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Chapter 574 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 574 Martial Arts Contest (33)

The distorted figure gradually twisted its original distorted figure into a human form in a way that ordinary people cannot do.

At first glance, it looked like a banished immortal, but then that kind of viciousness that could not be concealed immediately came out of the body, and this kind of viciousness made everyone present shocked, as if they were being poisoned by something extremely filthy. eyeing.

Wu Lin was also full of shit, he just yelled casually, and in the end someone really came to the rescue?

"Who are you, are you going to intervene?" The Supreme Elder of the Excalibur School didn't think that this person was Wu Mingkong, and he couldn't match him in terms of strength.

It's just that Tianren ignored him and kept sniffing something in the air instead. Every part of his body wriggled like a living thing.

"Here, here, do you smell it?"

"Smell it, of course I smell it."

"Quick, get him out, I can't wait."

"Come out, we're coming for you."

"Don't hide, quickly integrate with us, I will torture you for 100 years, no, 1000 years."

Tianren didn't open his mouth, but different and overlapping voices kept coming out of his body, constantly looking for something.

Wei Feng's back was already soaked in cold sweat, he didn't expect that he would actually chase after him, and it was still in such a terrifying way.

And he can be sure that this group of heavenly beings are crazy, they are really crazy. If they had mental problems before, they would definitely not be like today, and they can't even maintain their sanity.

From the horrifying words just now, it is completely clear what kind of unbearable torture he will suffer once he is captured back.

Not only Wei Feng, but everyone's hearts couldn't help sinking. It was Cheng Yaojin who killed him halfway, and the matter was even more complicated.

"Got you."

"Got you."

"Got you."


Suddenly, the same words erupted from Tianren's body, Wei Feng's heart trembled, and fear spread into his heart.

This voice appeared behind him at some unknown time.

Turning his head stiffly, Tianren's pale eyes without black benevolence are all covered with bloodshot eyes like insects, staring at his cheeks, his slender tongue hangs from his mouth on his shoulders, wet and sticky It made him very uncomfortable.

"Come home with us, hee hee~~"

Wei Feng's whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar with cold hands and feet.

"An dare to be presumptuous." Fang Yushu yelled loudly, and shot immediately. This is a member of his Martial Division, and this crazy celestial being dares to move.

What's more, if it is impossible for the sect and the aristocratic family to obtain Wulin's skills, this Wei Feng is their treasure, how can the heaven and man succeed.

He moved his feet, swung out his palm, and slapped Tianren on the forehead in a daze.

Heaven and Man didn't resist at all, the palm fell, knocked him on his back, and fell on his back.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The horrible vicious feeling just now made everyone present feel a little bit bad, but seeing that it was solved so easily, it calmed down the surrounding of viciousness.

But before everyone was relieved, a stronger sense of viciousness swept over quickly. The heavenly man who was beaten up stood up like a ghost, shaking his head, as if he wanted to shake his brains out, even Due to too much strength, the eyeball was thrown out, but the eyeball didn't fly very far, was grabbed back, and stuffed into the eye socket very casually.

"Why did you hit me?"

"Why did you hit me?"

"How dare you hit me?"

The strange questioning made Fang Yushu take a step back, and then narrowed his eyes: "You dare to move the people in my town Wusi, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Just like that, the point of conflict was directly transferred from Wu Lin's side to the opposite side.

Heaven and man can't hear this, and the figure of heaven and man who is extremely angry is blurred and illusory. Through this illusion, Fang Yushu is startled, and raises his hand as a defense.

A big mouth was directly on Fang Yushu's defending hand. Fortunately, he sensed the danger. If he hadn't made such a defense just now, this mouth would have been directly on his neck.

The sound of bones breaking and the severe pain from his wrist made Fang Yushu sweat coldly on his forehead.

The figure of Tianren quietly moved to Fang Yushu's side, and the big mouth showed an arc that normal people could not open, and it was about to land on Fang Yushu's arm. It gnaws off.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the crisp sound of heaven and man chewing bones.

For a moment, the whole scene was silent.

At this scene, everyone's face changed, including Wu Lin.

It's not a good thing to chew someone's hands like this. I used to think that the other party was a lunatic, but now I don't think so. This is a lunatic at all.

No normal person would do such a thing.

Zhu Sheng was also taken aback, and acted decisively.

"Hurry up and make a move, this person must be crazy." As soon as these words came out, everyone in the imperial court made a move.

They were not worried that Wu Lin would run away. In this regard, the family and sect had the same goal as them. Even if they didn't watch, the family and sect would not let Wu Lin escape. They hadn't obtained the skills yet.

When they fought against each other in the first day of junior high school, they suddenly discovered that Tianren's body was extremely strong. Normally, they could squeeze pig iron with their hands, but when they hit Tianren, it felt like they were hitting the air, and they couldn't exert their strength at all.

Tianren remained completely silent, allowing Zhu Sheng and others to do what they did, but concentrated on chewing the arm in his mouth, and even occasionally splashed bloody juice, which made the already grotesque figure creep up with a trace of ferocity.

When Tianren swallowed the food in his mouth, his pale eyes stared blankly at Fang Yushu, who had a broken arm, which made Fang Yushu feel cold.

When the move failed, everyone understood that it was a failure.

The headless Fang Yushu fell to the ground, blood spattered from the headless corpse, and the gushing blood gathered into a big puddle.

grass (a type of plant).

No one expected that Fang Yushu would die, and he would die like this.

At this time, the culprit Tianren's cheeks were also stretched to the extreme, and his sharp teeth started chewing again.

A strange atmosphere permeated instantly, especially against the backdrop of the dark night, it made everyone feel uneasy.

The same is true for Wu Lin. At this time, he is taking this opportunity to secretly take out the five-element talisman, preparing to arrange the five ghosts to move and take Su Wei to run away. Can't help it, especially if the opponent is still powerful, it can be said that he can instantly kill the Ninth Grade Ability.

(End of this chapter)

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