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Chapter 571 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 571 Martial Arts Contest (Thirty)
Naturally, everyone heard the news of Fang Yushu's encounter with Wu Lin. At that moment, all forces rushed towards Fang Yushu's direction, but everything happened too fast. When they came, they only saw A mess.

"Captain Fang, you met that brother from the Wu family." The Supreme Elder of the Excalibur School arrived immediately, and he was the closest to Fang Yushu.

Now Fang Yushu's whole body was tattered and pitch black, his body still flashed a trace of thunder from time to time, and hideous thunder marks crawled all over his skin, looking extremely horrified.

"That's right, that man's demon skills are really powerful, and there are only five people alive in my town's military division." Fang Yushu looked around, and there were only three commanders and Wei Feng left.

None of the remaining people survived, and they all turned into charred corpses. This thunder is really the might of the world.

"I didn't expect that the brothers from the Wu family really became popular. It seems that they have escaped." Followed by Xuanjia Army General Zhu Sheng, he was also very surprised to see this scene. He was already surprised when he saw this movement before. , but seeing the actual situation, it was even more surprising.

"No, there is only one Wu family brother left, and the other is missing. Besides, who said that he escaped." Although Fang Yushu didn't know Wu Lin's identity, he knew that the fog hadn't cleared, the clouds hadn't parted, and the rain hadn't stopped. , Under the condition of constant thunder, how could people escape.

With Wu Lin's lightning method, as long as they hide, none of them will survive.

One thunder may not kill them, but ten or a hundred.

Judging from the series of actions just now, Wu Lin probably didn't use all his strength at all.

"I didn't escape, it's impossible." Seeing everyone rushing over, Zhu Sheng's face immediately changed. If this happens again on the scale just now, these people will definitely follow in the footsteps of Zhen Wusi's arrest. .

"Just look at the weather. If people leave, will it still be like this?" Fang Yushu has fought Wu Lin before, so he naturally knows the effect of this weather on Wu Lin.

"Scatter them all for me." Zhu Sheng shouted immediately, people gathered together like this, a thunderbolt could strike five or six people.

It's just that it was still a step too late, the light that illuminated the entire night and the roar of thunder came just like that.

Wei Feng jumped at his home and rolled over, hit three people in a row and escaped the thunder.

It's just that the thunder marks on his body appear more ferocious and terrifying amidst the escaping thunder, and the thunder participating in his body explodes from the thunder marks under the new stimulus.

Fang Yushu also saw this scene, and the existence of Wei Feng was self-evident to them. If there was no Wei Feng, they would definitely not be able to find Wu Lin.

"Protect Wei Feng, he can detect the position of that Wu family brother." Before Fang Yushu could finish shouting, the three surviving commanders of Zhenwu Division started to attack, especially Shen Zhengchu, who pulled Wei Feng to his side. After rolling a few times, he narrowly escaped the falling thunder.

"Quick, where is that kid hiding first?" Shen Zhengchu couldn't help shouting loudly.

Wei Feng feels bitter, what kind of thing is this, if he had known, he would not have identified him just now, and now he has caused a commotion, it is simply unlucky.

It's just that now, Wei Feng doesn't care about regretting it anymore, he knows that he has been on the blacklist, even if everyone does not die, he must die, so he immediately pointed to Wu Lin's location.

The eyes of all Ninth-Rank Tongshen flashed fiercely, and in an instant, invisible figures rushed towards the position Wei Feng was pointing at.

As for whether it is true or not, it must be true. I didn't see Fang Yushu jumping out first, and with the lead, the remaining 41 Ninth-Rank Abysses also shot at the same time.

Su Wei is a little resigned to her fate. There are a total of 42 ninth-rank psychics here. She doesn't know many, but she basically knows their names, not to mention the governor of the Zhenwu Division, the general of the Xuanjia Army, and the commander of the Imperial Guard. The power of the imperial court, such as the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur Sect, the leader of the Tiandi Gang, the leader of the Nether Sect, and the head of the Huanghuai family, the head of the Zheng family, and a series of people can hang her.

Now that these people actually act together, there is life and death.

But here in Wulin, not only is there a life to live, but maybe a few people can be allowed to take the first step.

As soon as he grabbed Su Wei, thunder burst out from Wu Lin's body. Before the 42 Ninth-Rank Supernatural Warriors approached, Wu Lin pulled Su Wei and was wrapped in thunder. The altar exploded, and the five-element talisman changed from mutual generation to mutual restraint.

"The Thunderer, the Cardinal of Yin and Yang."

The five-colored thunder exploded. The "Five Thunder Jue" itself protects the principles of yin and yang and five elements, but Wu Lin has only learned the superficial and can only be used to attract thunder.

Now, with the help of the five-element talisman array, the five-direction divine thunder is forcibly used.

Yang Jia and Yin Yi are wood, and the east belongs to Qinglei, which turns into a black dragon and comes to follow everyone.

The 42 Ninth-Rank Athletes couldn't help being shocked, they had never thought that this would happen, and all of them showed their own magical powers and resisted the black dragon.

Unexpectedly, the five elements generate and restrain each other. Although Wu Lin used the law of the five elements to restrain each other, he forcibly used the five divine thunders as an introduction, but he started with the wood element and followed by the fire element, so that the five divine thunders returned to the path of mutual generation.

They just blocked the Canglong, Yang Bing Yin Ding is fire, and the south is Chi Lei Suzaku.

When the five gods of thunder were not destroyed in the first place, the second Suzaku transformed by the fire god thunder was also born under the characteristics of the five elements.

This is because Wu Lin didn't learn enough, otherwise there would be no need to come out one by one, and the five divine beasts would come into the world at once, and these 42 ninth-rank magical beasts would definitely not be able to stop them.

Looking at the remnants of the altar of the yellow thunder that was being gestated, all the ninth-rank psychics knew at this time that this altar must be destroyed, otherwise the third and even the fourth one would be struggling.

All the ninth-rank masters exchanged glances, and several of them separated their figures, moving around, quietly avoiding the Canglong and the Suzaku who came after them.

Fortunately, this is just the transformation of thunder, not spiritual intelligence, but rigid energy, which is why Wu Lin has not learned the essence.

If Wu Mingkong uses it, there will be an existence that is almost the same as the real five-party beast with a wave of his hand. Of course, Wu Mingkong generally doesn't use such fancy things now.

Within a few steps, several Ninth-Rank Auras came to the side of the altar, all of which were full of true energy, sword intent, fist intent, etc., and all of them bombarded the yellow thunder.

This thunder seemed to be unable to withstand any stimulation, just being touched by it, it completely melted away, leaving only a remnant.

And without this dharma altar, the bodies of Canglong and Suzaku are constantly collapsing little by little. Although the five elements have not completed the circulation and mutual generation, they have already become a climate, and the lingering power is still undiminished, and even more violent because of the imbalance of the five elements.

(End of this chapter)

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