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Chapter 569 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 569 Martial Arts Contest (28)

"Ninth-rank supernatural power, it's really scary. Second Aunt Su, why are you so far behind?" Wu Lin couldn't help but spent several more five-element talismans, and after moving himself and the entire Zhengli Wuying away, he couldn't help but asked.

"He is the governor of Zhenwusi who is serious and honest. I'm just a shabby householder, so I can't compare to him." Su Wei couldn't help but cast a blank look at Wu Lin.

How could she be better than Fang Yushu, what other people want to practice, she can only simply breathe out, and there is not enough resources to supply even if she wants to practice.

Not everyone has the "Taiping Essentials" and the support from Wu Mingkong like Wu Lin. A serious warrior needs a lot of resources to cultivate. damage yourself.

"Is there such a big gap?" Wu Lin, a martial arts novice, still didn't know why. After all, he stayed in the first-rank body training for a long time. During that time, he just ate better, and occasionally drank medicinal food.

After a long time, I don't really have any idea about these things. After all, I don't keep a house, so I don't know the value.

How could a young master from a wealthy family worry about how much the food was cooked at home today, and how much the pastries and fruits were.

When the Martial House is gone by the time of the second-rank Zhoutian, naturally I don't understand even more.

"The difference is huge. If Fang Yushu and I face each other, I may lose within a hundred moves." Su Wei said with a serious expression.

After such a comparison, Wu Lin understood: "What about Wu Kuangtu, how is his strength?"

"How do I know? I haven't seen a martial artist before. It's just that he basically hasn't made any moves in recent years. He seems to be keeping a low profile, and he has the aura of the world's number one master."

In these years, the martial madman is not as crazy as before, but everyone knows that this martial madman is hiding his strength and biding his time, and the sword in the sheath is even more terrifying.

"Perhaps, only the "Taiping Yaoshu" can surpass him if he breaks through Qi training, but he doesn't know when he can break through this Qi training." Now he feels that this "Taiping Yaoshu" is really not something that people can practice. , It's really too vast, he hasn't finished learning the basics of foundation building yet.

Wu Lin kept moving away while thinking in his heart. Under Fang Yushu's eyelids, he couldn't release it normally at all. In addition, he could faintly detect his Wei Feng, so it was not very safe here.

He is not stupid, since he was discovered by the other party, he must leave and go to a place where no one is around.

It's just such a tossing, it can be regarded as a waste of all previous efforts, and the only way to reopen the altar.

Wei Feng also sensed Wu Lin's departure, and his heart sank. He left, but he didn't leave very far.

"No, I absolutely can't let that Wu family brother complete it. Although I don't know what it is, if it is completed, I probably won't be able to escape." Without being beaten to death.

That is the secret method of longevity, not his immortality, since he left the Tianmen, he has long since lost his immortality.

With the ability to exterminate the door before, he can't escape as specified by his current strength.

"Governor Governor, I have found some clues, let's look here." Wei Feng decided to expose something, he can't get up and down now, he can't go up and down, he can't go up and down, he's wasting time, the sense of danger is getting stronger and stronger , he had a premonition in his heart, if it dragged on, something might happen.

Fang Yushu glanced at Wei Feng, he was a silver seal catcher, and he didn't feel dissatisfied or contemptuous, he also got up from this position back then, who knows what he will achieve in the future.

The more you sit in a high position, the more you have to be kind to others, especially someone like him.

Following Wei Feng's guidance, Fang Yushu naturally saw traces, two pairs of footprints, and what looked like a table at a glance.

In the past, when he directly attacked and swept away his true energy, there was naturally no trace, but in this position, Fang Yushu can be sure that no one was there before.

After careful inspection, he came to a conclusion: "The person was still here just now."

"How did you find out?" Fang Yushu asked directly.

"My natural perception is sensitive, and I can vaguely feel these things, but it's just not effective from time to time." Wei Feng naturally wants to shirk his talent.

"what about now."

"There, right there." Wei Feng immediately pointed out the location of Wu Lin and the two of them.

Fang Yushu carefully looked at Wei Feng in his eyes, and then disappeared in front of Wei Feng's eyes in an instant, a pair of big hands wrapped in strong wind and true energy, and struck towards the position Wei Feng pointed just now.

In a hurry, Su Wei went up to meet him and slapped Fang Yushu head-on.

Under the violent confrontation of true energy, there was a loud noise.

But Fang Yushu volleyed in the sky and met someone's palm, Fang Yushu didn't stop after this palm, and took the second palm, trying to kill him.

It's just that the second palm fell to nothing, and Wu Lin moved it away immediately.

"Jiupin Tongshen, I didn't expect that there are people who are desperate and dare to help these two brothers." Fang Yushu looked at the pool of blood under his feet, and couldn't help but sneer.

If it weren't for the Ninth Grade Tongshen, Fang Yushu's palm just now would have killed the other party directly, it was not as simple as vomiting blood.

"Come here and see where he is now." Fang Yushu said to Wei Feng.

Wei Feng sensed it carefully, and then pointed out the location of Wu Lin: "There."

Su Wei swallowed the Huiyuan Pill that Wu Lin handed to him in one gulp. After feeling the burning energy in her body gradually dissipate, her whole talent improved a lot.

She didn't expect that she boasted that Haikou would lose within a hundred moves just now, but Fang Yushu's palm directly damaged her internal organs.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were a little fierce: "As expected of the chief inspector of the Zhenwu Division."

But after seeing Wei Feng's identification, Fang Yushu came looking for him again, he couldn't help gritting his teeth, and forced another move.

Wu Lin moved again, and the killing intent in his eyes couldn't stop flowing out.

"You forced me to do this. If that's the case, don't blame me." Wu Lin said in a low voice. He didn't want to do this at first, and this move hurt his body a bit.

But now it has to be used. A mouthful of painstaking effort was sprayed from Wu Lin's mouth on the nine-segmented staff, and the Huangtian True Dragon on the nine-segmented staff swallowed the blood in one gulp, and the whole yellow dragon was dyed red by the painstaking effort.

But Wu Lin's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but took out a large handful of Huiyuan Dan and stuffed it into his mouth, and at the same time he didn't forget to stuff it for Su Wei.

Su Wei was beaten and needed to recover blood, while Wu Lin was overstretched and needed to continue a wave of mana.

(End of this chapter)

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