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Chapter 568 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 568 Martial Arts Contest (27)

The sky gradually darkened, and the people in Xuanyue Villa waited for a whole day, but nothing unusual happened.

It's just that no one speaks a word. Everyone here is a ninth-rank martial artist. They have experienced a lot, so naturally they won't be surprised. Those who want to complain don't have the guts to be presumptuous in front of so many ninth-rank martial artists.

"It's getting dark, so it's time for the brothers from the Wu family to do something." Fang Yushu, the governor of the Zhenwu Division, said abruptly.

I saw that the shadow of the moon was submerged in the clouds, and the surrounding fog gradually rose.

So everyone moved, one by one, the masters of the gods and warriors scattered towards Xuanyue Villa.

They didn't realize where Wu Lin was, but they could find it.

With the dispatch of Jiupin Tongshen, the entire Xuanyue Villa seemed to be chained, and all forces were dispatched.

All of a sudden, there was a turmoil of people, and a single figure centered on Xuanyue Villa, and began to spread towards the surroundings continuously. The head of each figure was a ninth-grade psychic.

Standing upright without a shadow, Su Wei's face changed, with so many Ninth-Rank Auras.

"It's troublesome, I didn't expect them to be so vigilant." Wu Lin had just started spreading the clouds and fog, and they noticed him before he finished.

In fact, he was still a little bit drummed in his heart, and he didn't know if Zhengli Wuying could hide it from Jiupintongshen.

Fang Yushu led a group of torches and lanterns and came straight in the direction of Wu Lin, which made Su Wei's eyes change.

This is the governor of the Zhenwu Division. Although the two are both ninth-rank psychic, they are different from each other, let alone both are ninth-rank psychic. Su Wei must not be able to beat Fang Yushu.

Abruptly, Fang Yushu stopped in his tracks. He sensed something was wrong, as if someone was watching him, but he just looked around and didn't notice it at all.

This can't be an illusion. He has been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and his intuition has never made a mistake, and this slightly staring feeling has not disappeared, and it has even become more and more intense.

"Who, get out with me." The true energy spread out from all around, and the rolling waves caused a rumbling sound.

Su Wei couldn't help being startled, if this was affected by the real air flow, Fang Yushu would definitely find out, so she had no choice but to make a move, and continuously disintegrated the surging true air flow with the move of clear light illusion.

It's just that she was one step too late after all, and Fang Yushu made a bold move.

The torrent of zhenqi directly bombarded the position where Wu Lin and the two were, but it was a pity that they missed.

Wu Lin activated the Five Ghosts Teleportation Formation when Su Wei made a move, but it was activated hastily and did not move very far.

"Don't look at him, he will find out." Su Wei was also a little terrified, this Fang Yushu was really terrifying, he didn't have any moves at all, pure zhenqi was so terrifying.

He is really angry, Su Wei is really just a younger brother in front of him, it can only be said that fate is different.

Su Wei has nothing but the Taiyin sect that has been exterminated since then, and Fang Yushu is the Zhenwu Division, who has all kinds of natural treasures and magical secret books to support, plus talent, naturally he can beat Su Wei.

"He must have practiced martial arts that strengthen the six senses, so he can easily detect our killing intent." After moving tens of meters away, Su Wei couldn't help reminding him.

Wu Lin naturally also knew: "It seems that you can't kill him first. Once you do it, you may not be able to kill him, and you will expose your position."

Looking at the broken five-element talisman, Wu Lin couldn't help but sighed. This replacement is not a genuine one after all.

There is still a big difference between the Five Elements Talisman and the Five Ghosts.

Not only did the five-element talisman become a one-time item, but the effect was much worse. Fortunately, it was stable enough, and nothing major happened.

He took out the five-element talisman and rearranged the five-ghost moving array and the five-element talisman array, ready to proceed to the next steps.

"No one?" Fang Yushu frowned, this is impossible, his true energy was clearly hit just now, and was dispelled by someone.

It seemed that Su Wei's work was flawless, but in fact Fang Yushu noticed that his true energy had been dispelled by others, so he made a bold move, wanting to catch the opponent by surprise.

But I didn't expect that I would miss it, walked away slowly, squatted down and checked carefully.

"Someone, just escaped."

This time, Fang Yushu can be sure that someone must have been here just now, but they just escaped.

Looking around, the Zhenwusi personnel who followed him were a little puzzled, what was the governor doing just now?Can't hit the air?
"There are people around here." Fang Yushu is sure that just now, the vague sense of gaze appeared again, but it disappeared in an instant, but it was still captured by Fang Yushu.

A group of people became vigilant, this is not an ordinary person, a ruthless character who wiped out 41 families.

"Governor, do you want to send a signal?" Shen Zhengchu leaned closer and asked, in the current situation, asking for help was the best.

"No, it's easy to scare the snake when there are too many people. It won't be too late for me to find them. The strength of this Wu family brother is not as high as you and I imagined. Otherwise, why should I hide from you and me, and come out and kill you? I'm not a hundred." Fang Yushu judged Wu Lin's strength very keenly.

That's what it said, but Wu Lin's standing upright without a shadow was written by Wu Mingkong, and normal people can't detect it at all.

Except for abnormal people, of course.

Wei Feng held up the torch, the haze in his eyes became more and more intense, he felt a wave of danger getting closer and closer to him, as if there were a pair of venomous eyes watching him from behind.

"I can only show off once. Hurry up and find out this Wu family brother and end this matter. I need to be reincarnated as soon as possible." Wei Feng glanced at the constantly fluctuating soul not far away.

He himself is a distorted soul. Although he can't see where Wu Lin is, he can locate it according to the fluctuations of their souls.

After all, there are two souls in an empty area, so there must be something wrong.

Holding the torch, he walked towards Wu Lin intentionally or unintentionally. Wu Lin, who was casting a spell, also noticed Wei Feng's approach, and stopped his movements.

Directly launch the five ghosts to move the array.

Regardless of whether he really discovered it or accidentally, let's talk about it after staying away.

Wei Feng's movements froze, he didn't expect Wu Lin to be so cowardly, he fled directly, and then gritted his teeth, ready to continue.

This action also made Wu Lin sure that this person had a way to perceive his position.

A cold light flashed in Wu Lin's eyes, and when he finished opening the altar, he would be the first to kill him. This was a threat, and he was able to see through Zhengli Wuying.

The murderous aura leaked, Fang Yushu noticed it in an instant, and the true energy in his hand gushed out like mountains and seas, Wu Lin couldn't help being forced to move again. With this lesson, he will restrain the murderous aura firmly and never leak it out. every bit.

(End of this chapter)

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