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Chapter 572 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 572 Martial Arts Contest (31)

"If the person is not inside, where did he go?"

After a group of people destroyed the dharma altar, they couldn't see Wu Lin. They couldn't help but searched around, but they didn't see it at all.

"It's really as slippery as a loach, and its ability to escape is really top-notch."

Without the dharma altar, although the Blue Thunder Canglong and the Red Thunder Suzaku became more violent, the characteristic of powerlessness in succession is very obvious. It only takes a few breaths. Pin Tong Shen Wu Zhe blasted into nothingness with true energy.

The others are fine, but Fang Yushu, who is the leader, is a bit unlucky. The thunder marks on his body are all over his body, and his skin can no longer be seen. Of course, he took the lead and bumped into the green thunder Canglong head-on. At least [-]% of the green thunder landed on him. , where can I get better.

"Wei Feng, feel it quickly, where did you go?"

This attack fully demonstrated the accuracy of Wei Feng's perception, but this time, Wei Feng was helpless, he didn't even know how Wu Lin ran, how could he know where he went.

Looking around, I didn't find the soul fluctuations of Wu Lin and Su Wei. I couldn't help but feel a little bitter. This time I really rushed the ducks to the shelves: "Wait a minute, I'm looking for a humble job."

It's just that no matter how he looked at it, he didn't find Wu Linyu and Su Wei's whereabouts. At this time, his heart couldn't help but sink to the bottom of the valley. He couldn't really escape.

No, definitely not, the wind and rain, the thunder, must still be lurking around here.

Suddenly, Wei Feng felt a chill, and the perception built by pure killing intent made the hairs on his whole body stand on end.

Wu Lin, who was hiding in the dark, launched a murderous intent, but no strong murderous intent leaked out, and all the ninth-rank psychics couldn't help but feel it.

Everyone shot at the same time, but the strange thing was that everyone shot in different directions, hitting the air, and the paper talismans were torn apart by the true energy.

Wei Su suddenly rushed forward. Just now, a warning from death was constantly swelling in his heart. Fortunately, he escaped quickly. If he had just taken a breath at night, his neck would have been broken by Wu Lin just now.

He never imagined that Wu Lin would hide behind him. How could he see it? He doesn't have eyes on the back of his head. It's a pity that Wu Lin is still too young to reveal his killing intent. Although he has the previous avatar Round the past, but always still slightly lost.

It's just a little short, and the best time to kill Wei Feng is directly lost.

Wei Feng was still in fear at this time. If he had been a little slower just now, he would have lost his life. Although he could be reborn, there is no good target nearby.

But that was also the case, this time Wu Lin was facing the group of Ninth-Rank Apostles directly, and everyone's eyes were on Wu Lin and Su Wei, which made them feel a lot of pressure.

"Su Wei of the Taiyin Sect, I didn't expect you to be the one helping the brothers from the Wu family behind the scenes." After seeing Su Wei's appearance clearly, the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur School immediately revealed her identity.

"The Taiyin sect? Where is the Taiyin sect?" Su Wei couldn't help but sneered, the Taiyin sect was gone long ago, all the people were dead, only one and a half of them were left, she was Su Wei, only the soul Su Zhi was left .

Everyone doesn't care, it's just a bereaved dog, even if the Taiyin sect is still there, it doesn't dare to act recklessly.

"Do it, kill him." Fang Yushu shouted loudly, and was about to do it, and the Xuanjia Army and the Forbidden Army who followed him also moved.

"Wait a minute, Governor, why are you in such a hurry, it won't be too late for me to find out the reason." The Supreme Elder of the Excalibur School grabbed Fang Yushu.

The tone was very gentle, but Fang Yushu was directly blocked on the only way he had to pass in an instant.

"What do you mean?" Fang Yushu's tone was dangerous.

"The governor is so eager to do something, maybe it's because he wants to kill someone to silence him." The leader of the Nether Sect said in a strange way, if you don't want to talk about it first, just put your hat on.

The idea of ​​the imperial court is very simple, that is, to kill the brothers of the Wu family, but the aristocratic family is different from the sect. Is it really for this that they come all the way to come here?

How could that be possible, they also took a fancy to Wu Lin's kung fu, just those moves just now, if they were not too young to reveal their secrets, they would not be able to find these ninth-rank supernatural beings.

If this technique is obtained by them, their own forces may be able to leap to become the number one force, not even the Great Cang Dynasty.

So of course it has to be stopped, otherwise, wouldn't it not only be a waste of time to work for the court for nothing, but also at their own expense, and the loss would be huge.

"Why, if you want to rebel, you can't do it." The general of the Xuanjia Army, Zhu Sheng, had a murderous look. What he disliked the most was this group of sects and aristocratic families. He dared not do things to defend his home and country, and would only do things in the rear. Slow down, since the other party took the hat, then he is not polite, let's make a rebellion first.

The aristocratic family and sect want Wu Lin's skills. Although the court's purpose is very simple, they simply want him to die, but they will never let these people get Wu Lin's skills. The tail is too big to fall off, and the Da Cang Dynasty is completely unable to restrain the development of this group of cancerous tumors.

For a while, before harvest, it began to split.

Two groups with diametrically opposite purposes began to be divided. Wu Lin smiled when he saw this. He didn't expect this. He thought he was dead.

As a result, internal strife started first.

For sects and aristocratic families, it doesn't matter whether Wu Lin kills or not as long as he obtains the skills. With so many forces watching, he will definitely not monopolize one family at that time, and it is more likely that everyone will copy a copy and leave.

If you really want one family to monopolize it, it depends on whether the rest of the people agree or not. The Ninth Grade is very powerful, but it can't stand a bunch of people of the same level beating you.

At this time, Wu Lin is very safe.

"We only need the exercises, and we won't care about it after the Wu family boy hands over the exercises." The Patriarch of the Zheng family, the head of the Huanghuai family, said.

"Are you threatening us?" Huang Kang, the commander of the forbidden army, narrowed his eyes and said.

"What do you want my exercises to tell them? How about I give you the exercises after you killed the people in the court?" Wu Lin said teasingly.

The crowd was still a little disdainful, and Wu Lin immediately began to recite the first five paragraphs of "Taiping Yaoshu". Everyone couldn't help listening to it for a moment. They didn't expect this kind of cultivation method, but they didn't expect Wu Lin to suddenly end.

"Next, let's talk about it soon."

"Kill a person, I'll recite a paragraph, you can also choose to cooperate with them to capture me alive, but I can't guarantee that there will be fewer typos in what I recite, or maybe more words." Wu Lin said with a straight face. With a sarcasm on his face, torture can be said, but if there is one more word or one wrong word, it will be interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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