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Chapter 558 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 558 Martial Arts Contest (Seventeen)
I found a good thing, let's take a step first, see you at Lumenzhai, if you can't beat it, remember to use "Life-Saving Secret Art"-Wu Ming Kongliu.

Wu Lin and Su Wei looked at each other, did Wu Mingkong just run away like this?

"Is your elder brother very strong?" Su Wei couldn't help asking.

At this time, Wu Lin was also full of lies: "My eldest brother has no martial arts cultivation, and he just got up after being paralyzed for more than ten years."

Why did he run away, and see you at Lumingzhai, isn't that nonsense.

Take a closer look, good guy, there are no footprints this time, just like taking off on the spot, people just disappeared.

"Are you sure, I think your elder brother just evaporated out of thin air." Su Wei checked the surroundings carefully, not to mention traces, not even a hair.

"Probably." Wu Lin didn't know much about Wu Mingkong, he only knew that Wu Mingkong had been bedridden for more than ten years, and he didn't seem to have a martial arts cultivation. Su Zhi had witnessed this.

Su Wei felt that this was a bit of a bad start. There was no one there when she first came out, so there will be no one in the future. She couldn't help but look at Wu Lin: "Will you disappear out of thin air like your elder brother?"

"How is it possible? I don't have that kind of ability, but since my elder brother said to meet at Lumenzhai, let's go to Lumenzhai first." As the first target to kill the grass, although Wu Lin didn't know where it was, Su Wei Know.

After all, he was well-informed in the Jianghu, and he was a Ninth-Rank Martial Artist, so he naturally knew a lot.

"With your current strength, you are still a little behind Wang Tong, the master of Lumenzhai. Wang Tong is not only a sixth-rank pure Yang warrior, but also has few opponents with the Liuguang sword. I think we'll wait and see." Su Wei Can't help but say.

"Didn't Aunt Su tell you? Even Xiao Ran's gun can't pierce my skin." Wu Lin carefully pretended to be low-key.

"The five commanders of the Great Cang Imperial Army, that Xiao Ran who comprehended the spear intent?"

"Who else could there be Xiao Ran? Didn't I mention it before? I killed two seventh-rank true intentions, one was Ke Mulie, the other was Xiao Ran, and the other was Zhuang Jian who was more unlucky and died for no apparent reason."

Su Wei heard from Su Zhi that three seventh-rank true meanings died, but she didn't know which one it was. She never expected that there would be Xiao Ran among them.

This Xiao Ran has comprehended the spear intent, the youngest among the commanders of the Imperial Army, and also the most promising warrior of the ninth rank, he is the direct descendant of the Great Cang Dynasty's direct line, no matter in terms of origin or various relationships, he did not expect that Will die in Wu Lin's hands, then she has to re-evaluate Wu Lin's real combat power.

"Hold out your hand and let me have a look. Sister said what kind of Taiping True Dragon you have achieved. I thought it was just an ordinary body training, but I didn't expect it to be something special." Su Wei wanted to weigh how many catties and taels it was.

Wu Lin stretched out his hand. He also wanted to know how strong he was as a Taiping True Dragon. Su Zhi was a soul body, so he couldn't do anything at all, and he couldn't see anything with his eyes.

Su Wei grabbed Wu Lin's hand, and said suddenly: "Impossible, you can only block the full blow of the fifth-rank Yin God at most with your horizontal training, and it is absolutely impossible to be safe and sound under Xiao Ran's gun."

"Lin'er did take a shot from Xiao Ran, and even crushed the tip of the gun with his hand." Su Zhi can testify to this.

"Could it be that my elder brother helped me?" Wu Lin thought of Zhuang Jian, who died for no reason, and the spear that was blown away halfway. Anyway, it is normal to blame Wu Mingkong for all unreasonable reasons.

"Isn't your elder brother an ordinary person? How could he have this ability." Su Wei discovered that Wu Lin had a kind of blind belief in Wu Mingkong. He felt that Wu Mingkong was omnipotent, but Su Wei had never seen Wu Mingkong before, and always felt that this It must all be a coincidence.

Wu Lin was taken aback by this statement. What she said seemed to make sense, but that was wrong. It wasn't that she got 50 years of life in exchange, but it was because of her life.

The difference between life discount and cash discount is a world of difference.

"My eldest brother may have mastered some kind of ability at the cost of lifespan. He saved 50 years of life in exchange for the strength of that battle." Wu Lin said hesitantly, as if he felt that Wu Mingkong was fooling him.

There is only one reason, otherwise, how to explain it, it seems that the lifespan discount is not only a premium, but also hundreds of times the value. Ke Mulie burned the rest of his life and failed to break the defense of the five-element talisman. After 50 years of getting started, the Wulin regiment directly wiped out all the forces that came to kill them.

"With my current strength, it's relatively easy to kill Wang Tong. It's just a sixth-grade pure yang, and even the Lumenzhai is no problem."

It's not that Wu Lin is arrogant, the battle in Pan'an City was due to the rush of time and insufficient preparation.

His move is not the real usage of "Five Thunder Jue".

Although it looks very cool, and the lethality is indeed great, the price is too high. If the preparation is sufficient and the method of opening the altar is carried out, the group of people will be killed by lightning at the gate of the city before they enter the city.

These abilities can also be achieved in the foundation building period, all relying on a borrowed word.

Wu Lin was able to kill all directions with Wu Mingkong's power before, otherwise he would have at least the Qi training period to be able to do whatever he wants, but Wu Mingkong's trick has completely changed, and the Qi training period is a fairy.

But after opening the altar, pray for rain first, then attract thunder, and use the altar to control the thunder, rather use nature to attack instead of your own mana, which saves a lot of effort.

However, it takes a long time to prepare and is troublesome. More importantly, it needs the cooperation of the right time and place to complete it.

Fortunately, the location can be replaced by the five-element talisman array, but the weather is more troublesome. If there is no cloud in the thousand miles, Wu Lin can't do anything. He must have clouds to pray for rain. If there are no clouds, he can only wait.

"Are you sure?" Su Wei felt as if she had gone off the rails. How many days had she been hurt? Is it so easy to kill a sixth-rank Chunyang now?

"Well, don't worry, Second Aunt Su, I won't get close to Lumenzhai, and I promise to let them die without anyone noticing." Wu Lin's eyes were full of fierceness, and sometimes he didn't have to do it himself to kill someone. Able to kill invisibly.

Su Wei didn't ask in detail, she was only a sixth-grade pure yang, if something really happened, she could completely save the person, and she could also teach Wu Lin a lesson and gain wisdom from the pitfalls.

As long as he learns the lesson, Wu Lin probably won't be so arrogant. Su Wei can only say that he is worthy of being the son of Wu Kuangzi. This arrogant appearance has not been inherited, but the arrogant temperament is exactly the same, but Wu Kuang Tu Kuang came out on top, and offended too many people, which led to the current fate of the two brothers.

As for Wu Mingkong, he really found a good thing, so he left.

(End of this chapter)

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