless of whether they are afraid or not, whether they are strong or not, cutting the weeds has to get rid of the roots.

But Xiao Ran turned a deaf ear to the loud noise, he knew that Zhuang Jian might be dead, but what does it have to do with him, now he has come to Wu Lin with a gun.

The long spear thrust out, pointing straight at Wu Lin's throat, this spear is guaranteed to pierce a bloody hole.

Xiao Ran's spear was extremely fast, even faster than Ke Mulie who had burned his lifespan, and Wu Lin didn't even react.

In an instant, the powerful will pierced through the five-element talisman array formed by the five-element talisman from the tip of the gun, and the tip of the gun pierced Wu Lin's throat.

In terms of strength, Xiao Ran is indeed stronger than Ke Mulie. Otherwise, how to deal with the knife of the Mobei alien race and become a scapegoat after borrowing it is naturally Xiao Ran's second task besides witnessing the death of the two brothers Wu Mingkong and Wu Lin. .

"Your gun, this is it?" Wu Lin crushed the tip of the gun that pierced his throat with one hand, his tone extremely indifferent.

"Practice to great success." Xiao Ran's expression changed, he had never expected that Wu Lin's body would be so terrifying, the long spear blessed by his spear intent and true energy could not break through the defense at all.

Wu Lin raised his hand and swung the nine-section staff round to hit Xiao Ran's head. When the stick went down, Xiao Ran's head directly spun at a high frequency of [-] degrees.

"No wonder big brother said that "Five Elements of Heaven and Earth" is just superficial." When he casually killed two seventh-rank true martial artists, he suddenly realized how strong his body is. The so-called "Five Elements of Heaven and Earth" martial arts In his hands, it is nothing compared to a thunderbolt in the palm of his hand, and it is similar to him swinging someone with a nine-section stick.

It's just that the way of death is different.

"It's no wonder that the eldest brother said that Jiupintong couldn't get on my nerves, and I shot five thunders. This "Taiping Yaoshu" is really unparalleled in the world."

Wu Lin couldn't help but smile knowingly when he saw the thunder and the scorched corpses scattered in the violent storm.

He felt that Wu Mingkong really loved him, otherwise how could he have given him such a powerful technique.

Even Su Zhi looked at this scene in the ring and thought it was nonsense. You must know that Wu Lin is a genuine second-rank Zhou Tian, ​​and now the seventh-rank true meaning can't withstand his tricks. Who is this "Taiping Yaoshu"? , It turned out to be so terrifying.

After the last warrior turned into scorched flesh and blood, the wind and rain ceased, the thunder and lightning disappeared, the clouds and mists dispersed, and the entire Pan'an City was filled with dead silence, and Wu Lin felt relaxed when he saw this scene.

Wu Mingkong used the remote control to control the wheelchair and drifted around the corner from the dark. He gave Wu Lin a thumbs up and asked, "Brother, is it fun?"

"Exciting, very enjoyable."

(End of this chapter)

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