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Chapter 567 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 567 Martial Arts Contest (26)

"This Xuanyue Villa is He Longtan Tiger's Den after all, it can't even bear the auspicious luck charm." Wu Lin couldn't help frowning.

This lucky talisman is a kind of talisman combined with spells, which can offset his own disasters, but when he went to Xuanyue Villa today, this lucky talisman was directly torn to pieces by an invisible force.

"Otherwise, let's go around." Su Wei thought that since she couldn't beat her, she could just hide.

Wu Lin started with another auspicious talisman, but as soon as he got it, he was torn apart by an invisible force in an instant: "I can't hide it, it seems that the opponent came prepared."

Compared with the forces of all parties, Wu Lin really doesn't have any sources of information, and he doesn't even know about the big moves in Xuanyue Villa. The reason for this is that Wu Lin doesn't dare to show off at all, and once he shows up, he will be easily targeted .

Therefore, the forces of all parties can only make judgments based on Wu Lin's forward route. Wu Lin is also dead-headed, so he just follows the list given by Wu Mingkong. This is indeed convenient and fast, but it is also easy to be targeted.

Even if the other party doesn't know where Wu Lin is, they can probably know Wu Lin's location based on various information.

"Let's withdraw first, and it won't be too late for us to start after your elder brother finishes his work."

Evasion is shameful, but useful.

To tell the truth, Wu Lin was also tempted, but it seemed that this matter could not be avoided, because the third lucky charm was also torn to pieces by invisible forces, which meant that no matter how he tried to escape, he could not avoid this matter.

"No, whether you go around or find a place to hide, the result is exactly the same as when I attacked Xuanyue Villa." Wu Lin's eyes flashed, which meant that his danger did not come from Xuanyue Villa, but from other places.

"Then what should we do, is your talisman accurate." Su Wei's tone was a little worried.

"Second Aunt Su, don't worry, I'm prepared. I've been researching the five-ghost-moving formation these days. Although I haven't refined the five-organ ghost, it's still possible to replace it with five-element talismans. Out of the triple formation, we will run away after killing us, and we are guaranteed not to find us."

Su Wei has no doubts about Wu Lin's words. During this period of time, she has experienced all kinds of wonderful things with Wu Lin. In one sentence, "Taiping Essentials" is simply omnipotent.

There is almost everything in it, from the magical land house to the wonderful sweet spring technique, Su Wei suspects that this is not a martial arts technique at all, but a fairy family technique. She really guessed it right, but it is a pity that she is not brave enough. Haven't been able to confirm it.

On the contrary, Wu Lin didn't feel anything at all. Even if he was a beginner in martial arts, his strength was only the second-rank Zhou Tian. Up to now, he thought that everyone's skills were as amazing as his, but the comparison of the ranks of "Taiping Yaoshu" High, so there is no problem in leapfrogging and killing people.

"That's good, but we still have to be careful. Once something goes wrong, you and I may really be doomed." You know, what Wu Lin committed now is not a trivial matter.

There are 41 sects and aristocratic families. Before that, the number of their exterminated sects has increased again.

"There is no "Secret Technique for Life-Saving", at worst, you can use it to save your life." Wu Lin has experienced so much, he can be sure that this "Secret Technique for Life-Saving" must be true.

Su Wei was speechless. Are you really brainwashed, or the kind of self-brainwashed? How could this be true, but anyone with a little common sense knows that the so-called "Secret of Life-Saving" is fake.

"Forget it, it's really unlucky. I found out that I really got on your thief ship. I think I am a nine-rank god, and now I am like you, and I dare not show my head like a street mouse. I don't know if my sister has taken a fancy to you. What, I must have taken a fancy to you." Su Wei couldn't help complaining in her heart.

Suddenly thinking about it, and taking a closer look, Wu Lin seems to be really handsome, especially the scholar-like demeanor combined with the ability of a warrior, it fits Su Wei's aesthetics no matter what.

"Why didn't I realize that this kid is so good-looking before."

"Second Aunt Su, what are you talking about?" Wu Lin's hearing is very good, but Su Wei's voice is too small and very vague, so I can't understand it, but it should be talking to him.

"It's nothing, I praise you for looking good."

"What's the use of looking good, it's important to be alive." Wu Lin didn't take it to heart, and it was right to chat.

Wu Lin was preparing to do something, and the atmosphere in Xuanyue Villa became more and more tense. According to their calculations, it would only happen within a day or two.

They didn't know that Wu Lin had arrived. After all, it was more than ten miles away, and there was still an upright and invisible presence. The patrolling Forbidden Army, Xuanjia Army, and even the disciples brought by Zhen Wusi and other sect families didn't notice. By the time Wulin was ready to do it.

This is where Wu Lin's advantage lies. Although Wu Lin's intelligence is lagging behind, he has always been in the dark and has never shown his figure at all.

Not to mention that no one has ever seen him, and there are no people who have done it, so most people don't know Wu Lin. They all know Wu Lin's appearance from the portrait, but that thing is not abstract.

No matter how well-informed the world of ancient martial arts is, it is impossible to have a vivid portrait, not to mention that few living people have seen Wu Lin.

In fact, Wu Lin didn't know that the spies evacuated from Pan'an City basically met all kinds of bad luck and died on the way.

Although no one has seen Wu Lin, Wu Lin is also cautious, always walking on wilderness paths and various mountain roads, and entering the city is extremely low-key.

Another point that is more important is the intelligence error. No one knows that Wu Mingkong has actually gone out to wander, and Su Wei is following Wu Lin. Their target has always been the brothers of the Wu family. Seeing that Su Wei didn't meet the conditions, she was relatively relaxed.

"I don't know where the eldest brother has gone. There has been no news for so long." Wu Lin couldn't help muttering.

"Probably where to go to play, what business can he have." Su Wei couldn't help replying, brothers who came out of two small county towns, what big business can they have.

"It should be. He has been lying on the bed for more than ten years, and he probably couldn't bear it, but with my elder brother's ability, he will definitely be fine." Wu Lin didn't know when he had confidence in Wu Mingkong. "Surgical" give it.

People who can write this kind of exercises will definitely have no problem going out.

"You are really thinking about your elder brother, leaving you here alone to work hard, it's good for him, he just disappeared." Su Wei defended Wu Lin.

"You don't know my elder brother, he won't do meaningless things." Wu Lin refuted Su Wei with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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