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Chapter 573 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 573 Martial Arts Contest (32)

The faces of the sect and family members changed. Wu Lin was right. Every word of this exercise is very important. After obtaining the exercise, they have to figure it out word by word.

But if Wu Lin really did this, wouldn't he be punished?

"Even if we kill them, what if you do the same." Wu Lin's words were naturally questioned.

"Don't worry, I'll just give you the original when the time comes." Wu Lin already had a countermeasure against this, but looking at these people's eyes, he wanted to capture him alive, so he directly tortured the original "Taiping Yaoshu": "I can I didn’t bring it with me, if you want it, wait until you finish killing someone, or if you kill one, I’ll recite a paragraph? The ones just now were given away for free.”

This directly kills the heart, and for a while, the atmosphere of the two parties becomes very stiff.

The sect and the aristocratic family are thinking about whether it is worthwhile to do so. If they really listen to Wu Lin, they will definitely offend the court. Will there be good fruits for them in the future?
"Dedicate the cheat book to the imperial court, and I can make the decision to spare you." After Zhu Sheng exchanged glances with the rest of the people, he said after confirming that it was feasible.

Wu Lin didn't believe this.

"Yes, yes, but I have a condition, that is, all of you who chased and killed me will commit suicide, and I will hand over the cheat book immediately." Wu Lin is not stupid, if he handed it over, he would really die. This is his life-saving symbol.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the imperial court turned ugly, their eyes full of murderous intent seemed to kill Wu Lin alive.

"You are looking for your own death." Zhu Sheng said in a cold tone.

"I'm doing it for your own good. This is my loyalty to the country. As long as you kill yourself, not only can you obtain my skills, but you can also kill me without the protection of my skills. You can kill two birds with one stone, don't you think? Ah." Wu Lin is not afraid, if Zhu Sheng wants to make a move, he has to see if the sect and the family agree.

"What the little brother said is reasonable. I believe in the character of the little brother, and I will definitely do what I say." The leader of the Nether world is still an old hermaphrodite, and his tone was extremely harsh.

Everyone is dead, who is the practice for?
What are they really trying to do for the imperial court? To gain a reputation?
It's all nonsense, people are dead, what's the use of fame.

"Look, I mentioned the conditions of both parties. What do you think? Are you going to gamble on the truth or take the original?" Seeing this situation, Wu Lin immediately added fuel to the fire.

"Who knows whether your original is true or not. If the original is false, it would be interesting." Fang Yushu smiled. Wu Lin has Zhang Liang's plan, so he naturally has a wall ladder.

As long as Wu Lin's martial arts can be faked, let this thorn take root in the hearts of the world and the sect, and then follow this opportunity to open a gap, there is a possibility of breaking the game.

"What he said is also reasonable, but can you believe it? They don't care about exercises, they just want me to die." Wu Lin also took advantage of the situation and turned back.

Naturally, all the aristocratic families and sects knew the virtues of the imperial court, and they wished that they would die, and would not give them any room for development.

"I think what the little brother said makes sense. Let's do this. Otherwise, you will commit suicide. I will send the exercises back to the court for you, and jointly ask for a title for you. It will not only honor your ancestors, but also benefit your descendants, leaving a legacy in the history." The names of all of you can be said to be famous through the ages." The head of the Zheng family did not seem to be lying, and even brought out the righteousness of the world, the ancestors and descendants, it is worthy of being a family, and it is so righteous to send people to death.

The faces of the people in the imperial court are even more ugly. If we co-author it, we must die, and then you will benefit?
Now this situation is already difficult to ride a tiger.

The number of sects and aristocratic families are dominant here, there are 36 ninth-rank gods, and there are only eight in the imperial court.

But the sect and the family are afraid of the power of the imperial court. It is okay to kill these eight people, but there will definitely be losses. Everyone cherishes their lives, and it is themselves who don't want to die.

If they really wanted to fight, they might be escaped, but the consequences would be serious.

They are not sure whether they can withstand the court's follow-up revenge. Regardless of how many people they have now, once they return to their own power, they will definitely be inferior to the court.

When the time comes, the army will press down on the border, but they can't help it.

There was a stalemate on their side, and Wu Lin was much more confident on his side.

"What are you thinking about? You can't go on like this. If you want to kill, you have to give a promise. If you stay like this, it will be cold." In fact, Lin was basically exhausted after forcibly using the five-direction divine thunder in that wave just now.

Coupled with the destruction of the altar, the combat power has returned to the normal level.

Su Wei was also in a miserable situation. She just took a few tricks, but she hasn't recovered yet, so she is holding on to her momentum.

Wu Lin suddenly found out that now seems to be a desperate situation, and the eldest brother is not around, so can he use the "Secret of Life-Saving Technique"?

"Would you like to try?" Wu Lin felt a little anxious.

Su Wei looked at Wu Lin's appearance, and she felt a little bit crazy. She naturally guessed that Wu Lin's appearance was to use "Life-Saving Secret Technique". .

"Cough cough, cough cough." After clearing his throat, everyone's eyes turned to Wu Lin again.

"Brother help~~"

The voice was extremely loud and high-pitched, and everyone was startled, what the hell, this Wu family is two brothers, right?

There's only one here, so doesn't that mean there's another one hiding nearby? No wonder this Wu Lin has nothing to fear.

In an instant, everyone became vigilant. As Wu Lin, the younger brother, is so strong, how strong should Wu Mingkong be? They just waited for a long time, but nothing happened, and they couldn't help being speechless.

Especially Su Wei, she knew that this was just a joke.

But Wei Feng's whole body was shaken suddenly, the extreme malice surged from all directions, his whole body froze, and in his mind, countless distorted souls poured out from a door.

"This is impossible, how could Tianmen find me, how could it be possible, I am obviously a living person, I am obviously a living person." Wei Feng kept shouting in his heart that it was impossible, but his mouth couldn't even squirm because of fear.

"Found him, here."

"I'm going to torture first, I'm going to torture first."

"No, he is mine, he is mine, you are not allowed to move."

"Obviously I did it first, I have to do it first, I want to hear him scream for 100 years."

One after another, overlapping and vicious voices continued to come from afar, everyone felt something was wrong, and Wei Feng's face was filled with an expression of extreme fear.

The grotesque to distorted figure left afterimages in a frightening posture, and rushed into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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