Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 560 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 560 Martial Arts Contest ([-])
"In half a month, twelve families of sects have been wiped out, all of them were struck by lightning. What do you think?" Shen Zhengchu asked standing on the ruins of Lumingzhai.

"My lord, there must be something strange about this matter." Wei Feng said with his hands clasped.

"Hehe, you've been in my Zhenwu Division for so long, and you've become a lot more tactful. You don't have the vigor and energy you had when you first came here." Shen Zhengchu couldn't help but teased, "You're tactful, at least you can live for a long time."

"Thank you for your praise, sir." Wei Feng did not dare to be presumptuous. Shen Zhengchu was one of the three commanders of the Zhenwu Division, an eighth-rank martial arts fighter, and he was just a silver seal under the Zhenwu Division, and his strength was only fourth-rank King Kong.

"Tell me your opinion." Shen Zhengchu glanced at Wei Feng.

"Since your lord has said so, I will make a fool of myself in a lowly position. According to the files, the means of extermination of these twelve sects are exactly the same. They were all struck to death by lightning. But if it is just one or two cases, it may be a coincidence. However, it must be man-made for twelve consecutive occurrences in a short period of time."

"We don't know how to do it for the time being, but it must be man-made, and I'm looking at the route of exterminating the door. Sir, please take a look." Wei Feng seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and took out a map from his arms. The map marked the twelve sects that were exterminated, and they were then connected into a line by Wei Feng.

"This person has a clear goal and is extremely unscrupulous. It seems that he is not afraid of being discovered. This means that this method of destroying the family must be able to be used remotely. There is also a more important point that is not mentioned in the dossier."

A gleam of light flashed in Wei Feng's eyes: "Then it was not Lumenzhai that destroyed the family first, but here."

One pointed at Pan'an City on the map.

"This is where it all started."

In fact, there is one more thing Wei Feng didn't say in common, that is, all these exterminated sect families participated in this large-scale activity of the madman's extinct heir, but unfortunately none of them escaped, and they were all trapped in Pan'an City.

He also knew that Shen Zhengchu must have also known about this matter, his real purpose was to investigate in Pan'an City, and the extermination of the families of the twelve sects he met on the way was just an accident.

Even the seventh-rank true martial artist is trapped in it, and the matter has exploded. I didn't expect that one of the Wu family brothers would become a climate. This is a big deal.

"Not bad, not bad." Shen Zhengchu didn't add anything, basically a discerning person would know these things by combining the cause and effect.

Although the starting point of the extermination of the family of the Twelve Schools is Lumingzhai, in fact the real beginning should be Pan'an City. Whether the dossier of Pan'an City is top secret or not, everyone knows what is going on, but where is the fig leaf? People are willing to uncover it.

It is not good for everyone, whether it is the imperial court or the family sect.

The Great Cang Dynasty was the most well-informed. They knew about it the day after Pan'an City was destroyed, and then sent people to investigate in detail. Basically, it was the twelve sect families whose families were exterminated. The whole city was destroyed. live.

So now the value of the Wu family brothers is even greater. Before, they could display their value as long as they died. Now it is even more important to dig out their skills. This kind of skills is simply unheard of. But it's really a sharp weapon.

Those sect families really have to live in the shadows, otherwise they will be struck to death by lightning at some point.

This matter must not be hidden, anyone with a discerning eye can see that, only by relying on this ancestor to find the brothers of the Wu family, can the Da Cang Dynasty have a chance to obtain this exercise.

"In this case, why do you still want to go to Pan'an City, my lord? According to the judgment of the humble official, we should go to this area and wait for the rabbit." Wei Feng circled a circle on the map. According to his judgment, the next target must be in the city. here.

"What do you think?" Shen Zhengchu didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

"I don't know about the humble job." Wei Feng is not stupid. It is a very stupid thing to pretend to understand in front of such a person. It is not shameful to honestly say that you don't know.

"I don't know either." Shen Zhengchu smiled mysteriously, but judging from his appearance, it didn't look like he didn't know.

The greater probability is that Shen Zhengchu didn't want to say, there must be some secrets involved.

Wei Feng didn't ask in detail, he has been working in Zhenwu Division for so long, his eyesight has improved, he knows what to ask and what not to ask, knowing too much is easy to kill.

Seeing that Wei Feng didn't follow up, Shen Zhengchu also felt a little bored, but this was common sense, people who wanted to know everything, let alone Zhenwusi, would not live long in the Jianghu, let alone Zhenwusi with a treacherous heart.

This Zhenwusi is a serious court department, and the relationship within it is intricate. Some come to be gilded to gain a good name in the future, some other factions come to fight for power and enhance the right to speak, and some use the Zhenwusi's tiger skin to avoid enemies. , There are also those who want Wei Feng to use the resources of Zhen Wusi to practice martial arts, and of course there are also those who come here to dawdle.

Anyway, there are three teachings and nine streams, and there are all high-ranking officials and nobles, so it can't be chaotic.

In the early days of the Great Cang Dynasty, the Zhenwu Division was still very pure, targeting the Jianghu people, but now it has passed for a long time, and after interpenetrating with various relationships, it has changed, not to mention deteriorated.

Back then, Wei Feng was also young and bloody, and he was prone to get angry when things happened, but after being honed in the Zhenwu Division for so long, he became more tactful, so he was promoted from a bronze seal catcher to a silver seal catcher at the beginning.

There are also those who are not suitable, that is, those who cannot change their own aura to integrate into the court. Unless these people are strong, they can only be copper seals forever, and even if they are strong, sometimes they will not survive.

"Let's go, let's go to Pan'an City first. This order is not only an order from the palace, but also the meaning of the one who guards the frontier and holds a heavy army. Even the eldest princess has returned to the court. This is interesting. For this couple, Shen Zhengchu still admires them very much, not for their strength, but for their hard-heartedness.

Put yourself in his shoes, he doesn't have the heart to treat his son like this, or he has been so cruel since he was born. This is because he didn't treat his son as a son, and he has a natural martial arts bone. If he is trained properly, it will be another nine A master of martial arts skills, but he was so cruelly crippled.

It's a pity that everyone didn't expect that not only were the two brothers not suppressed, but they became stronger, more ruthless, and what they did was even more extreme. Not only did they kill those people, but they also brought the entire Pan'an City with them, and even carried out post-event liquidation. Retaliation started one by one, and the first move was to destroy the gate, murder and set fire to destroy the gate, even more mad than the Wu madman back then.

"Yes, my lord." Wei Feng got on his horse and followed Shen Zhengchu all the way towards Pan'an City.

(End of this chapter)

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