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Chapter 559 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 559 Martial Arts Contest ([-])
"Don't run away, I didn't expect such a thing to exist." Wu Mingkong's figure was illusory but real, and he was chasing a door that was as vague as his figure.

This thing is called Tianmen, and inside it is a group of immortal celestial beings.

This made Wu Mingkong even more curious, which was as unreliable as aliens appearing in the martial arts world.

The appearance of aliens in the world of martial arts seems to be very reliable, and the mythical characters in Xuanbing Magic seem to be aliens.

The voice was very crisp, Wu Mingkong grabbed the crack of the door with one hand, and directly fixed it in the air.

"I'm coming in."

These words floated into the Tianmen like a curse, and countless fears permeated from it. If this disaster is about to come in, wouldn't they be terrified.

Countless hands kept tugging at the Tianmen, not wanting Wu Mingkong to open the Tianmen and come in.

But who is Wu Mingkong, does he really need to walk through the door if he wants to get in?The so-called Tianmen is actually a special space, but this group of immortal celestial beings have some kind of connection with Tianmen to achieve immortality.

Although they gained longevity, they also became a group of ghouls, but they never tire of it.

According to Wu Mingkong's judgment, this Tianmen is likely to be the late boss, and it may even involve the final boss. As for the current dynasties, worlds, and sects, they can only be regarded as early bosses.

"When I replace Tianmen, then I will have something to play with." Wu Mingkong felt that after Wu Lin became a righteous partner, he went all the way to Tianmen and found out that his elder brother was actually a villain, and it would be interesting to give the opponent a backstab. .

The body infiltrated into the Tianmen, and countless celestial beings in the Tianmen wailed in fear. They watched Wu Mingkong's huge body continuously seep in like some kind of terrifying liquid, and every celestial being touched showed It is a disaster for all celestial beings.

"I seem to have forgotten something? Forget it, I don't care about him, anyway, I entrusted it to the people under him." Wu Mingkong vaguely seemed to remember what happened to him before, and he didn't seriously recall it. If he recalls seriously, he will definitely remember that he and Wu Lin agreed to meet at Lumenzhai.

On Lumenzhai's side, Su Wei looked at Wu Lin's appearance in shock, just like a village magic stick, opening the altar, and couldn't help but mutter something.

Especially when she watched the clouds that kept gathering and gradually merging into a large dark cloud, she felt even worse in her heart.

Is this really done?

Moving clouds, distributing fog, summoning thunder, drawing electricity, calling wind, calling rain.

After a set of procedures, there are clouds first, then fog, and then there is continuous rolling thunder and lightning.

After completing the first four steps, Huang Tian's mana in Wu Lin's body had already been squandered, and then he took out a Huiyuan Pill and stuffed it into his mouth, only feeling a stream of mana flowing in his body like a clear spring.

Only then did Wu Lin understand why Wu Mingkong wanted him to learn how to refine the Yuan Dan, because his mana was simply not enough to complete the "Five Thunder Jue", and only by taking drugs back and forth can the continuous output of skills be guaranteed.

After eating a Huiyuan Pill, a real yellow dragon on the nine-section staff in Wu Lin's hand made a dragon chant sound.

In an instant, there was a gust of wind in the area of ​​Lumenzhai, pea-sized raindrops fell from the sky, and billowing thunder and lightning churned among the clouds.

"Gathering the Qi of the sky, walking the way of the sky."

"Call the wind and rain, drive away thunder and lightning."

The five streams of light on the five-element talisman formed by the five-element talisman surrounding his body were covered by thunder.

Su Wei looked at this scene, her eyes froze. At this time, Wu Lin could really kill Qipin Zhenyi at will. She felt a sense of danger from Wu Lin.

This danger is not only from Wulin, but also from the surrounding world. This is a special danger that has never been seen before.

And she also understands now, why Wu Lin said that Xiao Ran's spear could not pierce his skin, but when she checked herself, she could only hold the full strength of the fifth-rank Yinshen at most, that was because Wu Lin before and now The current Wulin is completely two kinds of strength.

After Wu Lin took advantage of his power, he could not only kill the seventh-rank true meaning, but even the ninth-rank psychic power would be a little dangerous. If he didn't notice Wu Lin's movements, he wouldn't be killed by a single strike of lightning, and he would surely die if he struck hundreds of strikes. .

Inside the Lumenzhai, it was like a thunder prison, with violent wind and rain mixed with thunder, and the flames that could not be stopped even by the wind and rain.

It's still daytime, if you do it sneakily at night, no one will be able to react.

It's just that this consumption must be very high. It is enough to see that Wu Lin has to eat a Huiyuan Dan every other incense stick to restore his mana.

Even if it is an opportunity, there must be a capital to borrow. Normal people don't like empty-handed white wolves, let alone God.

Lumenzhai is gone, not to mention people, the house is burned, it is a one-stop service for murder and arson, the efficiency of exterminating the family is frighteningly high, even Su Wei has never seen such a method of exterminating the family.

At least he had to show his face symbolically, but this Wu Lin was a good one. The other party didn't necessarily know that he was killed before he died, and he probably only felt that he was struck to death by lightning.

It's impossible for another person to believe such a thing. If Su Wei hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it either.

It comes from the practice of fighting against martial arts.

"Okay, wait for my elder brother. I don't know when he will come." Wu Lin finished his work, but he didn't feel anything. His experience against the enemy is still very weak. The battle of Ancheng was even simpler than this, as soon as Lei Ting wanted to fight, he didn't even need to open the altar.

It's not like today, it's chanting mantras, pinching formulas, and burning incense, and because I don't have enough mana, I need to eat Yuan Dan to recover halfway, which is a lot of trouble.

As for the martial skill "Five Elements of Heaven and Earth"?

Wu Lin has given up. It is okay to practice occasionally, but the focus is definitely not on this aspect. If you really want to rely on this thing to kill people, if you don’t mention efficiency, you will have to miss as many as the fish that slip through the net. It’s still "Five Thunders" efficient.

While tidying up the altar, Wu Lin suddenly found a dusty book, which seemed to be Wu Mingkong's little revenge book.

Picking it up and looking at it, it is really Wu Mingkong's little revenge book.

I have something to do, you play by yourself first, if you can't beat it, remember to use "Life-Saving Secret Art"--Wu Ming Kongliu.

"When did the eldest brother come, why don't I know." Wu Lin was a little puzzled.

Su Wei's pupils shrank. She didn't realize that someone had been here just now, and she quietly put a book on Wu Lin's altar.

Wu Lin didn't suspect anything. The ugly handwriting was unacceptable. It was indeed Wu Mingkong's handwriting.

(End of this chapter)

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